Monday, September 30, 2013
Friday, September 27, 2013
Last step before single payer...
Whether we like it or not.....
Step by step the regime is taking control of our lives at all levels
New HUD Rule Takes Control of Local Zoning | The Rockland County Times
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
We all know that the jerk is physically impossible of telling the truth on anything
Obama claims he hasn't had a cigarette in 6 years -- or has he? | Fox News
Monday, September 23, 2013
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Friday, September 20, 2013
Obama Defies Congress; Breaks a Law He Just Signed - Minutemen News
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Regressives getting worried that we are calling their bluff
Seriously Senator Klobuchar, a group of extremists IS holding our government hostage, they are know as Progressives, a.k.a tax and spend liberals!
Boehner blasts Obama for bargaining with Putin, not Congress ahead of budget vote | Fox News
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
It is becoming more and more obvious that somethi ng is being hidden...
CIA Benghazi Survivor Suspended For Refusing To Sign Non-Disclosure - The Ulsterman Report
Read Ulsterman's Mac Walker's Benghazi series, maybe he knows.
This should never be allowed
Horror In A Toledo Neighborhood As Police Go Out of Control - The Free Patriot
Monday, September 16, 2013
Don't cower before CAIR
Florida Man To Be Disciplined For Facebook Post About Islam?
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Friday, September 13, 2013
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Why do Regressives lie so much ?
While the GOP is not totally clean either, the level of ethics issues on the other side of the aisle, both in and out of Congress is much, much higher. Is it because of the Alinsky mentality, "the ends justify the means?"
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
@NatPat is right - TREASON! » Blog Archive » Aiding and Abetting al Qaeda in Sryia is TREASON!!!
Just For The Record: What does the Constitution say?
Section. 8.
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; .....
To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations;
To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;
So technically Congress could, and should, vote on punishing Syria based on the fact offences against the Law of Nations, i.e. the use of poison or nerve gas. It is still not clear who actually used these horrendous, terrible weapons and to what end. But done properly, perhaps we should have punished both sides. Congress could have done so by declaring War, as specified above and everybody could have been less uptight about the whole situation. Instead, King Barry and his cronies missed a chnace to win over a constituency that they have alienated, by moving back to honoring the Constitution. So much for the "superb" messaging that the White House team is supposed to have under their control.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Check mate? What do you expect when Putin is playing chess and King Barry is struggling with checkers
Basic truth is that this just reinforces what I have been saying all along, our ruler and his administration are a bunch of bumbling, inept amateurs on the world stage.
The example set by the Liar-in-Chief permeates down through all the elites in the District of Corruption
National Park Service Accuses Biker Group of Lying About Why They Were Denied Permit for 9/11 D.C. Ride |
The 411 on Why Obama is Floundering
Articles: Why Obama is Floundering
Australia shows the way for the GOP
The there appeared a conservative, Tony Abbott who challenged the party establishment, and was derided by the media as un-electable because he was 'too extreme'. He fought a bitter fight to win the party leadership by one vote, the proceeded to pull the party down the path of true conservatism. He attacked the Labour Party leader, Kevin Rudd, on the carbon tax so successfully that the bill had to be shelved and the Labour Party ditched Rudd as a leader.
The Australian voters did not listen to the biased media either and this week the center-right Liberal National Party was returned to power after six years of debilitating Labour rule. In other words, conservatism is popular with the voters, as long as you stick to your principles. It is the vacillating middle of the road approach, accepting almost everything that the other side of the aisle forces on them that turns off voters from the GOP.
Wake up conservatives, stop accepting what our GOP establishment keeps telling you. We are not pariahs and the public will vote for a steadfast conservative who declares their true colors and sticks to them. People appreciate that sometimes a politician will stand for something with which they do not agree. But they prefer someone who stands for something, rather than the "I defined a red-line - but actually it was everybody's red-line", or "I voted for the bill before I voted against it" or the "what difference does it make now" indifference that we have seen from the current administration.
Take heart, conservatives, our time is coming!.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
On 9/11 we now have TWO reasons to say "We shal not forget"
Benghazi anniversary hurts White House push to win Syria support | Fox News
This article adds to the unraveling of Caliph Soetoro's lies about Syria
The Minority Report Blog | Conservative News & Opinion
Well how about Alan Dis-Grayson now...
Those of you who have followed this blog during the 2010 & 2012 election seasons, or listened to the radio show, will know that I have little respect for the pompous, narsissistic Congressman that represents my district (unfortunately).
However, I will also honest and give the devil his due, as he seems to have said something that I must applaud. So in this one case, hats off to you, Alan. Just a pity that you have so many stupid other utterances that I will still hold against you.
Caliph Soetoro's hypocrisy clearly exposed by @NatPat » Blog Archive » Obama Is Giving Your 2nd Amendment Rights to Terrorists
@NatPat decsribes pretty much the only path left on Syria » Blog Archive » Weekend Edition: Between Barack and a Hard Place – Obama’s Options
Friday, September 6, 2013
So the US stands alone
What happened to the world community that drew a red line? Poof, disappeared, which just goes to show that it is true what we have been saying, that King Barry is a magician not a leader. He is good at misdirection but not much else
An inept, bumbling fool exposed
Not to say that things are not bad in Syria but....
The Last Great Stand » CNN Caught Staging News Segments on Syria With Actors
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
The not dumb lady speaks with her heart
Call your legislator and ask this question
Please do so before the September 9th vote
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Show This national hotel chain that we will not allow promoting of usurping the Constitution
Full Article
DWS had been smoking something special AGAIN
Monday, September 2, 2013
A spoof surely....
Of course, with this bunch of clowns in charge, you never know.
Not just the Telegraph, not just the Mail, now the Express too!
British newspaper calls Obama “ineffectual, invisible, the weakest president in history |
Again and again and again our friends in the foreign press dig up the dirt
... that our own 4th estate refuse to bring to light. In this case we find out that with a friend like John Kerry, who needs enemies!
Yet again the foreign press have to tell us what our own LSM should be telling us.
Basically, that Caliph Soetoro is a bumbling, inept, pathetic figure on the world stage, far removed from the glorious leader that we were told he would be. Isn't it time he sent back his Nobel Peace Prize?
The "religion of peace" at work again
These are the mindless animals that are supported by the mindless animal in the White House and his cronies. The same scenes of religious intolerance are being exhibited in Syria, where Caliph Soetoro also expects us to send in US military assets to support these pigs. Call, email and fax your legislators in the District of Corruption: NO meddling in the Syrian civil war!!!!!
More reasons why we should not get embroiled in Syria
The U.S. Military Does Not Want To Fight For Al-Qaeda Christian Killers In Syria
There are a lot of differences between Soetoro and Bush
What Obama, Biden did after ‘strike Syria’ speech even disgusts media - BizPac Review