Thursday, June 26, 2014

And talking about moral decay......

Would you have ever expected this from an organization claiming to be a Christian Church? I really believe that this organization has lost its moral compass, supporting same-sex marriage (and whatever your views on the subject, you have to agree that same sex relationships are proscribed by the Bible) and refusing charity for children that survive abortion. If a church stops following the tenets of the Holy Book, can they still claim to be a religious institution. Perhaps they should change their charter to be an organization for 'social justice' and skip the whole religion thing.

Shocking: You Wouldn't Believe What This Church Just Voted Down

Another example of the moral decay of this once great nation

Unbelievable: Company Praises Genocidal, Oppressive Regime to Sell Soda

Don't give up on the Tea Party just yet

The hidden part of the story that the LSM does not bring us, and yes there are a number of significant successes, even if McDaniel and Shannon were not.

Some Tea Party Victories the Mainstream Media Refuses to Cover

This all has to do with leadership...

..or actually the lack of leadership, that percolates from the top down and manifests itself in a culture with a lack of accountability. And while the private sector is more or less self regulating (thank you free markets), the closed government environment allows these proclivities to reign unfettered.

Obama EPA Employees Pooping in Hallways

Does this surprise you anymore

I have not had a chance to determine the veracity of this report, but quite frankly, after everything else I don't expect anything less from this corrupt regime. It is indeed a sad state of affairs that we even think that these things are possible from the DC thugs, whether true or not.

Report: Obama Admin Intimidating Soldiers who Know the Truth About Bergdahl

So all King Barry has to do is go on the TV and say "Don't Come"?

This should be easy as Dear Leader just LOVES being on the haunted fish tank. One quick interview on Univision or other local channels in Mexico and Central America, just say "you will be sent back" and the stream will dry up.

Illegal Mom Caught at Border: ‘People Told Me ... If You Go To The U.S., Your Children Can Go To School' | CNS News

But don't hold your breath, you don't really think he would do that, do you?

How I communicated my disgust to the GOP

Please remove me from your fund raising lists with immediate effect. I am disgusted by the traitorous action of the campaign of Thad Cochran and the complicity of the GOP leadership. Even if you, Cochran and all of your cronies were not directly involved in the despicable activities around the robo-calls and the flyers accusing McDaniel of racism, your silence indicates assent with these underhand tactics. If you have to resort to subterfuge in order to retain power, just be aware that you are at the end of your time. We oppose these dinosaurs that cling to power at any cost, especially when it means kowtowing to the opposition. You and the rest of the GOP establishment are rightly frightened of the wave of change that is heading your way and your shenanigans will only delay the inevitable. We are working hard to sweep the RINOs, progressive Republicans and other power hungry geriatrics out of Congress and the GOP. 

In the meanwhile, I will never again donate money to any arm of the Republican Party (except individual candidates that I trust) , and I will devote my energies to rebuilding the GOP the way it should be, free of the "Progressive" Republicans. If the GOP cannot be rebuilt, then we will build a new party outside the GOP. And BTW, please do not expect me to volunteer, as i did for the past elections, for GOTV or other activities for the GOP in the upcoming election, I am so fed up with the GOP I am ready to support Democrat & Independent candidates that oppose RINOs like Cochran, etc., so that we can clean up the party. Thanks to all your activities in this campaign, but also many others, your are alienating your base and hastening the arrival of a new party with true conservative values.

[message sent in reply to NRSC and other GOP fund-raising emails, as well as via the contact form on]

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Why Is Everbody Just Focussing on Lois Lerner?

The discussion over the IRS scandal continues, with the new Commissioner Koskinen having been grilled in a most unfriendly fashion on Capitol Hill. And let's be honest, he deserved every moment, due to his arrogant approach, refusal to apologize, parroting of party talking points and general absence of any remorse. His whole attitude show what a party hack he really is (and that is obviously not a Grand Old Party hack). This is, of course, something that is totally unacceptable, since if there is one government department that should not be partisan is is the IRS (actually 2, Department of Justice too). 

But the current regime has so corrupted and intertwined the political and administrative structures that it will take us years to untangle the mess which has been created. In many cases, because of the arcane rules preventing government employees from being fired, even when caught perpetrating fraud and corruption, it will be easier just to defund and get rid of the relevant department. We can get rid of the IRS, repeal the 16th Amendment and institute the Fair Tax, but the Department of Injustice will just have to have a major reduction in funds. That will probably bypass the stupid civil service rules and let us put these people where they belong, in the real world where they have to do a real job for a living, instead of a cushy job requiring little effort, with high wages and little risk. 

However, back to the IRS! Right now talk radio and the sub-committees in DC are focusing on the emails lost off Lois Lerner's PC. They are asking the person at the top why, and he comes up with these admittedly plausible but unlikely scenarios. Because he is so many levels away from the actual activities, he is even assuming plausible deniability. In other words, when proof surfaces that counters anything said earlier, he just utters, "well, I could not have known that". And although the GOP committee members tear into him and give him a really rough time, you can see that he knows that the WH and the LSM have his back because he just shrugs it off. Even Trey Gowdy, who was probably the most aggressive, seem to elicit little in contrition from this pompous ass. I do applaud Trey for his attacks, and hope that this is a sample of the fireworks that we will see when he chairs the select committee. Trey Gowdy for AG in the next administration!!

But I also hope that the select committee will take a different tack to uncovering the truth. Let's just suppose that Lerner's machine did actually have a hard drive crash, AND the server backup tapes are overwritten after six months (as I said plausible but unlikely). We can then subpoena all possible recipients of such emails (DOJ, Treasury, WH, etc) since surely they will not have had hard drive crashes too. So instead of talking to the party hack at the top, call in the IT experts and determine what the current procedures are (are they correct) and were they properly executed. If it turns out that server backup tapes should be kept for longer that 6 months, but in this case were not, WHY NOT? Who ordered the divergence from protocols? This would lessen the impact of the loss of the emails because tit points to an obvious attempt to destroy probably incriminating evidence. Don't forget there are Federal laws that stipulate how long documents, including emails have to be kept, why were those laws not obeyed at the IRS. First get the truth from the low-level grunts and then hit the top and have them worm their way out of that. And a day later the National Archivist confirmed that the IRS broke federal law around the archiving of their emails. Where is the accountability now?

And talking about determining the existence of incriminating evidence without actually having it (i.e. proving it through circumstantial evidence). When the lower level IT specialists are subpoenaed, ask them about the other six hard drive crashes that coincidentally occurred on the computers of other people implicated in the investigation. How many other hard drive crashes were logged in the same 6-8 week time period? Hundreds? In that case it might a coincidence (although I don't believe in coincidences) that the six investigated employees conveniently also had the same problem. If the total was 8 or 10 (including the six), then it is obvious that the regime has something to hide. 

Of course, now the regime knows what to expect from Trey Gowdy and my plan, they will be scrambling to cover all the bases (or crash all the hard drives and overwrite the backup tapes) and they will have the time to do it. Or am I inflating my own self-importance by thinking that the regime is actually listening to my broadcasts?

Sunday, June 22, 2014

yet again we discover a massive regime overreach

So now we have an NSA of financial transactions, and just see how much information is being collected. This regime is like the STASI and GESTAPO on steriods in terms of data collection. And of course, it will be all used to "protect" the consumers (from doing anything on their own and that might impact the regime). When conservatives take over, we have to add Frank-Dood and the CFPB to the list of repeals, not just ObamaCurse.

Obama Admin. Is Getting Grilled About a Massive Mortgage Database That Could Be Used for Criminal Investigations |

Friday, June 20, 2014

So obvious why Hildebeest is a mistake for the USA in 2016

But will the LIV's ever hear about these criminal activities, or care?

Thanks @talkmaster, for this exposure...

Of our lying, corrupt, criminal, treasonous regime

Monday, June 16, 2014

As if we did not already know

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Another excellent commentary by Thomas Sowell

Someone whose opinion is always razor sharp

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Is this Barry's 'Scandal Of The Week'?

The regime's refusal to execute existing immigration laws has created a flood of refugees at the border, and nothing is being done to stop this river of poor, uneducated welfare sucking children.

‘King Coyote’, the Pied Piper of Illegal Immigration

@NatPat with damning evidence of treason by Dear Leader and Hildebeest

And unfortunately, as ever, all this will be swept under the LSM rug to try to keep the record of king Barry prsitine. So please share this information with all you friends, family, acquaintances and even your liberal enemies. » Blog Archive » Partners in High Crimes, Together in Treason

Are Regressives physically capable of uttering one word of truth?

As this story by Dick Morris, who knows the Clintons very well having been an adviser to Slick Willy, shows the heir apparent to the regressive throne is lying, twisting the truth and generally trying to revise history, yet again!

Clinton's Up To Her Old Games - at

This will be most certainly the worst presidency in the history of this great country

As evidenced by the (Democ)rats leaving the sinking ship. Roll on November 2014, I wonder if Dear Lame Duck Leader will go nuts with executive orders in 2015. perhaps he will alienate Congress and 'We The People' enough to have impeachment proceeding instigated.

'I've Had Enough': When Democrats Quit on Obama -

Hmmm, far out conspiracy theory, or is there more to this?

This Journalist Died After Exposing Bowe Bergdahl's Anti-Americanism

Yet another Regressive lying and revising history to their own ends...

Major Factual Error About Benghazi In Hillary's New Book | The Daily Caller

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Proof again that Dear Leader and his cronies have been lying to the American people

They treat us, perhaps as we deserve, like sheeple, to whom they can say what they like and we will accept anything that they say as gospel truth. Well here is proof that the "negotiations that are not negotiations" have been going on for far longer than the 30 days required BY LAW for notification to Congress of the release of Gitmo detainees. Look at the date on the blog post and weep that your government can be so duplicitous.

WAKE UP AMERICA, how can you accept this bunch of liars controlling our lives?

Taliban Suspend Talks on Swapping Bergdahl |

Monday, June 2, 2014

Woodward , a reporter with integrity

Bob Woodward shows that he is a real reporter, not like the Regressive sycophants that call themselves reporters, as he challenges Hildebeest and King Barry and their spin around Benghazi. I wish we had more like him in the LSM, then the LSM might not be so lame.

Woodward On Benghazi: 'Serious, Unanswered Questions' | The Daily Caller

Does Obama’s End Justify His Means?

The calls for the impeachment of Dear leader are increasing, here is an article with suggestions for 6 different articles of impeachment. Isn't it time we started something. Then again, the wishy-washy, lily-livered GOP establishment is unlikely to do anything.

Does Obama’s End Justify His Means? | The Daily Caller