Note that Islamic groups are fighting hard to silence Geert Wilders for what he says. Please read this article, then tell me what untruths, what hateful statements occur in his speech. All he does is state facts. As a Muslim or Regressive you may not like these facts being brought to light because they place Muslims in a bad light. Perhaps these facts do not apply to all Muslims, if so why do we not hear Muslims cry out against these situations. But they remain facts, like them or not.
Should we tolerate these facts? The left and the extreme Islamists do want us to ignore these facts, but why should we? And it is not just Europe anymore, look at some of the excesses occurring in Dearborn and Minneapolis. Time to stand up and demand that people in this country adhere to our standards of decency, not those set up by a pedophile misogynist over 1300 years ago.
BLOG.WOMENEXPLODE.COM: This will give you cold chills...
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