Tuesday, March 26, 2013

So what else do you expect from the elites in Washinton

When will America finally wake up and see that we have allowed an elite class to raise itself above us and ensconce itself in our nation's capital. Obama today, Clinton, Boehner or who ever tomorrow, they are all the same. We should have seen this coming, if we had read and remembered authors like Friederich Hayek (The Road To Serfdom) and Any Rand (Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead). Both of these writers, and others, clearly spelled out what to expect as the ruling elite built up and cemented their power. Now we are stuck with them and only a sea change will rid us of this scourge. But given the amount of free-loading LIVs, do not expect that revlution in the near future. Only the upcoming total economic collapse will awake the LIVs but by then it will be too late and the elites will firmly control our lives in all possible ways.
Obama Prioritizes Family Spring Break Over White House Tours

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