... some bad apples in the barrel spoil it for the rest. By acting like jack booted Gestapo agents they engender a negative disposition towards public safety officers and discourage people from helping when help might be needed.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Unfortunately, while there are many good police officers.....
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Maybe she is looking for a home for her upcoming retirement
Sebelius' Damage-Control Trip To Florida
The truth hurts, doesn't it, your lowness
Another nail in the coffin of King Barry's signature accomplishment
Lies, lies, lies and more lies
When can we impeach this despicable liar and shut down his untrustworthy regime.
The truth will set you free...
If this does not turn the 2014 elections upside down, we do not deserve liberty any more.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Sunday, November 17, 2013
So now even Regressives admit Dear Leader was lying
Great ideas from @TheNatPat, something we should all get behind
Thursday, November 14, 2013
And yet again, it is always someone else's fault
Just like in my previous post, see how the Leftist LSM flail around looking for someone to blame for the #ObamaCurse disaster. They just can't accept that their idol is an incompetent, blustering, lying buffoon who forced a travesty of an unthought through bill on We The People.
Idea to reduce the deficit ;-)
Following King Barry's press conference today, I was struck with a great idea on how the regime can knock a hole in the Budget deficit.
[sarc]Given that Dear Leader had decided yet again that he can write or rewrite laws without reference to Congress, why don't we get rid of Congress? We can save the salaries and benefits of 535 overpaid legislators, as well as countless of this staff, who are probably even more overpaid than their bosses.
Caliph Hussein can indulge in his penchant of announcing laws dreamed up by the power behind his throne, Val Jarrett, without having to worry about those pesky legislators shutting off the money spigot (tap, for those of you who attended a government school). [/sarc]
Although the above is written with tongue in cheek, the Puppet in the Spite House has indeed been watching to much Games of Thrones, probably thinking that it is some new reality show. He obviously feels that he had to act as one of the key players in that saga, ignoring the Constitution and the Rule of Law. Isn't it time that We The People showed him and his cronies the door and take back our country?
And yet again the Regressives try to pin the blame on something totally unrelated
Just like King Barry is always looking for someone elder to blame, the LSM follow his lead and find an excuse for Dems who ate doing the right and honorable thing, at least as honorable as you can be after strenuously proclaiming exactly the opposite viewpoint less than a month ago. But remember, hypocrisy is in the Regressives genes and unfortunately it is NOT a regressive trait (apologies for the twisted pun).
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
After all King Barry has done to date....
Barack Obama Openly Threatens Dictatorship - The Ulsterman Report
Pinch me, am I dreaming?
At this point the words "wheels", "falling off" and "wagon" come to mind, or am I gloating too soon?
CAPITOL UPDATE: Barack Obama Begs Harry Reid To Keep Senate Dems In Line - The Ulsterman Report
The latest from the Regressives' Talking Points factory
Some good ideas here
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
The backroom talking point writers are at it again
The 2014 Referendum
Now that it has been clearly shown that King Barry and his court lied about "you can keep you plan" and "you can keep your doctor", the conservatives can justify their opposition to #ObamaCurse and challenge the so-called 2012 vote of confidence in the travesty of a bill.
In fact, I believe that the GOP should make this a key pillar of their platform for 2014:
If you knew the Democrats were lying (as has been shown), would you have voted for Obama and his cronies in 2012? Show your disgust with the lies and give us the opportunity to correct this bill and give you back your own health insurance - vote GOP.
Definition of treason: giving aid and succor to the enemy. When will we act?
Doug Ross @ Journal: Pentagon Report: Obama Administration Paid More than $150 Million to Fund Terrorist Attacks Against Americans
#1 on the RINO hitlist
The Duplicity of Lindsey Graham | RedState
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Thanks Mark Steyn for summarizing so clearly
Friday, November 1, 2013
Interesting ideas
Not sure that I agree with everything in this article, but I agree that we need more open discussion, so this is a start.
H/t David Burge (@iowahawkblog - if you don't follow him you should)
This is what King Barry's cronies want to do to us
Progressive taxes first (tax the touch on income) and then steal from (tax) the rich on capital