Sunday, March 31, 2013
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Friday, March 29, 2013
More that shows when and how the DemocRATS stole the minority vote
Unexamined Premises » History Lesson: Racist Democrats and the Big Lie
Did Hillary commit perjury? Of course she did!
Did Hillary commit perjury?
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Regressive hypocrisy gone wild ...
"The Lid": Al Sharpton Hypocrisy: Criticism of Mayor Bloomberg's Gun Campaign Due to Antisemitism
Something to do with the law of unintended consequences
"The Lid": Team Cuomo Blames Mayor Bloomberg For Mistakes In NY Gun Law
See, there is a "War On Women"
Revolting: Head of Steubenville NAACP says ‘alleged’ teen rape victim was drunk and willing | Twitchy
Here is the proof that what we have all be saying is very true
Apologies to the FEVs (Fully Educated Voters - I thought High Information Voters - HIVs - did not seem quite the acronym to use) for being very cynical.
New study confirms economy was destroyed by Democrat policies - National Conservative |
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Wouldn't you just hope that this news came out next Monday
Want to Claim Racism? There’s a Federal App for That
So Allen West caves in to political correctness
In the interest of a fair debate, I would love to hear from him or his staff as to exactly why supporting Zullo and Arpaio could harm his political aspirations, and will even pprovide space here for him to publish his reply, if he so wishes.
Allen West Won't Help Expose Obama's Ineligibility
Hey Regressives - I dare you to read this all the way through (if your blood pressure will take it)
Who Is the Real Sarah Palin?
Sunshine is the best form of disinfectant
Wisconsin DPI now hiding its ‘white privilege’ agenda from taxpayers - :: Education Research, Reporting, Analysis and Commentary
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Here is the answer to the sequester problem for DHS
DHS confirms cheaper to deport every illegal alien than allowing them to stay - National Immigration Reform |
This will most certainly give you cold chills...
Should we tolerate these facts? The left and the extreme Islamists do want us to ignore these facts, but why should we? And it is not just Europe anymore, look at some of the excesses occurring in Dearborn and Minneapolis. Time to stand up and demand that people in this country adhere to our standards of decency, not those set up by a pedophile misogynist over 1300 years ago.
BLOG.WOMENEXPLODE.COM: This will give you cold chills...
Where are the racists Sharpton and Jackson now? (hint - crickets...)
Yet another hate crime murder in Tulsa
Here we go, another attempt at carbon taxes
Here comes Team Obama's carbon tax | Fox News
So you thought it might only happen in Cyprus?
The good news is that these Euro problems will temporarily strengthen the dollar, but note well, it is only a temporary respite. If we do not get our spending under control then we will see similar economic raids on our personal capital here too. We can also expect an attack on the dollar resulting in huge increases in imported goods. The resulting turmoil is likely to foster riots across America that will make the 1965 Watts riots look like a church picnic.
Eurozone Chief: Savings Accounts Will Be Raided to Save Euro in Future Crisis | The Gateway Pundit
So they fell back on wealth distribution, social justice and all that bovine manure
You just have to know that King Barry and his court of Regressives is looking hungrily at what went in Europe and already scheming to apply the principle here.
Cyprus bail-out: live - Telegraph
So what else do you expect from the elites in Washinton
Obama Prioritizes Family Spring Break Over White House Tours
This cannot be true ...
One-third of illegals released in Fla. have criminal records - BizPac Review
Once again the intolerance of the 'Regressives' is on display.
For a group that for ever espoused to be all about tolerance the true intolerance of the left is surfacing as they believe they are ascending to power.
As has been said before, if a conservative does not like guns, he does not own one. If a regressive does not like guns, he demands that they be banned, etc.
Then you have their temporary allies of the Muslim political framework who think similarly about their pet issues, e.g. since they do not approve of pork, then no-one is allowed to partake of pork.
What happened to Jefferson's ideal "But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say that there are twenty goods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg." Instead these intolerant power hungry bigots try to suppress anything which might suggest fealty to anything but the elites.
Easter: Godless Liberals Latest Target - The Daily Rant: Black Conservative Mychal Massie's Hard Hitting Commentary on Race, Obama and Politics
Monday, March 25, 2013
More advice for the GOP that they are likely not to follow
I am talking about the advice in the article, not its title
Hey GOP! Your chance to blow some more votes! | Nealz Nuze |
And you say that Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the administration is a conspiracy theory
Are you as sickened about this as I am?
White House tours open for Muslim Brotherhood front groups & families | Creeping ShariaIt would be nice if GOP Senators read this blog
Let me echo Mark Levin, are our legislators really listening to us? And are they ready to openly discuss these topics, not behind closed doors with under the table deals? Open discussion is what our Founders intended, knowing that there would be issues upn which not everyone agrees. But they felt that if open discussion takes place then, and only then, would it be justified to accept a contentious result.
Ten Reasons - Gun Owners of America
No Measure, No Amnesty - Proof that King Barry will do his best to bypass
FAIR Legislative Update March 25, 2013
Muslims, leftists plot against free speech
Muslims, leftists plot against free speech
Rush is wrong, it is Barry Soetoro who may as well be Hugo Chavez
Rush was talking about Thomas Perez. Although you may not know his name, as Limbaugh claimed, if Senate Republicans ALLOW him to be confirmed, he would be "the most radical, left-wing cabinet member in history."
Make no mistake, Barack Obama nominated this hard-core Hugo Chavez radical to be Secretary of Labor to see just how far he can go... and just how much he can get away with ... he's daring Republicans to stop him and that is exactly what we must force them to do.
As conservative columnist and former Justice Department official J. Christian Adams put it, Obama is simply issuing "a challenge to Republican Senators: in nominating Tom Perez as Labor secretary, he implies that Senate Republicans don’t have either the guts or organizational skill to stop what would become perhaps the most radical left-wing cabinet member in history." And Adams adds: "Whether the president is right about GOP senators remains to be seen."
Just How Radical Is Thomas Perez?
Limbaugh made the following analogy: "Now, I want you to try to imagine Bush's head of the Civil Rights Division not prosecuting Klanners when they engage in voter intimidation, and then - after not prosecuting Klanners for that - imagine what would happen if Bush turned around and nominated the Grand Kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan to a cabinet position where he would be deciding on discrimination lawsuits. That is exactly what's happened here."
The radical left, in typical fashion, jumped on Limbaugh and incredulously bleated: 'How dare you compare a life-long civil rights advocate to a Klansman,' but Limbaugh’s analogy was spot-on. As he said, “that is exactly what is happening here.”
As a matter of fact, Thomas Perez is reputed to be the man in Eric Holder's Department of Injustice responsible for dropping the prosecution of the New Black Panther members who were caught on video intimidating voters at a polling place back in 2008.
David Horowitz's FrontPageMag states: "Under Perez, the DOJ has refused to prosecute hate crimes committed against white Americans. He was reportedly instrumental in the Justice Department’s dismissal of a case involving two Philadelphia-based members of the New Black Panther Party who intimidated white voters on Election Day 2008."
But that's not all. According to Paul Mirengoff, writing
"Thomas Perez appears to have lied about his involvement in the controversial decision [to drop the New Black Panther case] ... "Federal Judge Reggie Walton has found that internal DOJ documents about the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case “contradict Assistant Attorney General [Thomas] Perez’s testimony that political leadership was not involved in” the decision to dismiss the case. In other words, as Hans Von Spakovsky says, 'the sworn testimony of Perez, the Obama political appointee who heads the Civil Rights Division, before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights was apparently false.' "At a hearing before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights on May 14, 2010, Perez was asked whether 'any political leadership [was] involved in the decision not to pursue this particular case.' Perez’s answer, on page 79 of the transcript of that hearing, was an unqualified 'No.'" |
We say “hell no!” And while we shouldn't have to even ask, we must demand that our elected officials do the right thing and stop him.
Matthew Vadum with David Horowitz's gives us some more juicy tidbits on Thomas Perez:
Vadum also writes "Perez is proud of his role in inflating the mortgage bubble" and "likens bankers to KKK members" who are, to quote Perez,"'every bit as destructive as the cross burned in the neighborhood.'"
Vadum again: "As director of clinical law programs at the University of Maryland School of Law in Baltimore, in 2003 Perez whined about the difficulty he claimed illegal aliens and new legal immigrants have getting welfare benefits."
Have you heard enough? Nominating such a man to such a high post in government should be an impeachable offense, but we’ll settle with our elected officials showing us that they're willing to actually stop the radical Obama agenda. And the Perez nomination is the perfect opportunity.
And Make No Mistake About It... Perez Is A Hard-Left Apparatchik.
Perez is not just a garden-variety radical. He is a true agent of the Radical Left who has spent three years honing his skills, under the watchful eye of Eric Holder, at the helm of the Civil Rights division of the Holder Injustice Department.
And he apparently is being rewarded for a job well-done. The Washington Times, referring to a recent audit by the division’s Inspector General, wrote,"the Civil Rights division had become riven with factions."
Actually that’s an understatement. It appears that Perez sought to stack the Civil Rights Division with his radical, far-left cronies.
Here's just one example: Under Perez, 113 people were hired to work in the Civil rights division. The New York Times, hardly noted for its impartiality, reported that of those 113 hires “none of the new hires listed conservative organizations” on their résumés.
J. Christian Adams, who as previously noted, worked in the DOJ, confirms the contention: “the IG report offers Perez no quarter. In fact, the IG report concludes that the criteria — that only attorneys with experience working at a civil rights organization, which is invariably (and empirically) left of center, will be hired — should not be a qualification in the future.”
And Perez simply didn't dig his claws into the DOJ's hiring practices. Hestands accused of actively trying to force anyone who was not an extreme leftist out of the division.
Senator Charles Grassley, the ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, recently observed that there is "an inherent culture of harassment against conservatives in the Civil Rights Division."
Perhaps that’s why Barack Obama wants this hard-core political Leftist at the helm of the Department of Labor, but we're not about to let that happen.
The Battle Lines Are Drawn.
You must get involved and take a stand, and when you do, know that some of our elected officials are already making noise.
In a statement released to the press from his office, Senator Vitter said,“Thomas Perez’s record should be met with great suspicion by my colleagues for his spotty work related to the New Black Panther case, but Lousianians most certainly should have cause for concern about this nomination.”
At issue is what Fox News described as "spotty enforcement of the National Voter Registration Act in Louisiana." In 2011, Vitter sent a letter to DOJ demanding explanation and has yet to receive an answer from Perez or any of his subordinates.
Vitter contends that “the DOJ’s partisan full court press to pressure Louisiana’s Secretary of State to only enforce one side of the law — the side that specifically benefits the politics of the president and his administration at the expense of identity security of each and every Lousianian on the voter rolls.”
In plain English, as Vitter recently explained in a personal appeal to patriotic Americans: "Obama’s Justice Department is trying to force Louisiana to open up its voter rolls that contain personal information on Louisiana voters and share them with 3rd parties."
Senator Charles Grassley is raising objections as well. According to National Review Online: "Grassley is involved in a congressional investigation into whether Perez made a quid pro quo deal with the city of St. Paul, Minn., to make sure the Supreme Court didn’t hear a particular housing-discrimination case."
And Grassley has stated: "If I don’t get answers to the questions, I’ll work to block his nomination. But I think he ought to be forthcoming to my constitutional job of oversight and [answer] all the questions."
Voter fraud… voter intimidation… quid pro quo deals… America cannot afford to have people in its government like Thomas Perez. He typifies the cancer of corruption that runs rampant through the Obama Regime.
Yet again Caliph Hussein shows his disdain and contempt for Israel
Ordered Liberty » Obama Pressures Netanyahu into Humiliating Apology to Terror-Supporting Turkey Over Flotilla Confrontation
Top Republicans Block Benghazi Committee
It’s enough to make you sick. One powerful committee chairman, a Republican, is blocking the creation of a House Select Committee on the Terrorist Attack in Benghazi.
Back in January, Congressman Frank Wolf introduced House Resolution 36, after he learned Obama is hiding up to 30 survivors “of that terrible night in Benghazi”. These survivors, true heroes, are witnesses to an act of terror. Congressman Wolf’s Resolution establishes a House “Select Committee to investigate and report on the attack on the United States consulate in Benghazi, Libya”. As of today, only 62 House Republicans have co-sponsored the Resolution.Frankly, this is a disgrace.
It’s also a leading indicator that top Republican leaders are blocking-and-tackling to stop Wolf’s Benghazi Committee cold in its tracks. GOP Congressman Mike Rogers, the powerful Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, is the lead blocker. Here’s what Rogers told Breitbart News when asked if he’d support Wolf’s Resolution:
"You know, I don’t think so. We’re still under the review of our committee right now, so we’re still conducting our investigation. We haven’t finished it yet… I’m not so sure we’ve exhausted all of our ability to get the information that we need for a select committee. They’re very expensive."
Chairman Mike Rogers has the power of subpoena, but won’t use it? Speaker John Boehner has opposed the creation of a House Select Committee since November. What are they trying to hide? Who are they trying to protect? Is this just another 'Washington Deal'?
It is urgent for you to call Speaker Boehner and Chairman Mike Rogers now.
Tell them to stop blocking Resolution 36 --- the House Select Committee on Benghazi.
Call Congressman Mike Rogers at his home district office: (517) 702-8000.
Call Speaker John Boehner’s office at one of his home district offices: (937) 339-1524 or(513) 779-5400.
It is time for Congress to stop ‘pussy-footing’ around Benghazi.
Revive America strongly supports the creation of a House Select Committee on Benghazi.
Every day, more and more people are (finally) waking up
They are realizing that somehow the administration is not telling us the truth and Congress is complicit in the cover up, or at the very least, asleep at the wheel. What does it take for us to get our legislators to do what must be done and get a clear and unequivocal view of what is going on? Why is it so difficult to get a discussion going, requiring DHS to explain WHY they have to use expensive hollow-point ammo for training?Until they do so, even the greatest skeptic of conspiracy theories should be wondering what they are trying to hide.
And, by the way, note that the author of this article is a little behind the times, the number of rounds purchased or contracted by DHS is now around two billion. We should all be hoping that the main reason for these huge purchases is to remove ammo from the market, which seems to be one of the results, and not anything worse. But either way, DHS should be brought to Congress to fully account for their actions.
The Obama Regime Paramilitary - The Daily Rant: Black Conservative Mychal Massie's Hard Hitting Commentary on Race, Obama and Politics
This is getting beyond conspiracy THEORY!
» DHS To Buy 360,000 More Rounds of Hollow Point Ammunition Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Was this really because of the "sexual innuendo"?
Middle School student wears abstinence t-shirt, school makes her remove it and wear ‘punishment’ t-shirt » The Right Scoop -
Yet again we see how hypocritical the 'Regressives' really are.
Given an opportunity to create jobs at no cost to taxpayers n King Barry does his best not to let those jobs happen. All the while claiming creating new jobs is what he wakes up thinking every morning. Once again we see that half white man speaks with forked tongue.
The War on Jobs - John Fund - National Review Online
Thursday, March 21, 2013
And Dear Leader promised us his monstrosity was going to reduce costs
Scott Gottlieb: The Doctor Will Not See You Now—He's Clocked Out -
Another example of headline fact twisting
Report: Dutch anti-Semitism widespread - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews
So GOP establishment, what do YOU want?
NBC News Report Should Give GOP Pause Over Support for Background Checks
Don't hold your breath expecting the "most transparent administration ever" to explain their devious ways
Congressmen Demand DHS Explain 1.6 Billion Bullets Purchase
I am afraid to say that this is happening in my home state
Media fail: Stomp Jesus FAU professor is a Dem. Party official - BizPac Review
More hard hitting truths from a true conservative
My Thoughts On Being White In Philly - Part II - The Daily Rant: Black Conservative Mychal Massie's Hard Hitting Commentary on Race, Obama and Politics
This nutter is trying to be more Chicago-like
Mayor Nutter Threatens Magazine with Criminal Charges for “White in Philly” Story
Another very insightful article, worth investing a few minutes to read
The End of the Republic?
This is typical government "efficiency"
Army Corps of Engineers may have to dole out overtime to cover for furloughed power plant operators | Fox News
This book confirms what many of us have been thinking
Articles: Karl Rove and Republican Decline
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
See how the Muslim Brotherhood worms its way into a country's political environment
Ordered Liberty » Erdogan: ‘I Am a Servant of Sharia’
Is Dear Leader siding with yet another Socialist megalomaniac?
PJ Media » Obama Administration Equivocates on Pro-British Falklands Referendum
Another Euro-socialist "benefit" brought to us by Dear Leader
Thank you, your highness
Obama Finally Brings Growth — To the Shadow Economy - Hit & Run :
Why is the term 'Racist' bandied around so much?
Max Velocity Tactical: RACIST! ???
Talking about change
It is all our own fault ...
Someone Needs To Be Held Accountable ... and They Need To Pay by Jim Karger
Actually Washington has found a better way that the Cyprus approach to get your money
Yahoo Finance Nonsense (FDIC Insurance) in [Market-Ticker]
This is a very insightful article, well worth reading
Sultan Knish: All Roads Lead to Cyprus
One rule for the sheeple, and one for the elites in DC
Department of Ed creates new six-figure job, while wielding sequester ax | Fox News
They will continue to make things uncomfortable for 2nd Amendment supporters ...
Family’s Home Raided over Facebook Photo of Child’s Rifle | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Don't think this is a victory for the 2nd Amendment
Remember, while Feinstein's extreme controls have been removed from the progressives' bill, there have been enough other new laws and changes to existing laws that continue to restrict our 2nd Amendment rights. Once lost, these rights are almost impossible to get back, without a total reset of our political environment. Don't hold your breath awaiting the 2nd American Revolution, much as many would like to see it, we saw in the 2012 election there are also far too many happy with their 'free stuff', irrespective that its true price is their liberty.
Congress: Assault-weapons ban nixed from bill - First Read
Saturday, March 16, 2013
UK today, USA tomorrow?
Video: Islamic Sharia Law Comes to Great Britain | kafircrusaders
Friday, March 15, 2013
Read this and don't forget it
You never lost the right!
ANother scary sign of the left's insanity
LA Times: Conservative White Men More Dangerous Than Terrorists – Should Be Monitored By Homeland Security « Rat's Right!
Leftist Prayers for a Red Pope Dashed
"It is already apparent, that the Catholic church will be the next target added to the list of all things political. As we elevate a religion that promotes murder, we shall see the demonization of one that opposes it."
Cliff Kincaid -- Leftist Prayers for a Red Pope Dashed
Thursday, March 14, 2013
And yet we refuse to learn the lessons that other countries have learned before us
Why Americans Should Know and Care About South Africa
"Released illegals are low risk, non-criminal" DHS & the 1/2 WH
As usual this administration is lying through their teeth when they try to hoodwink the American people. In this case they define 'non-criminal' as including 'activities' like sexual assault, solicitation of murder, aggravated assault, assaulting a police officer, and kidnapping, as well as numerous drug charges. Why can't we take these jerks to court and have them drummed out of office and then either drummed into prison or drummed out of the country, for deceiving us in this egregious manner. Thanks to the lackey LSM and their brain washed LIVs we are stuck with this bunch of liars. We need to rise up and make sure that in 2014 we get rid of as many of these snakes as possibles.
Politics Over Public Safety | Judicial Watch
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Nice to see that someone is trying to ensure the integrity of our voting
True the Vote Sues St. Lucie County, FL Over 'Botched' Allen West Contest
And so shariah law rears it's ugly head in this country, yet again
Judge rejects lawyer’s bid to keep Jews off jury - BizPac Review
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
More and more of these outrages occurring ...
N.J. Mother Arrested, Guns Confiscated- By Attending Property Tax Dispute Forum - Atlanta Conservative |
This is the malarkey that you get from a nanny state
Speeding Fines: M42 Used Wrong Font On Signs
Another example of how Dear Leader puts himself above the law
It is obvious, he and his cronies think that there is one law for the common people and one law for themselves, the elites. And now yet another confirmation that the Constitution and other laws of the country do not apply to this power hunger megalomaniac.
Once Again, Obama Suggests That Laws Don’t Apply to Him | The Weekly Standard
More proof of how Dear leader is messing with the country
A President We Can't Be Proud Of
The progressive LSM really love to defame Tea Party leaders
Former Congressman Joe Walsh to Sue Chicago Sun-Times
Maybe we CAN get a common sense solution
I think there is just one last condition missing, some kind of cut-off date, i.e. if you arrived after this date you are NOT eligible for the special status, ideally something like one year before the bill is made law.
» Gang of Eight Report Progress on Illegal Alien Status » News -- GOPUSA
Monday, March 11, 2013
Learn in this article who the real enemies are
Sultan Knish: The Dreaded Drone
Sunday, March 10, 2013
So where are the Rev Jackson and the Rev Sharpton leading a protest march?
Pregnant woman attacked: Twelve people arrested in attack on pregnant woman in Sanford -
An interesting point of view here
Max Velocity Tactical: The Danger of Attributing Malice to Stupidity
Saturday, March 9, 2013
So now you see what we are up against, these were true LIVs
Hysterical: Jimmy Kimmel Asks People About Obama Pardoning The Sequester -- Sending It to Portugal | Independent Journal Review
I hereby renounce the use of the word "union" in connection with any kind of worker association
Union Tactics: Ohio Town Littered With Flyers Containing Personal Info of So-Called ‘Scabs’ | Video |
Tell the butt-head to butt out of this.
Breaking news and opinion on TheBlaze
Friday, March 8, 2013
And here is the original post about Kennesaw
Mandated Gun Ownership: A Tale of Two Cities : Freedom Outpost
This worked in Kennesaw, GA
Mandatory Gun Ownership Ordinance Sought By City : Freedom Outpost
This sweet old lady is charged but not the Obamabots who also admit to multiple votes
86-year-old Minnesota woman charged with felony voter fraud | Duluth News Tribune | Duluth, Minnesota
Thursday, March 7, 2013
What happened to the rule of law?
Our Disintegrating Government - MarketTicker Forums
Some good ideas here
12 Ways To Use Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals Against Liberals - John Hawkins - [page]
Time to get rid of the RINO traitors to the conservative/libertarian cause
John McCain and Lindsey Graham Declare War on Rand Paul - Hit & Run :
Could the GOP be moving in the right direction?
REPUBLICAN INSIDER: “Out With The Old – And In With The New” - The Ulsterman Report
Be interesting to see how the 1/2 WH gets rid of this egg on their face
Daled Amos: White House To Honor Woman Who Exulted In Murder Of Israelis In Bulgaria
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Brilliant idea for the #GOP, but will they listen? #tcot
An Open Letter From a Black Republican to Reince Priebus | Independent Journal Review
What recreational pharmaceuticals is she ingesting?
Democratic strategist's shocking claim: We can stop rape by telling men 'not to rape women' | National News - Orlando's Right Talk
Welcome to the USSA (h/t @NATPAT) #tcot #URGENT
Then again, many wonder how Hitler was able to sieze power and then orchestrate the atrocities of the Nazi regime. Well, look around you, see how easy it is to do while the sheeple sleep?
Wake up, America, this is your last chnace before we lose all freedoms other than the ability to choose whether we watch mindless sports events or mindless reality shows. » Blog Archive » URGENT!!! REALITY THEORY!!!
Wake up America, Caliph Hussein does not have your best interests at heart
Leaked email adds fuel to claims White House playing politics over impact of cuts | Fox News
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Monday, March 4, 2013
Almost any illegal immigrant is allowed stay but not if you create jobs!
Produce shop owners choose to stay and fight |
Sorry floks, we from Europe have seen this all before
ObamaGov: Story of a Tyrant and a Collaborative Congress
More anti-gun hysteria from left wing educators
Barracuda Brigade: High School Student Disarms Gunman ~> Gets Suspended
Saturday, March 2, 2013
The AstroTurf assault on our 2nd Amendment rights
Second Amendment is Under Full Attack: Time to Fight Fire With "Nukes" | Saving the Republic: Video News & Opinion
Now over 100 companies standing up for the 2nd Amendment
Gun Companies Under Fire: What’s Their Next Move?
Friday, March 1, 2013
It looks like the sheeple are turning on their "masters"
Maryland Democrats get schooled in Twitter town hall on sequestration - Spokane Conservative |