As witty as they are, every word is very true too
Friday, August 30, 2013
Steyn's usual witty repartee on a serious subject
As said over and over, there is as much evidence that the rebels used the WMDs as Assad did
BTW, this report comes from, which is not always the most reliable, but similar reports have been circulating the internet for a while.
» Rebels Admit Responsibility for Chemical Weapons Attack Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
This article is probably correct...
New boss at ICE ineligible for job, says critic | Fox News
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
And now more evidence that the gas attack is a false flag situation
Evidence: Syria gas attack work of U.S. allies
Great information from @NatPat, all very plausible... » Blog Archive » BUSH Lied and People Died? WHO’S LYING NOW???
And why do you think they want this?
IRS targeting the American Legion with new set of guidelines | The Daily Caller
Are you directly affected? Join the suit against Obama and his Unaffordable Care Act
Obamacare Challenge | Judicial Watch
Isn't it time that blacks in this country wake up
Review & Outlook: Holder vs. Martin Luther King Jr. -
Hey Unions, you got suckered by Dear Leader
DOJ suit against airline merger further alienates unions | Fox News
Monday, August 26, 2013
How bad things are...the Russians have to tell us the truth
Humanity is drowning in Washington's criminality - English
Here is a very plausible explanation of why all the attention on Syria
Dmitry Minin - The Geopolitics of Gas and the Syrian Crisis - Strategic Culture Foundation - on-line journal > The Geopolitics of Gas and the Syrian Crisis > - Strategic Culture Foundation
Friday, August 23, 2013
Rachel Maddow socks it to Dear Leader?
Obama explains the FEMA Camps - YouTube
The Article V Amendments Convention - Our opportunity to reign in the out of control District of Corruption
The Liberty Amendments: Restoring the American Republic: Mark R. Levin: 9781451606270: Books
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Sometimes we can fight back in a positive way
And this is certainly a sterling example
Demonstration of society's values today
Bradley (or Chelsea, take your pick) Manning was sentenced to 35 years in the stockade (certainly no picnic). I wonder how much the "Thrill Killer" will get.
Probably far less because this regime values power, which Manning's actions undermined, far more than mere human life. Something that society seems to accept, given the amount of outcry on the Manning sentence and other sentences for heinous murders.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Big business, in spite of their waivers, does not want Obamacare
Now here is an idea how to use our drones effectively
Whom Shall We Drone? | Online Library of Law and Liberty
What happened to the 4th Amendment?
Obamacare Provision Allows Forced Home Inspections | Saving the Republic: Video News & Opinion
Tyranny Is Always Lurking Just Around The Corner...
Tyranny Is Always Lurking Just Around The Corner in [Market-Ticker]
What about meeting with employers and unions to get the economy going?
Administration admits to ‘hundreds’ of meetings with jihad-linked group | The Daily Caller
Yet again the WH shows its lack of honesty and integrity
If you wonder why I give no respect to the clown, it is due to him constantly, deliberately and flagrantly showing that he has no respect for us, 'We The People'. I have respect for the office of President, but frequent readers of my posts will notice that I never use the 'P'-word in conjunction with this usurper.
Nonprofit executive overseeing the White House's Obamacare youth video contest is the disgraced ACORN group's former top lobbyist | Mail Online
Interesting, the ACLU does not allow the Ten Commandments but had no problem with 5 Pillars?
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
This is the kind of Democrat that i can support
If she were running for office I would send a contribution
Monday, August 19, 2013
Absolutely unbelievable decision by Hasan judge
Coverup: Judge Bars Evidence of Nidal Hasan’s Islamic Terrorist Motivations | FrontPage Magazine
Why do we even have laws...
Kerry Clears Benghazi Officials Clinton Punished - The Daily Beast
Sad what is happening in our country today
Colorado State Police, Homeland Security target Christians – Glenn Beck
Just shows how inept Caliph Hussein really is...
Egyptian Opposition Leader Ahmed Said: Obama Misleading American People
Friday, August 16, 2013
Dear Leader acting as a DICTATOR again
WashPost's Goldfarb Cheers Obama Plan to Hike Cell Phone 'Fees' for 'ConnectEd' Program | NewsBusters
Thursday, August 15, 2013
In the end all of us that dare stand are Spartacus
And we must hang together or surely we will hang alone
And this is the administration that will be managing our healthcare...
... our housing, our veterans, our manufacturing, our security, etc. No wonder this country is going to hell in a hand basket.
Are you a Blutto or a Pinto
Understand why Dear Leader delayed (unconstitutionally) another provision of his Unaffordable Care Act.
More people harmed by illegal aliens than by guns
So where are the calls for removal of illegal aliens?
I say it again, when do we march on Washington?
When will America wake up to this treachery that is being committed by both sides of the aisle? We should be grabbing our pitchforks and torches and heading for the District of Corruption to demand their resignation and the institution of honest legislators
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Are you, like me, fed up with Dear Leader ignore whatever law he dislikes?
The regressives become more and more brazen in their intimidation
Durbin Targets American Legislative Exchange Council On Stand Your Ground -
See how the Jerk-In-Chief bypasses congress, yet again!
Obama skirts Congress, funds pre-K through Obamacare | The Daily Caller
Another Regressive Who Thinks They Can Bend The Law To Their Own Ends
Taitz Report 08.11.2013 Federal Judge Sits on Fast and Furious Subpoena for a Year
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Can you believe the audacity of the District of Corruption?
Tax discussions are Top Secret? Get a life, legislators, time for transparency.
We had to pass the bill to find out what is in it, and we don't like what we see
I do like Teri's "obamise", as in broken promise.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Princess Pelosi a Perfect Picture of Hypocrisy
Nancy Pelosi demands GOP take down 'Slap Hillary' site it doesn't own - Spokane Conservative |
We know that our country is almost lost when we see something like this
It is frightening to see how the usurper is creating this culture of idolatry
There is, of course, a relatively simple solution...
Visa delayed for Afghan translator who helped Medal of Honor recipient | Fox News
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Yet again we see signs of America becoming more and more like Germany in the 1930s under Hitler and his brown shirts
It is saddening to see these reports, and more and more of them. As the report states, it is indeed a tendency towards the thuggery of fascism. Hopefully some conservative judicial organizations will take up this situation and sue the irresponsible police department that caused this travesty. Having been involved in one of these rallies in Texas last week, I would like to applaud the police that were there, I was told to protect us from counter demonstrations.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Ho-Hum (yawn) Did Dingy Harry just play the race card again?
Black senator blasts Harry Reid for suggesting Republicans are racist | The Daily Caller
Dear Leader's lips are moving so he must be lying
Is this the somoking gun? Finally? #L3
Obama Was Indonesian Citizen When Attending Occidental College Claims Witness to Records | Godfather Politics
#L3 Long Live Liberty
Folks, we have to do more than hope and pray
We can win this, but we ALL have to help
Flipping the Senate | National Review Online
Love this lady, wish she would run for Senate and then for the White house
Barracuda Brigade: Sarah Palin ROCKS "Cashin' In" ~> " I Don't Trust Any Government Led By Barack Obama" ~> Must See Video
The stench of corruption is in the air
And also look in this article how Emperor Soetoro is using the EPA to throttle our energy producers and drive up our gas prices unnecessarily.
More NANNY STATE overreach
Obama's FDA: Your body is a drug and we can regulate it - Spokane Conservative |
This is how low we have sunk
Doc denied medical license in Kansas for questioning Obama's birth certificate - Spokane Conservative |
It is time we got rid of the IRS AND this administration
We really are SHEEPLE for allowing this to continue, we should be marching on Washington and demanding the resignations of all involved.
IRS agent: Tax agency is still targeting Tea Party groups |
Dear Leader is now REALLY acting like a TREASONOUS DICTATOR
Obama bypasses Congress, orders waiver on ban of aid to Palestinians - Spokane Conservative |
Thursday, August 8, 2013
LSM protecting Dear Leader yet again
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
The lady was right after all
Come back Sarah, all is forgiven and your country needs you
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Monday, August 5, 2013
"Murder and Double Standards" says it all
Murder and Double Standards | FrontPage Magazine
Stating the obvious, but it must be repeated, again, and again, and again...
Wake up America, is this what our Founding Fathers fought for? No! It is time to throw off the chains of tyranny, even if means watering the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
It’s Amazing He Hasn’t Been Prosecuted and Still Has His Job
Greenwald on James Clapper: It’s Amazing He Hasn’t Been Prosecuted and Still Has His Job
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Is this the end of the beginning? (h/t Winston Churchill)
PolitiChicks columnist Carolyn Elkins tells us why this could be the gate opener we need to bring the Prez down
READ THE POST HERE --->>>>> (Comment by T. Lehner)
Is BenghaziGate Finally Being Thrown Wide Open? - ::
h/t Bamboo Bob
Keep this travesty alive, until we get all the answers that 'We The People' deserve
ONLY THE PRESIDENT can give a GO or STAND DOWN order since he is the commander in chief, the highest authority, especially when the GO order means for the troops entering a country the United States is NOT OFFICIALLY at war with. FOR CLARIFICATION every entering of armed forces in a country without local permission and we are not at war with IS AN ACT OF WAR no matter if we only save our citizens or else. And that is why only the President can give this order.
So when Obama claims he did not know anything that means one of two things
- either he is lying or
- his staff is out of control and gives illegal orders; which also makes the President responsible because the "Buck stops with him" as their direct superior.
PolitiChicks columnist Maureen Mullins and why it seems like déjà vu to the famous Howard Baker inquiry from the Watergate hearings all over again. READ THE FULL STORY HERE --->>>>>>
Benghazi: What Did The President Know and When Did He Know It? - ::
h/t Bamboo Bob
Read the Constitution, dummy!
Democratic Senator: Republicans don't deserve Constitutional freedoms - Spokane Conservative |
Friday, August 2, 2013
Just more race baiting from a hater
Jesse Jackson refuses to apologize, Fla. governor shuts him out - BizPac Review
This is TREASON to the people of America
Dozens of CIA operatives on the ground during Benghazi attack
Latest jobs figures scam
Right now the best figure to judge the state of our country is the workforce participation percentage, which fell again, this time another 1.5%. No wonder the unemployment percentage drops as well. At this rate we will soon be at a participation percentage of below 50%, meaning that more people have given up looking for work than are actually working.
And by the way, don't think that these numbers are even true, we also saw that May and June's new jobs numbers numbers were significantly reduced from the original 195,000 that had been quoted.
All in all this is an inept, corrupt, lying administration and we will be in big trouble if we do not vote in a House and Senate that can rein in this spendthrift, crony driven bunch of clowns