Friday, May 10, 2013

The Borg Strikes Again

I have commented in the past on the way the Regressives stay on message to the point of looking like puppets. Here is yet another example of a number of them parroting an obviously pre-determined topic. How does the Left do this. Does  the WH, Princess Pelosi or one of George Soros' think tanks call up these representatives before the event and tell them what they will be discussing?

Like the Borg, this makes for a formidable opponent. Should the GOP adopt these tactics to improve their messaging? While I believe that the GOP can do a lot better in bringing their messages to the public, one of our strengths is the individuality that the conservatives covet and defend. The Left is just reflecting their ideal of a monolithic mass, controlled from a single source when we see their Borg-like utterances. All that is missing, but obviously implied, is "Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated." But like in Star Trek, resistance is NOT futile and like the Enterprise we can defeat this Borg-like Hive mentality through our own individuality.

How can I be so optimistic about defeating the powers of darkness? There are 'green shoots of hope' in, of all places, the UK. Listen in to my show on Tuesday May 14th (or listen to the recording afterwards), where I will be discussing what these signs of hope are. I like to highlight what is going on in the UK, for a long time I have used it as harbinger of the Socialist excesses that we can expect to come here. It is nice now to bring some news of the resistance to Socialism being successful there, hopefully we will follow their example in that too. The show can be heard at http://radio.PatriotComeLately.US 8pm PT/11pm ET on Tuesday, the recording is at http://archives.PatriotComeLately.US

These 4 Dems Really Wanted to Talk About This One Thing During the Boston Bombing Hearing | Video |

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