Monday, August 25, 2014

Sharia BS, coming to a city near you

We have existed for hundreds of years without Jews complaining about bacon signs, so what makes Muslims special that they can interfere with our way of life. If you don't eat bacon, ignore the sign and get on with your life. If not, get the hell out of the USA, we are a country built on TOLERANCE, not the imposition of individual views on the masses.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

It is sick how the Regressives react when their pet projects are attacked

Even though it is very obvious to all logically thinking people how evil and dangerous ISIS is, the Regressives have already started their campaign to hide the truth by twisting words, because they feel they must appease these monsters. Mark my words, this is just the start of the war of words to make ISIS look like a sorry, poor, oppressed people. The Regressives, supposedly the party of women's and gay rights, is too blind to see that those they support will turn on them if they let the Islamists take power. And political correctness will hasten that stealing of power.
I do like the quote at the end of the article which, paraphrased, says "in OUR country you will be free to practice your medieval, goat-herders so called religion but only those parts which do not conflict with our social norms of a civilized society. Anything that conflicts will not be accepted for exemption from legal protection based on religious grounds and will be prosecuted with the full force of the law."

Friday, August 22, 2014

WTF? This goes beyond all bounds of credulity

With two jaw-dropping statements in a single news conference Wednesday, State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf summed up the entire Obama administration approach to world problems.
And why modern Democrats are so hopeless when it comes to dealing with them.
State Dept. whoppers: Beheading wasn’t directed at the US; Islamic State isn’t ‘Islamic’ - BizPac Review

Isn't this sad, the LSM is more worried about riots than seeing justice served

Look at the implication here, that even if the investigation showed the officer acted correctly, some sort of indictment needs to be handed down to keep the mob quiet. We have sunk another step down the path to banana republic, instead of a republic, we now have mob rule.

New fear: What happens in Ferguson if no charges? |

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Thank you @marklevinshow for exposing this corruption

Monday, August 18, 2014

Is the 1/2 WH really this petty?

...and even cowardly not to own up to such an action when confronted? Or are these left wing lackeys acting as they expect their Dear Leader would like them to act?

White House Nixes Fox News? - Tea Party News

The line between anti-war protests and anti-semitism becomes blurred...

But notice how no-one is calling for the removal of halal food over the ethnic cleansing of Yazidis and Christians by the ISIS thugs.

Friday, August 15, 2014

This says it all

The Democratic Party of yore is no more. Instead it has been taken over by the rabid Regressives, including Socialists, Marxists, Islamists and atheists. Which is one of the reasons why this country is so divided. You could have a reasonable debate with an "old Democrat", and even if neither of you could convince the other with your arguments, to could part friends. Today, if you dare disagree with a Regressive, you will be called a racist, misogynist (hater of women for those of you Regressives that served time in a government school), homophobe or Islamophobe.
Oh, for the days when civil discourse was possible.

Let's bring this disaster back to forefront of public opinion

In addition to recent news that hundred of thousands of those who signed up for ObamaCurse have not paid, here is confirmation about another negative effect of the Unaffordable Care Act. So slowly the true cost of this monstrosity is becoming visible, disruption of our healthcare system, increase in premiums and costs, overbearing and intrusive record keeping and the loss of jobs and working hours for millions of people. All to provide healthcare to a group of people that gets smaller over day. Shame on you, DemocRATS, for unconstitutionally forcing this travesty on us.

One of the best commentaries on the Ferguson mess

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Crony capitalism corruption at its worst

And yet again we see how this regime manages to twist a law designed to prevent crony capitalism into something that actually does exactly the opposite

Holman W. Jenkins: FCC's Friends and Family Plan - WSJ

Another @talkmaster treatise that you must read

Sunday, August 3, 2014

More federal government overreach?

Yet again we see a bill proposed in DC, which in of itself seems quite a logical bill to enact. After all, who is not against young girls on college campuses (campii?) being subjected to sexual assaults?
But if you look at it Constitutionally, this is not something that is the purview of the federal government. And if not a federal topic then it must be an issue that should be addressed by the states.
So before you lefties get your knickers in a twist and accuse me of supporting the thugs on campus who attack girls, read the above carefully and note that all I ask for is that the correct part of our government looks after these problems.

If we had more people in DC reviewing bills for their correct Constitutionality, instead of for their own aggrandizement, a lot of this federal overreach would never have occurred. And talking about aggrandizement, look at the legislators in this piece. Do you really think they are saying "look at this good legislation"? I think they are saying "look at what WE did to protect these poor young girls". An excellent showcase of why DC is such a mess.