Thursday, December 19, 2013
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Friday, December 13, 2013
A horrifying view of our future
Thank you King Barry, your sickophants (deliberate misspelling) and all other Regressive ideologues. Once again we see that ObamaCurse is not about benefiting the people but building power for the elites.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Unfortunately, while there are many good police officers.....
... some bad apples in the barrel spoil it for the rest. By acting like jack booted Gestapo agents they engender a negative disposition towards public safety officers and discourage people from helping when help might be needed.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Maybe she is looking for a home for her upcoming retirement
Sebelius' Damage-Control Trip To Florida
The truth hurts, doesn't it, your lowness
Another nail in the coffin of King Barry's signature accomplishment
Lies, lies, lies and more lies
When can we impeach this despicable liar and shut down his untrustworthy regime.
The truth will set you free...
If this does not turn the 2014 elections upside down, we do not deserve liberty any more.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Sunday, November 17, 2013
So now even Regressives admit Dear Leader was lying
Great ideas from @TheNatPat, something we should all get behind
Thursday, November 14, 2013
And yet again, it is always someone else's fault
Just like in my previous post, see how the Leftist LSM flail around looking for someone to blame for the #ObamaCurse disaster. They just can't accept that their idol is an incompetent, blustering, lying buffoon who forced a travesty of an unthought through bill on We The People.
Idea to reduce the deficit ;-)
Following King Barry's press conference today, I was struck with a great idea on how the regime can knock a hole in the Budget deficit.
[sarc]Given that Dear Leader had decided yet again that he can write or rewrite laws without reference to Congress, why don't we get rid of Congress? We can save the salaries and benefits of 535 overpaid legislators, as well as countless of this staff, who are probably even more overpaid than their bosses.
Caliph Hussein can indulge in his penchant of announcing laws dreamed up by the power behind his throne, Val Jarrett, without having to worry about those pesky legislators shutting off the money spigot (tap, for those of you who attended a government school). [/sarc]
Although the above is written with tongue in cheek, the Puppet in the Spite House has indeed been watching to much Games of Thrones, probably thinking that it is some new reality show. He obviously feels that he had to act as one of the key players in that saga, ignoring the Constitution and the Rule of Law. Isn't it time that We The People showed him and his cronies the door and take back our country?
And yet again the Regressives try to pin the blame on something totally unrelated
Just like King Barry is always looking for someone elder to blame, the LSM follow his lead and find an excuse for Dems who ate doing the right and honorable thing, at least as honorable as you can be after strenuously proclaiming exactly the opposite viewpoint less than a month ago. But remember, hypocrisy is in the Regressives genes and unfortunately it is NOT a regressive trait (apologies for the twisted pun).
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
After all King Barry has done to date....
Barack Obama Openly Threatens Dictatorship - The Ulsterman Report
Pinch me, am I dreaming?
At this point the words "wheels", "falling off" and "wagon" come to mind, or am I gloating too soon?
CAPITOL UPDATE: Barack Obama Begs Harry Reid To Keep Senate Dems In Line - The Ulsterman Report
The latest from the Regressives' Talking Points factory
Some good ideas here
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
The backroom talking point writers are at it again
The 2014 Referendum
Now that it has been clearly shown that King Barry and his court lied about "you can keep you plan" and "you can keep your doctor", the conservatives can justify their opposition to #ObamaCurse and challenge the so-called 2012 vote of confidence in the travesty of a bill.
In fact, I believe that the GOP should make this a key pillar of their platform for 2014:
If you knew the Democrats were lying (as has been shown), would you have voted for Obama and his cronies in 2012? Show your disgust with the lies and give us the opportunity to correct this bill and give you back your own health insurance - vote GOP.
Definition of treason: giving aid and succor to the enemy. When will we act?
Doug Ross @ Journal: Pentagon Report: Obama Administration Paid More than $150 Million to Fund Terrorist Attacks Against Americans
#1 on the RINO hitlist
The Duplicity of Lindsey Graham | RedState
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Thanks Mark Steyn for summarizing so clearly
Friday, November 1, 2013
Interesting ideas
Not sure that I agree with everything in this article, but I agree that we need more open discussion, so this is a start.
H/t David Burge (@iowahawkblog - if you don't follow him you should)
This is what King Barry's cronies want to do to us
Progressive taxes first (tax the touch on income) and then steal from (tax) the rich on capital
Friday, October 25, 2013
The GESTAPO comes to America
Yet again we have an example of how this regime is ignoring the Constitution and acting like Nazi Gestapo thugs.
Firstly, why all these raids with full body armor SWAT teams, pure intimidation. Then these thugs decide that they can take whatever they like, without regard to what is specified in any warrant. Makes you wonder if the real target of the raid was guns, or if that was just an excuse to gain entry for the purpose of stealing information about possible leaks.
Finally, who will be held accountable for this. Nobody! In fact, expect the people responsible for planning and executing this travesty of justice to be promoted and given bonuses.
Pure "Nacht and nebel" tactics, I cry for my country that we let the regime visit this upon us.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Me thinks the beginning of the end for Boehner
How can we trust him to represent 'We The People' after these emails have been released.
Monday, October 14, 2013
TREASON, plan and simple
But don't expect any odd the coats in the District of Corruption to do anything. They are too worried about causing a " Constitutional crisis" which might cost them their jobs.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Unfortunately Matt Bracken hits the nail on the head, again
So what happened to "creating jobs is his #1 priority?"....
Obama: End Shutdown So We Can Pass Immigration Reform - Conservative Byte
You can't make this up
If you wrote this as a comedy script for TV, people would say it is to unbelievable. Firstly because of the stupidity of the assertions, secondly it involves her lowness Queen Moochelle directly.
Chicago thuggery all the way....using batons on WW2 veterans....
Heaven help this country if we let them get away with these distortions of the truth and even blatant lies.
Revised link with video of tyrannical actions of the Capitol Police:
Is This happening in America?
Veterans Remove Barricades from Memorials and Bring Them to White House - National Liberty Federation
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Welcome to the most transparent regime ever .....NOT
D.C. In The Terror: Talking To Press Corps? Go To Prison – Reporter Doing Your Job? Go To Prison | Here's The Right Side Of It
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Messaging, messaging, messaging
Once again the enemy (why not call them that, the Regressives have turned this into a war) are winning the messaging battle. With the looming debt ceiling debate, all that we hear in the media is "default, default, default." Even FNC is unfair and unbalanced about this.
Here are the fact's: there is absolutely no need for the US to default on anything. The government collects more than enough money to pay for our interest payments and for any bonds that come due. The problem is, that since we spend more than we bring in, there are decisions that the Petty Dictator in the Spite House will have to take with regard to government programs that will not be funded.
Looking at his record of the last week, it is obvious that he will make it as painful as possible for 'We The People'. If he is really malicious, which I do not rule out, he could default on our loans and collapse the US dollar and our economy. But he is not being forced to, even if we refuse to increase the debt ceiling.
But reckon on the rhetoric to be acrimonious and vehement over the next couple of weeks, with most of it just lies and mis-representation of the truth
Monday, October 7, 2013
Yet another example of the regime giving 'We The People' the finger
After all the hullabaloo about closing parks for vets, throwing residents out of their houses and all the other examples of making life difficult for ordinary American unnecessarily, do they really think they can get away with this without any protests. Are they really that stupid, or are they deliberately provoking us. These provocations get worse day by day. I suspect that King Barry is just waiting for us to snap so that he had an excuse to become the dictator he dreams of being.
The best we can do is to make the rest of America realize what is going on sand hope that they finally wake up.
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Danger, Will Smith, Danger!
Amnesty is Alive and Well and Moving Forward
#L3 Long Live Liberty
This is one of the best articles condemning our petty dictator that I have ever seen
Please share this with everyone that you know
Saturday, October 5, 2013
This article may be right.
Obama’s latest fight in the war on America - Tea Party Nation
Friday, October 4, 2013
Remember, it is the WH that determines what does and does not get closed.
So you still really believe that King Barry did not want this all along? The biggest mistake the GOP made was perhaps allowing themselves to be maneuvered into this situation. Hopefully they will stand firm until the American people show that they have seen though the conniving of the Caliph. And then, roll on November 2014, the Bottom Feeder-in-Chief is about to be taught a lesson. Don't mess with America!!
Military keeps Camp David open, cuts NFL, baseball coverage to troops overseas |
More examples of the PIGS in the WH using their power to inflict unnecessary hardship on 'We The People'
PIGS = Profane, Inhuman, Gratuitous, Spiteful - and if you assume a George Orwell reference, you are correct.
The Jerk-in-Chief stoops even lower than low
Do you know why we have been saddled with this unbelievable POS. Because even the denizens of the sewers from where he came could not stand him and threw him out.
And anyone who is offended by any perceived lack of respect for the President, let me set you straight. I have absolutely no respect for this jerk (the term that I would really like to use would probably be censored), since he has no respect for our Constitution, our way of life, our country, our morals and values, the American people and common decency. I have full respect for the office of the President, I just hope that he does not destroy that office in his headlong grab for unbridled power.
The Regressives have sorely underestimated their wins on the current situation
Obama Official: 'It Doesn't Really Matter to Us' How Long the Shutdown Lasts | National Review Online
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Fed up to the teeth with Regressive hypocrisy
timer yesterday's shameless hypocrisy from that horse's rear end, Dingy Harry, the Regressive piled it on with a quote from their Messiah, Caliph Hussein, the hypocritist-in-chief. He was on TV this afternoon saying, "....if only John Boehner would put the bill on the house floor for an up or down vote....."
What about the uncountable times that the Republicans asked that very same question of the so called leader of the Senate (more like the chief puppet of the Senate, but that is another story) on any number of bills. All we heard them were crickets, crickets and more crickets. But they sure don't like it when their own tactics are used against them.
King Barry, time to stop whining! It is time to start listening to the American people, through the voices of the House representatives. Get off the golf course and sit down and talk, even though it may be against your ideology.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Are Regressives hypocrites? Does the sun rise in the east?
And yet just a few months ago was it not these same jerks who, after the Newtown disaster, said that "we must have more gun control, it is worth it if it saves just one child."
Reid then doubled up on his hypocrisy with the following tweet, after he was called on his shameful statement. "Republicans are in such desperate straits that they have literally resorted to accusing me of not caring about kids with cancer. Shameful."
Again, and again, and again, and again they say one thing today, the opposite tomorrow. They know that they can get away with such hypocrisy because their lap-dog lackeys, the Lame Stream Media, will never call them out on such inconsistencies. Our Founders told us that our Constitution was designed for a virtuous people, they obviously never thought that a conniving group as devious and treacherous as the Regressives could ever seize the power that they have.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Friday, September 27, 2013
Last step before single payer...
Whether we like it or not.....
Step by step the regime is taking control of our lives at all levels
New HUD Rule Takes Control of Local Zoning | The Rockland County Times
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
We all know that the jerk is physically impossible of telling the truth on anything
Obama claims he hasn't had a cigarette in 6 years -- or has he? | Fox News
Monday, September 23, 2013
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Friday, September 20, 2013
Obama Defies Congress; Breaks a Law He Just Signed - Minutemen News
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Regressives getting worried that we are calling their bluff
Seriously Senator Klobuchar, a group of extremists IS holding our government hostage, they are know as Progressives, a.k.a tax and spend liberals!
Boehner blasts Obama for bargaining with Putin, not Congress ahead of budget vote | Fox News
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
It is becoming more and more obvious that somethi ng is being hidden...
CIA Benghazi Survivor Suspended For Refusing To Sign Non-Disclosure - The Ulsterman Report
Read Ulsterman's Mac Walker's Benghazi series, maybe he knows.
This should never be allowed
Horror In A Toledo Neighborhood As Police Go Out of Control - The Free Patriot
Monday, September 16, 2013
Don't cower before CAIR
Florida Man To Be Disciplined For Facebook Post About Islam?
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Friday, September 13, 2013
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Why do Regressives lie so much ?
While the GOP is not totally clean either, the level of ethics issues on the other side of the aisle, both in and out of Congress is much, much higher. Is it because of the Alinsky mentality, "the ends justify the means?"
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
@NatPat is right - TREASON! » Blog Archive » Aiding and Abetting al Qaeda in Sryia is TREASON!!!
Just For The Record: What does the Constitution say?
Section. 8.
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; .....
To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations;
To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;
So technically Congress could, and should, vote on punishing Syria based on the fact offences against the Law of Nations, i.e. the use of poison or nerve gas. It is still not clear who actually used these horrendous, terrible weapons and to what end. But done properly, perhaps we should have punished both sides. Congress could have done so by declaring War, as specified above and everybody could have been less uptight about the whole situation. Instead, King Barry and his cronies missed a chnace to win over a constituency that they have alienated, by moving back to honoring the Constitution. So much for the "superb" messaging that the White House team is supposed to have under their control.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Check mate? What do you expect when Putin is playing chess and King Barry is struggling with checkers
Basic truth is that this just reinforces what I have been saying all along, our ruler and his administration are a bunch of bumbling, inept amateurs on the world stage.
The example set by the Liar-in-Chief permeates down through all the elites in the District of Corruption
National Park Service Accuses Biker Group of Lying About Why They Were Denied Permit for 9/11 D.C. Ride |
The 411 on Why Obama is Floundering
Articles: Why Obama is Floundering
Australia shows the way for the GOP
The there appeared a conservative, Tony Abbott who challenged the party establishment, and was derided by the media as un-electable because he was 'too extreme'. He fought a bitter fight to win the party leadership by one vote, the proceeded to pull the party down the path of true conservatism. He attacked the Labour Party leader, Kevin Rudd, on the carbon tax so successfully that the bill had to be shelved and the Labour Party ditched Rudd as a leader.
The Australian voters did not listen to the biased media either and this week the center-right Liberal National Party was returned to power after six years of debilitating Labour rule. In other words, conservatism is popular with the voters, as long as you stick to your principles. It is the vacillating middle of the road approach, accepting almost everything that the other side of the aisle forces on them that turns off voters from the GOP.
Wake up conservatives, stop accepting what our GOP establishment keeps telling you. We are not pariahs and the public will vote for a steadfast conservative who declares their true colors and sticks to them. People appreciate that sometimes a politician will stand for something with which they do not agree. But they prefer someone who stands for something, rather than the "I defined a red-line - but actually it was everybody's red-line", or "I voted for the bill before I voted against it" or the "what difference does it make now" indifference that we have seen from the current administration.
Take heart, conservatives, our time is coming!.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
On 9/11 we now have TWO reasons to say "We shal not forget"
Benghazi anniversary hurts White House push to win Syria support | Fox News
This article adds to the unraveling of Caliph Soetoro's lies about Syria
The Minority Report Blog | Conservative News & Opinion
Well how about Alan Dis-Grayson now...
Those of you who have followed this blog during the 2010 & 2012 election seasons, or listened to the radio show, will know that I have little respect for the pompous, narsissistic Congressman that represents my district (unfortunately).
However, I will also honest and give the devil his due, as he seems to have said something that I must applaud. So in this one case, hats off to you, Alan. Just a pity that you have so many stupid other utterances that I will still hold against you.
Caliph Soetoro's hypocrisy clearly exposed by @NatPat » Blog Archive » Obama Is Giving Your 2nd Amendment Rights to Terrorists
@NatPat decsribes pretty much the only path left on Syria » Blog Archive » Weekend Edition: Between Barack and a Hard Place – Obama’s Options
Friday, September 6, 2013
So the US stands alone
What happened to the world community that drew a red line? Poof, disappeared, which just goes to show that it is true what we have been saying, that King Barry is a magician not a leader. He is good at misdirection but not much else
An inept, bumbling fool exposed
Not to say that things are not bad in Syria but....
The Last Great Stand » CNN Caught Staging News Segments on Syria With Actors
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
The not dumb lady speaks with her heart
Call your legislator and ask this question
Please do so before the September 9th vote
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Show This national hotel chain that we will not allow promoting of usurping the Constitution
Full Article
DWS had been smoking something special AGAIN
Monday, September 2, 2013
A spoof surely....
Of course, with this bunch of clowns in charge, you never know.
Not just the Telegraph, not just the Mail, now the Express too!
British newspaper calls Obama “ineffectual, invisible, the weakest president in history |
Again and again and again our friends in the foreign press dig up the dirt
... that our own 4th estate refuse to bring to light. In this case we find out that with a friend like John Kerry, who needs enemies!
Yet again the foreign press have to tell us what our own LSM should be telling us.
Basically, that Caliph Soetoro is a bumbling, inept, pathetic figure on the world stage, far removed from the glorious leader that we were told he would be. Isn't it time he sent back his Nobel Peace Prize?
The "religion of peace" at work again
These are the mindless animals that are supported by the mindless animal in the White House and his cronies. The same scenes of religious intolerance are being exhibited in Syria, where Caliph Soetoro also expects us to send in US military assets to support these pigs. Call, email and fax your legislators in the District of Corruption: NO meddling in the Syrian civil war!!!!!
More reasons why we should not get embroiled in Syria
The U.S. Military Does Not Want To Fight For Al-Qaeda Christian Killers In Syria
There are a lot of differences between Soetoro and Bush
What Obama, Biden did after ‘strike Syria’ speech even disgusts media - BizPac Review
Friday, August 30, 2013
Steyn's usual witty repartee on a serious subject
As witty as they are, every word is very true too
As said over and over, there is as much evidence that the rebels used the WMDs as Assad did
BTW, this report comes from, which is not always the most reliable, but similar reports have been circulating the internet for a while.
» Rebels Admit Responsibility for Chemical Weapons Attack Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
This article is probably correct...
New boss at ICE ineligible for job, says critic | Fox News
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
And now more evidence that the gas attack is a false flag situation
Evidence: Syria gas attack work of U.S. allies
Great information from @NatPat, all very plausible... » Blog Archive » BUSH Lied and People Died? WHO’S LYING NOW???
And why do you think they want this?
IRS targeting the American Legion with new set of guidelines | The Daily Caller
Are you directly affected? Join the suit against Obama and his Unaffordable Care Act
Obamacare Challenge | Judicial Watch
Isn't it time that blacks in this country wake up
Review & Outlook: Holder vs. Martin Luther King Jr. -
Hey Unions, you got suckered by Dear Leader
DOJ suit against airline merger further alienates unions | Fox News
Monday, August 26, 2013
How bad things are...the Russians have to tell us the truth
Humanity is drowning in Washington's criminality - English
Here is a very plausible explanation of why all the attention on Syria
Dmitry Minin - The Geopolitics of Gas and the Syrian Crisis - Strategic Culture Foundation - on-line journal > The Geopolitics of Gas and the Syrian Crisis > - Strategic Culture Foundation
Friday, August 23, 2013
Rachel Maddow socks it to Dear Leader?
Obama explains the FEMA Camps - YouTube
The Article V Amendments Convention - Our opportunity to reign in the out of control District of Corruption
The Liberty Amendments: Restoring the American Republic: Mark R. Levin: 9781451606270: Books
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Sometimes we can fight back in a positive way
And this is certainly a sterling example
Demonstration of society's values today
Bradley (or Chelsea, take your pick) Manning was sentenced to 35 years in the stockade (certainly no picnic). I wonder how much the "Thrill Killer" will get.
Probably far less because this regime values power, which Manning's actions undermined, far more than mere human life. Something that society seems to accept, given the amount of outcry on the Manning sentence and other sentences for heinous murders.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Big business, in spite of their waivers, does not want Obamacare
Now here is an idea how to use our drones effectively
Whom Shall We Drone? | Online Library of Law and Liberty
What happened to the 4th Amendment?
Obamacare Provision Allows Forced Home Inspections | Saving the Republic: Video News & Opinion
Tyranny Is Always Lurking Just Around The Corner...
Tyranny Is Always Lurking Just Around The Corner in [Market-Ticker]
What about meeting with employers and unions to get the economy going?
Administration admits to ‘hundreds’ of meetings with jihad-linked group | The Daily Caller
Yet again the WH shows its lack of honesty and integrity
If you wonder why I give no respect to the clown, it is due to him constantly, deliberately and flagrantly showing that he has no respect for us, 'We The People'. I have respect for the office of President, but frequent readers of my posts will notice that I never use the 'P'-word in conjunction with this usurper.
Nonprofit executive overseeing the White House's Obamacare youth video contest is the disgraced ACORN group's former top lobbyist | Mail Online
Interesting, the ACLU does not allow the Ten Commandments but had no problem with 5 Pillars?
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
This is the kind of Democrat that i can support
If she were running for office I would send a contribution
Monday, August 19, 2013
Absolutely unbelievable decision by Hasan judge
Coverup: Judge Bars Evidence of Nidal Hasan’s Islamic Terrorist Motivations | FrontPage Magazine
Why do we even have laws...
Kerry Clears Benghazi Officials Clinton Punished - The Daily Beast
Sad what is happening in our country today
Colorado State Police, Homeland Security target Christians – Glenn Beck
Just shows how inept Caliph Hussein really is...
Egyptian Opposition Leader Ahmed Said: Obama Misleading American People
Friday, August 16, 2013
Dear Leader acting as a DICTATOR again
WashPost's Goldfarb Cheers Obama Plan to Hike Cell Phone 'Fees' for 'ConnectEd' Program | NewsBusters
Thursday, August 15, 2013
In the end all of us that dare stand are Spartacus
And we must hang together or surely we will hang alone
And this is the administration that will be managing our healthcare...
... our housing, our veterans, our manufacturing, our security, etc. No wonder this country is going to hell in a hand basket.
Are you a Blutto or a Pinto
Understand why Dear Leader delayed (unconstitutionally) another provision of his Unaffordable Care Act.
More people harmed by illegal aliens than by guns
So where are the calls for removal of illegal aliens?
I say it again, when do we march on Washington?
When will America wake up to this treachery that is being committed by both sides of the aisle? We should be grabbing our pitchforks and torches and heading for the District of Corruption to demand their resignation and the institution of honest legislators
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Are you, like me, fed up with Dear Leader ignore whatever law he dislikes?
The regressives become more and more brazen in their intimidation
Durbin Targets American Legislative Exchange Council On Stand Your Ground -
See how the Jerk-In-Chief bypasses congress, yet again!
Obama skirts Congress, funds pre-K through Obamacare | The Daily Caller
Another Regressive Who Thinks They Can Bend The Law To Their Own Ends
Taitz Report 08.11.2013 Federal Judge Sits on Fast and Furious Subpoena for a Year
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Can you believe the audacity of the District of Corruption?
Tax discussions are Top Secret? Get a life, legislators, time for transparency.
We had to pass the bill to find out what is in it, and we don't like what we see
I do like Teri's "obamise", as in broken promise.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Princess Pelosi a Perfect Picture of Hypocrisy
Nancy Pelosi demands GOP take down 'Slap Hillary' site it doesn't own - Spokane Conservative |
We know that our country is almost lost when we see something like this
It is frightening to see how the usurper is creating this culture of idolatry
There is, of course, a relatively simple solution...
Visa delayed for Afghan translator who helped Medal of Honor recipient | Fox News
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Yet again we see signs of America becoming more and more like Germany in the 1930s under Hitler and his brown shirts
It is saddening to see these reports, and more and more of them. As the report states, it is indeed a tendency towards the thuggery of fascism. Hopefully some conservative judicial organizations will take up this situation and sue the irresponsible police department that caused this travesty. Having been involved in one of these rallies in Texas last week, I would like to applaud the police that were there, I was told to protect us from counter demonstrations.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Ho-Hum (yawn) Did Dingy Harry just play the race card again?
Black senator blasts Harry Reid for suggesting Republicans are racist | The Daily Caller
Dear Leader's lips are moving so he must be lying
Is this the somoking gun? Finally? #L3
Obama Was Indonesian Citizen When Attending Occidental College Claims Witness to Records | Godfather Politics
#L3 Long Live Liberty
Folks, we have to do more than hope and pray
We can win this, but we ALL have to help
Flipping the Senate | National Review Online
Love this lady, wish she would run for Senate and then for the White house
Barracuda Brigade: Sarah Palin ROCKS "Cashin' In" ~> " I Don't Trust Any Government Led By Barack Obama" ~> Must See Video
The stench of corruption is in the air
And also look in this article how Emperor Soetoro is using the EPA to throttle our energy producers and drive up our gas prices unnecessarily.
More NANNY STATE overreach
Obama's FDA: Your body is a drug and we can regulate it - Spokane Conservative |
This is how low we have sunk
Doc denied medical license in Kansas for questioning Obama's birth certificate - Spokane Conservative |
It is time we got rid of the IRS AND this administration
We really are SHEEPLE for allowing this to continue, we should be marching on Washington and demanding the resignations of all involved.
IRS agent: Tax agency is still targeting Tea Party groups |
Dear Leader is now REALLY acting like a TREASONOUS DICTATOR
Obama bypasses Congress, orders waiver on ban of aid to Palestinians - Spokane Conservative |
Thursday, August 8, 2013
LSM protecting Dear Leader yet again
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
The lady was right after all
Come back Sarah, all is forgiven and your country needs you
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Monday, August 5, 2013
"Murder and Double Standards" says it all
Murder and Double Standards | FrontPage Magazine
Stating the obvious, but it must be repeated, again, and again, and again...
Wake up America, is this what our Founding Fathers fought for? No! It is time to throw off the chains of tyranny, even if means watering the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
It’s Amazing He Hasn’t Been Prosecuted and Still Has His Job
Greenwald on James Clapper: It’s Amazing He Hasn’t Been Prosecuted and Still Has His Job
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Is this the end of the beginning? (h/t Winston Churchill)
PolitiChicks columnist Carolyn Elkins tells us why this could be the gate opener we need to bring the Prez down
READ THE POST HERE --->>>>> (Comment by T. Lehner)
Is BenghaziGate Finally Being Thrown Wide Open? - ::
h/t Bamboo Bob
Keep this travesty alive, until we get all the answers that 'We The People' deserve
ONLY THE PRESIDENT can give a GO or STAND DOWN order since he is the commander in chief, the highest authority, especially when the GO order means for the troops entering a country the United States is NOT OFFICIALLY at war with. FOR CLARIFICATION every entering of armed forces in a country without local permission and we are not at war with IS AN ACT OF WAR no matter if we only save our citizens or else. And that is why only the President can give this order.
So when Obama claims he did not know anything that means one of two things
- either he is lying or
- his staff is out of control and gives illegal orders; which also makes the President responsible because the "Buck stops with him" as their direct superior.
PolitiChicks columnist Maureen Mullins and why it seems like déjà vu to the famous Howard Baker inquiry from the Watergate hearings all over again. READ THE FULL STORY HERE --->>>>>>
Benghazi: What Did The President Know and When Did He Know It? - ::
h/t Bamboo Bob
Read the Constitution, dummy!
Democratic Senator: Republicans don't deserve Constitutional freedoms - Spokane Conservative |
Friday, August 2, 2013
Just more race baiting from a hater
Jesse Jackson refuses to apologize, Fla. governor shuts him out - BizPac Review
This is TREASON to the people of America
Dozens of CIA operatives on the ground during Benghazi attack
Latest jobs figures scam
Right now the best figure to judge the state of our country is the workforce participation percentage, which fell again, this time another 1.5%. No wonder the unemployment percentage drops as well. At this rate we will soon be at a participation percentage of below 50%, meaning that more people have given up looking for work than are actually working.
And by the way, don't think that these numbers are even true, we also saw that May and June's new jobs numbers numbers were significantly reduced from the original 195,000 that had been quoted.
All in all this is an inept, corrupt, lying administration and we will be in big trouble if we do not vote in a House and Senate that can rein in this spendthrift, crony driven bunch of clowns
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
As ever the great @Talkmaster nails it again
Monday, July 29, 2013
Monday, July 22, 2013
I think not!
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Read this NOW h/t @talkmaster
Read and share please
Thursday, July 18, 2013
First cell phones and emails, now this
Government Tracking All Cars - National Liberty Federation
Finally a real reporter, brave enough to stand up to the WH
16-yr-old intern matches wits with WH press secretary Jay Carney - BizPac Review
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
All this dirt surfaces, but no real action ever takes place
Holder implicated in IRS Cover Up - Columbia Public Policy |
Is no-one listening?
During 20-Day Zimmerman Trial, Four Chicago Children Murdered – Media Ignores Loss Of Life - The Ulsterman Report
Monday, July 15, 2013
Someone daring to stand up for the law? h/t @Atlasshrugs
Wake up America
NY Threatens to Pull JFK Airport Slot From Saudi Arabian Airlines for Islamic Jew-hatred - Atlas Shrugs
Good question, when will we reach boiling point?
Nearing Midnight: What Is the American People’s Boiling Point? | Vine of Life News
Yet again we see that this administration ignores the law whenever it pleases
Treasury: Debt Has Been Exactly $16,699,396,000,000.00 for 56 Days | CNS News
Looks like GZ may have NBC pay for his security detail for the next 10 years
NBC Admits Collusion Among Media Of Anti-Zimmerman Coverage… - The Ulsterman Report
Who cares about the Law and the Constitution
Judge Kidd makes injunction against Miss. gun law permanent - National gun rights |
The @Talkmaster's summary of the GZ situation is probably the best out there
The Zimmerman Verdict | Nealz Nuze |
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Is it too late?
America under tyrannical rule: what we must now do
Friday, July 12, 2013
Time to get rid of Juan Williams on FNC
I have reached my limit of the insane statements from that inept tool of the Regressives, Juan Williams. While I know FOX News is trying to present a fair and balanced view, the operative word is 'fair'. There is no place for out and out lies. Today he calmly started that Janet Napolitano had done a great job at DHS, since there had been no attacks during her tenure.
Of course, we don't count the underwear bomber, the Times Square bomb beside they failed, but not through any of her responsibility. And then there was the successful, although not as successful as intended, Boston Marathon bombings.
As we used to say back in Blighty, "Come on, Juan, pull the other one!"
The supposed gender neutral Regressives turn out to be hypocritical
But that is hardly a surprise. The head of DHS, Janet 'Big Sis' Napolitano, whose resignation was unexpectedly announced today, is famous for replacing 'terrorist attack' with 'MAN made disaster'. Was she not sinning against the creed of Progressives by using such a non-gender neutral phrase? Why was she not pilloried by the PC police state lame stream media. Sorry, I forgot. Regressives are allowed to do and say what they want. It is only the conservatives that need to be kept in line.
Big Sis, goodbye and good riddance.
More Sharia-crap in schools in the UK
Teachers 'denied schoolboy, 10, water on the hottest day of the year to avoid upsetting Muslim pupils during Ramadan' | Mail Online
While I was disappointed by Rubio's treachery on immigration
Rubio Drops to 5th in Iowa Poll
Thursday, July 11, 2013
I have said this before
NTEB: 13 Similarities Between Obama And Hitler
Finally, someone trying to hold legislators accountable
N.H. Rep. files petition, criminal complaint against oath-breaking colleagues - National gun rights |
Shows how we are giving away our liberties for almost no reason
Only 1 percent of “terrorists” caught by the FBI are real -
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
This is dynamite information
Obama's Department of Justice Organized anti-Zimmerman Race Riots - Atlas Shrugs
This explains why there is no Constitutional authority for the President to change existing laws as he sees fit
One law for the sheeple, one law for the elites
Democratic aide brings gun into courthouse, gets ticket | The Daily Caller
Dumber and Dumbest
British firm awarded huge contract to take over Obamacare - BizPac Review
This is illegal, right?
And don't forget to stop buying, and to stop your family buying, from this insidious company. You may like their clothes but they do not deserve your business
Clothing line Illuminati calls for murder of George Zimmerman on Twitter - National Crime & Courts |
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Folks, we need to keep F&F alive in the public mind
Media still pushing Fast and Furious ‘failed gun-tracking operation’ line - National gun rights |
A warning for all those RINOs, immigration reform should not be rushed
The U.S. Jobs That Went to Immigrants | FrontPage Magazine
More hypocrisy over religion
Colorado baker faces year in jail for refusing to make cake for gay wedding - National Crime & Courts |
Monday, July 8, 2013
More black on white hate crimes that are being ignored
Mob beats man on his own front porch “for Trayvon”…press ignores - Norfolk Crime |
After the IRS has been outed for their anti-Tea Party activities
Federal Agents Violate Saint Augustine Tea Party’s Civil Rights… - Jacksonville TEA Party |
More insidiousness from the usurper regime.
WARNING!! – Obama’s Government Healthcare Friday Doc Dump – UNBELIEVABLE - The Ulsterman ReportPublish Post
Another information source
Another example of "Coming soon to a country near you"
Canada: Man arrested for walking dog near Muslims in public park | Creeping Sharia
Sunday, July 7, 2013
A very powerful treatise
So will the treacherous Eric Holder and his Department of InJustice finally be held accountable?
Report: Two more killings traced to missing Fast & Furious guns | CowboyByteCowboyByte
Saturday, July 6, 2013
More background information on the shadowy figures that are flitting through OUR White House
The Brotherhood, the Blind Sheik and a Hot Arab Summer - ::