Rush was talking about Thomas Perez. Although you may not know his name, as Limbaugh claimed, if Senate Republicans ALLOW him to be confirmed, he would be "the most radical, left-wing cabinet member in history."
Make no mistake, Barack Obama nominated this hard-core Hugo Chavez radical to be Secretary of Labor to see just how far he can go... and just how much he can get away with ... he's daring Republicans to stop him and that is exactly what we must force them to do.
As conservative columnist and former Justice Department official J. Christian Adams put it, Obama is simply issuing "a challenge to Republican Senators: in nominating Tom Perez as Labor secretary, he implies that Senate Republicans don’t have either the guts or organizational skill to stop what would become perhaps the most radical left-wing cabinet member in history." And Adams adds: "Whether the president is right about GOP senators remains to be seen."
Just How Radical Is Thomas Perez?
Limbaugh made the following analogy: "Now, I want you to try to imagine Bush's head of the Civil Rights Division not prosecuting Klanners when they engage in voter intimidation, and then - after not prosecuting Klanners for that - imagine what would happen if Bush turned around and nominated the Grand Kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan to a cabinet position where he would be deciding on discrimination lawsuits. That is exactly what's happened here."
The radical left, in typical fashion, jumped on Limbaugh and incredulously bleated: 'How dare you compare a life-long civil rights advocate to a Klansman,' but Limbaugh’s analogy was spot-on. As he said, “that is exactly what is happening here.”
As a matter of fact, Thomas Perez is reputed to be the man in Eric Holder's Department of Injustice responsible for dropping the prosecution of the New Black Panther members who were caught on video intimidating voters at a polling place back in 2008.
David Horowitz's FrontPageMag states: "Under Perez, the DOJ has refused to prosecute hate crimes committed against white Americans. He was reportedly instrumental in the Justice Department’s dismissal of a case involving two Philadelphia-based members of the New Black Panther Party who intimidated white voters on Election Day 2008."
But that's not all. According to Paul Mirengoff, writing
"Thomas Perez appears to have lied about his involvement in the controversial decision [to drop the New Black Panther case] ... "Federal Judge Reggie Walton has found that internal DOJ documents about the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case “contradict Assistant Attorney General [Thomas] Perez’s testimony that political leadership was not involved in” the decision to dismiss the case. In other words, as Hans Von Spakovsky says, 'the sworn testimony of Perez, the Obama political appointee who heads the Civil Rights Division, before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights was apparently false.' "At a hearing before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights on May 14, 2010, Perez was asked whether 'any political leadership [was] involved in the decision not to pursue this particular case.' Perez’s answer, on page 79 of the transcript of that hearing, was an unqualified 'No.'" |
If Adams and Mirengoff are correct, Perez empowered racism and then lied about it; and now, Obama wants Perez to be his next Labor Czar.
We say “hell no!” And while we shouldn't have to even ask, we must demand that our elected officials do the right thing and stop him.
Matthew Vadum with David Horowitz's gives us some more juicy tidbits on Thomas Perez:
Vadum also writes "Perez is proud of his role in inflating the mortgage bubble" and "likens bankers to KKK members" who are, to quote Perez,"'every bit as destructive as the cross burned in the neighborhood.'"
Vadum again: "As director of clinical law programs at the University of Maryland School of Law in Baltimore, in 2003 Perez whined about the difficulty he claimed illegal aliens and new legal immigrants have getting welfare benefits."
Have you heard enough? Nominating such a man to such a high post in government should be an impeachable offense, but we’ll settle with our elected officials showing us that they're willing to actually stop the radical Obama agenda. And the Perez nomination is the perfect opportunity.
And Make No Mistake About It... Perez Is A Hard-Left Apparatchik.
Perez is not just a garden-variety radical. He is a true agent of the Radical Left who has spent three years honing his skills, under the watchful eye of Eric Holder, at the helm of the Civil Rights division of the Holder Injustice Department.
And he apparently is being rewarded for a job well-done. The Washington Times, referring to a recent audit by the division’s Inspector General, wrote,"the Civil Rights division had become riven with factions."
Actually that’s an understatement. It appears that Perez sought to stack the Civil Rights Division with his radical, far-left cronies.
Here's just one example: Under Perez, 113 people were hired to work in the Civil rights division. The New York Times, hardly noted for its impartiality, reported that of those 113 hires “none of the new hires listed conservative organizations” on their résumés.
J. Christian Adams, who as previously noted, worked in the DOJ, confirms the contention: “the IG report offers Perez no quarter. In fact, the IG report concludes that the criteria — that only attorneys with experience working at a civil rights organization, which is invariably (and empirically) left of center, will be hired — should not be a qualification in the future.”
And Perez simply didn't dig his claws into the DOJ's hiring practices. Hestands accused of actively trying to force anyone who was not an extreme leftist out of the division.
Senator Charles Grassley, the ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, recently observed that there is "an inherent culture of harassment against conservatives in the Civil Rights Division."
Perhaps that’s why Barack Obama wants this hard-core political Leftist at the helm of the Department of Labor, but we're not about to let that happen.
The Battle Lines Are Drawn.
You must get involved and take a stand, and when you do, know that some of our elected officials are already making noise.
In a statement released to the press from his office, Senator Vitter said,“Thomas Perez’s record should be met with great suspicion by my colleagues for his spotty work related to the New Black Panther case, but Lousianians most certainly should have cause for concern about this nomination.”
At issue is what Fox News described as "spotty enforcement of the National Voter Registration Act in Louisiana." In 2011, Vitter sent a letter to DOJ demanding explanation and has yet to receive an answer from Perez or any of his subordinates.
Vitter contends that “the DOJ’s partisan full court press to pressure Louisiana’s Secretary of State to only enforce one side of the law — the side that specifically benefits the politics of the president and his administration at the expense of identity security of each and every Lousianian on the voter rolls.”
In plain English, as Vitter recently explained in a personal appeal to patriotic Americans: "Obama’s Justice Department is trying to force Louisiana to open up its voter rolls that contain personal information on Louisiana voters and share them with 3rd parties."
Senator Charles Grassley is raising objections as well. According to National Review Online: "Grassley is involved in a congressional investigation into whether Perez made a quid pro quo deal with the city of St. Paul, Minn., to make sure the Supreme Court didn’t hear a particular housing-discrimination case."
And Grassley has stated: "If I don’t get answers to the questions, I’ll work to block his nomination. But I think he ought to be forthcoming to my constitutional job of oversight and [answer] all the questions."
Voter fraud… voter intimidation… quid pro quo deals… America cannot afford to have people in its government like Thomas Perez. He typifies the cancer of corruption that runs rampant through the Obama Regime.
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