Friday, May 31, 2013
More progressives that think they know better than the law....
Note that that they exclude both legal businesses in guns AND alcohol. Do they really think they are better than us?
Gun Shop Allegedly Banned From Partcipating in Popular Store’s Contest: ‘Entry Contains Content That Promotes…Firearms’ |
We have already seen how much we can trust the departments in this administration
Judge orders Google to comply with FBI's secret NSL demands | Politics and Law - CNET News
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Watch out what you say on Facebook - the Gestapo is watching
18 Year Old Looking at 20 Years for Anti-Government Lyrics On Facebook The Free Patriot
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Nanny Bloomberg - Sore Loser
Mayor Bloomberg to cabbie: 'I'll destroy your [expletive] industry' - Washington Times
Dear Leader send out his thugs to intimidate the opposition
Why Were DHS Agents Seemingly Monitoring Multiple Tea Party IRS Protests Across the Country on Tuesday? |
Start packing usurper, this is the beginning of the end for you!
That danged inconvenient First Amendment
Al Sharpton calls for FCC to restrict Rush Limbaugh's speech - Spokane Conservative |
Another sign that Hell is getting close to freezing point?
(67) Timeline Photos
Our future? If Dear Leader is given unfettered power, yes.
Venezuelan Socialist Paradise: “We Depend Completely on the Dollar” | FrontPage Magazine
A very brave and honest man
Sen. Ted Cruz: 'I don’t trust Republicans' - The Hill's Video
While we are distracted by tragedy and malfeasance...
Breaking: While all eyes were on Oklahoma...Senators approve amnesty bill - National Immigration Reform |
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
And this abuse of power is not even being discussed
IRS Abuse of Power Extends Beyond Conservative Groups... Conservative Business Owners Hit Nationally - Jan Morgan Media :: Jan Morgan Media
Monday, May 20, 2013
Another example where the WH has twisted the professionals' opinion...
Former Counterterrorism Head: FBI Never Called Ft. Hood 'Workplace Violence'
Are all Obamas liars?
Tax-exempt Obama Foundation doesn't exist at listed address | The Daily Caller
This is becoming more and more like Nazi Germany
IRS Employees 'Scared Off' From Talking By Armed Police Who Follow Reporters,
Can we finally nail the bastard?
Oh My – IRS Scandal Smoking Gun? - The Ulsterman Report
And by the way, before you trolls get all worked up about the term of endearment in the title, please note that, given that his father was a bigamist and so his marriage to Stanley Ann Dunham was illegal, the term is technically correct.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Bagdhad Jay at his best
WATCH: Jay Carney tells Piers Morgan the three government scandals 'don't exist'
Window dressing ..
In the words of Henry 2nd, "Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?"
Morning Examiner: Accountability, Obama style |
Every two-bit Muslim can come here (and blow up bombs if they want)
Obama Admin Wins Ruling to Deport German Homeschooling Family | Conservative ByteConservative Byte
More proof that we cannot trust the liar, jerk, jackass, traitor in the WH
PJ Media » What Did the President Know About the IRS Scandal and When Did He Know It?
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
The WH is just digging itself deeper and deeper
BREAKING: Obama White House Just Caught In HUGE Lie/Contradiction – See Proof Here. - The Ulsterman Report
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Has Hell Frozen Over?
Am I reading this right? Is the LSM finally acting like real journalists and telling the truth? In this and other commentaries we are hearing serious questions about the Soetoro Caliphate's actions on a number of fronts. Finally the media wakes up and ask the right questions! How long will this last?
Is the honeymoon with King Barry over, or has Dear Leader been given lessons by Slick Willy and will he bounce back?
ABC political analyst: IRS scandal emanates from the White House - National Policy & Issues |
Monday, May 13, 2013
More crap from the top
"when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government"
Homeland Security Funded Exercise Portrayed Homeschoolers as Terrorists... |
This can only come from the top......
Time for a vote of no confidence in this administration
IRS targeted groups that criticized the government, IG report says
Friday, May 10, 2013
Good analysis of the Benghazi-gate mess
Peggy Noonan: The Inconvenient Truth About Benghazi | We the People
So now we have proof that the administration used bullying tactics during the election
More and more people are getting tired of the Chicago style thuggery initiated by this White House and its cronies, they are speaking up about the unacceptable things that have been carried out. Benghazi, IRS, what is next? Thank you brave people for standing up to tyranny.
SHOCK: IRS Admits to Targeting Conservative Groups During 2012 Election, Apologizes |
The Borg Strikes Again
Like the Borg, this makes for a formidable opponent. Should the GOP adopt these tactics to improve their messaging? While I believe that the GOP can do a lot better in bringing their messages to the public, one of our strengths is the individuality that the conservatives covet and defend. The Left is just reflecting their ideal of a monolithic mass, controlled from a single source when we see their Borg-like utterances. All that is missing, but obviously implied, is "Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated." But like in Star Trek, resistance is NOT futile and like the Enterprise we can defeat this Borg-like Hive mentality through our own individuality.
How can I be so optimistic about defeating the powers of darkness? There are 'green shoots of hope' in, of all places, the UK. Listen in to my show on Tuesday May 14th (or listen to the recording afterwards), where I will be discussing what these signs of hope are. I like to highlight what is going on in the UK, for a long time I have used it as harbinger of the Socialist excesses that we can expect to come here. It is nice now to bring some news of the resistance to Socialism being successful there, hopefully we will follow their example in that too. The show can be heard at http://radio.PatriotComeLately.US 8pm PT/11pm ET on Tuesday, the recording is at http://archives.PatriotComeLately.US
These 4 Dems Really Wanted to Talk About This One Thing During the Boston Bombing Hearing | Video |
Has ABC News been shamed into reporting REAL news?
ABC Releases Big Benghazi Report: Talking Points Changed 12 Times, ‘Dramatically Edited by Administration,’ and Scrubbed of Terror References | Video |
Now more proof that the jackass in the WH lied to America
These emails prove that the narrative of doctored talking points is no conspiracy theory. So now who in DC has the back bone to start proceedings? Nixon was impeached for less.
The Benghazi Scandal Grows | The Weekly Standard
Yet another article that will never see the LSM light of day
And yet this is the sort of information that would shock even the LIV crowd
Inaction and Deception | The Weekly Standard
The Regressives know that this cannot be swept under the rug anymore
So now the spin and the Alinsky tactics will start
Democrats Actively Working to Undermine Testimony of Benghazi Whistleblower | The Weekly Standard
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Danger Will Smith Danger!
Yet again we are granting our federal government way too much power. The Founding Fathers are spinning in their graves.
Bill Gives DHS Sec. 'Virtually Unlimited Discretion to Waive Any Manner of Crimes,' ICE Council Warns Congress | CNS News Mobile
Is this where we are heading?
The road to nowhere or the road to serfdom? Same difference!
Sultan Knish: The Road to Nowhere
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Barracuda Brigade calls MSNBC’s TourĂ© a bonehead
Barracuda Brigade: MSNBC’s "Bone·Head" TourĂ© ~> “Open Borders” Will R...: What a moron !!! “The answer to our immigration issue is open borders… Tear down the fences. Rip up the red tape. Yup; I’m embraci...
Monday, May 6, 2013
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Unbelievable the depths to which the Regressives will stoop
Inventing racism where no racism exists
Bill Richardson: I don’t think Ted Cruz should be defined as a Hispanic » The Right Scoop -
Now a DemocRAT admits to the truth
BLOCKBUSTER – Democrat Congressman Declares White House Benghazi Cover-Up - The Ulsterman Report
Saturday, May 4, 2013
DHS is like an energizer bunny, they just keep going and going and going
Minute Men NewsDHS Seeks Millions MORE Rounds of Ammunition! That's Right...Millions More! - Minute Men News
WAke up, America, this is not the movies
Guest Post: The Good Guys Are Not Coming To Save Us | Zero Hedge
And they say that only 3% were active in our first war of independence
Revolutionary Math II « Bob Owens
Yet again the Regressives show their contempt for our Constitution
Colorado editor advocates sending NRA ‘monsters’ to Guantanamo - National gun rights |
Friday, May 3, 2013
Unabashed chutzpah from King Barry
Did he really have the gal to use these words. For anyone who did not believe that Fast & Furious was designed to create gun control, here is your proof!
Obama Blames U.S. For Gun Violence In Mexico | RealClearPolitics
If we just indict the employers then there would be no jobs for the illegals
» Amnesty for Employers of Illegal Aliens » News -- GOPUSA
Typical Regressive hypocrisy
Black Pastor Is Banned From Speaking At College For Standing Against Obama // Mr. Conservative
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Yet again the Regressives project themselves on to America
When we complain about the Regressives forcing one size fits all solutions on us and that they try to make us into a flock of sheeple, all they are doing is projecting their own monolithic and regimented approach to life.
Case in point is their messaging. After the focus groups determined that Hitlery's "What does it matter?" reply to Benghazi questioning was very acceptable (it must have been a real LIV focus group), we are seeing more examples of that approach from other Regressives. The latest one is the Carney Barker reminding us that Benghazi happened such a long time ago (translation: does it matter anymore)
Carney: 'Benghazi Happened a Long Time Ago' | The Weekly Standard