Saturday, August 23, 2014

It is sick how the Regressives react when their pet projects are attacked

Even though it is very obvious to all logically thinking people how evil and dangerous ISIS is, the Regressives have already started their campaign to hide the truth by twisting words, because they feel they must appease these monsters. Mark my words, this is just the start of the war of words to make ISIS look like a sorry, poor, oppressed people. The Regressives, supposedly the party of women's and gay rights, is too blind to see that those they support will turn on them if they let the Islamists take power. And political correctness will hasten that stealing of power.
I do like the quote at the end of the article which, paraphrased, says "in OUR country you will be free to practice your medieval, goat-herders so called religion but only those parts which do not conflict with our social norms of a civilized society. Anything that conflicts will not be accepted for exemption from legal protection based on religious grounds and will be prosecuted with the full force of the law."

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