Wake up America!
Voters Aren't Buying Obama's Distractions
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
Good news is that the UN has been unable to reach agreement on this treaty
But be sure that the anti-gun zealots will continue to push
Why The UN Arms Trade Treaty Violates The Constitution
Am I missing something?
Why are the Progressives so in bed with people representing radical Islam. I suspect that it has something to do with fighting a common enemy - Judeo-Christianity. Yet are the Progressives really so stupid as to see that if the radical Islamists are given any power, not only will they take more, but all the pet Progressive communities, such as feminists and the LBGTQ crowd will be the first to suffer, after the Jews and Christians.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Of course, what would the LSM have said if Romney had said nothing?
They would have taken him to task for ignoring obvious issues, especially if anything were to happen over the next few days. Let's face it, Mitt will never have anything positive reported by the LSM.
Mitt Romney’s criticism of the London Olympics is not taken well | Conservative News, Views & Books
Mitt Romney’s criticism of the London Olympics is not taken well | Conservative News, Views & Books
Avoid the Progressives' rhetoric, see the facts right here...
This letter clearly and without hype explains the issues raised by a very brave woman
Why might the LSM downplay this?
Anything to do with the race of the person killed, and possibly the majority of the partiers too? None of the reports mention any preponderance of any particular race but do these groups really party in a mixed way?
Media Covering Up Deadly Flash Mob - America Conservative 2 Conservative
Media Covering Up Deadly Flash Mob - America Conservative 2 Conservative
I am surprised, only 10 rounds of golf in 191 days
It looks like King Barry might actually be doing work.......oops, sorry, I realize now he cannot golf because of the fund raising.
President Obama’s Misplaced Priorities: 191 Days And Counting
President Obama’s Misplaced Priorities: 191 Days And Counting
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
The Wicked Witch of the South is such a lying hypocrite,
can you trust anything that she says? Especially after the fact to "explain something away". No spin please, we are Americans.
Wasserman Schultz Confirms “Once in a Lifetime” Luxury Cruise Vacation | The Shark Tank
Wasserman Schultz Confirms “Once in a Lifetime” Luxury Cruise Vacation | The Shark Tank
Interesting information about the Constitution of the Confederacy
Including the fact that slavery was going to be outlawed!
ObamaCare Wouldn’t Exist in the Confederacy : Political Outcast
ObamaCare Wouldn’t Exist in the Confederacy : Political Outcast
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
DEar leadr, El Presidente, Caliph Hussein, King Barry
Obviously the Progressives think that we should just tear up the Constitution and award the jerk in chief unlimited powers
Calling For Obama To Ban Assault Weapons Via Executive Order At The Huffington Post? |
Calling For Obama To Ban Assault Weapons Via Executive Order At The Huffington Post? |
Monday, July 23, 2012
Yet again we see King Barry and his cronies spinning the words in favor of enemies of Israel
And still the Jewish bloc will roll over and donate their votes to Dear Leader.
‘Tit for Tat’ | Washington Free Beacon
‘Tit for Tat’ | Washington Free Beacon
Another "inconvenient" story that the LSM is ignoring
Is that because it would implicate the puppeteers behind the screen?
Expose the banksters!
Expose the banksters!
Another "inconvenient" story that the LSM is ignoring
Is that because it would implicate the puppeteers behind the screen?
Expose the banksters!
Expose the banksters!
Change the name from DOJ to DOI
It can stand for both Department of Injustice or Department of Incompetence
DOJ Mistakes Lead to Dismissal of Largest Human Trafficking Case in U.S. History
I bet the MS. French referenced in the article was a political appointee.
DOJ Mistakes Lead to Dismissal of Largest Human Trafficking Case in U.S. History
I bet the MS. French referenced in the article was a political appointee.
WAke up America! Don't let this happen here!
Political correctness can be taken too far, or the fear of being branded racist. Look at the Ft. Hood massacre and how that is being handled in a PC way. Will our children be next?
Finally! Veil lifted on Muslim rape epidemic
Finally! Veil lifted on Muslim rape epidemic
Let's make sure that we do not lose the 2nd Amendment
Here is ammunition (pun intended) for your next discussion with a whining anti-gun Progressive:
The Most Pro-Gun Low-Crime City in the United StatePublish Posts : Political Outcast
The Most Pro-Gun Low-Crime City in the United StatePublish Posts : Political Outcast
Friday, July 20, 2012
First Amendment under siege again, in Orlando
It appears that Rollins College in Orlando, where King Barry was scheduled to speak later today, told the college chapter of Young Republicans that they could not demonstrate during the visit as they would be seen as a "security threat". From the amendment "....or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
In other words we are becoming a police state where protest is not tolerated, probably because it offends the sensibilities of Dear Leader. Essentially they are accusing, without evidence, the Young Republicans of not being peaceable. I hope that someone offers to support these youngsters 'pro bono' in a First Amendment suit against the college and takes the college to the cleaners.
In other words we are becoming a police state where protest is not tolerated, probably because it offends the sensibilities of Dear Leader. Essentially they are accusing, without evidence, the Young Republicans of not being peaceable. I hope that someone offers to support these youngsters 'pro bono' in a First Amendment suit against the college and takes the college to the cleaners.
This is disgusting
Not only does King Barry and his cronies now encourage Americans to sign up for food stamps, they are working to spend OUR taxes on foreign nationals, which is absolutely nuts, whether they are here legally or illegally. If they need food stamps they should NOT BE HERE!!!!
US Partners With Mexico to Boost Food Stamp Rolls |
US Partners With Mexico to Boost Food Stamp Rolls |
Thursday, July 19, 2012
I wonder whether King Barry and his cronies will follow this model....
As someone with some strong connections to this tiny but brave country, I applaud what they are doing.
Holland kills the multiculturalism that is killing it | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Holland kills the multiculturalism that is killing it | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Don't you just love unions?
And the delays that occur already which are referenced in the article, I experienced them recently - almost one hour to get through immigration at Heathrow! Then again, on the way back JFK was not much better, 30 minutes in the US citizens line :-( (memo to self - avoid JFK on incoming international travel)
UK border guards to strike on eve of Olympics | www.wdbo.com
UK border guards to strike on eve of Olympics | www.wdbo.com
WOW King Barry must have a whole team of graphic artists at the WH
Are we taxpayers also paying for all these artists who are manipulating King Barry's pictures and documents?
Another doctored image deepens Obama mystery
Another doctored image deepens Obama mystery
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Where does the Wicked Witch of the South get all her money from?
I know a Congressional salary is very generous.......
Wasserman Schultz Has Unreported Second Home in NH, Lives Large on the High Seas | The Shark Tank
Wasserman Schultz Has Unreported Second Home in NH, Lives Large on the High Seas | The Shark Tank
WAtch out for Agenda 21 and anything related to it
E.g. the LOST treaty, which, thank goodness, was NOT ratified yesterday
Our SCOTUS Chief Justice Turns Liberal on US and Gang of 20 RINOs Support UN Tax Scheme LOST
Our SCOTUS Chief Justice Turns Liberal on US and Gang of 20 RINOs Support UN Tax Scheme LOST
Another brilliant expose by O'Keefe
A pity that Andrew Breitbart is not here to see this close up, although I am sure he is watching somewhere
O'Keefe Rises: Union Bosses Okay Digging Up–Then Filling Back In–Ditches on Taxpayers' Dime
O'Keefe Rises: Union Bosses Okay Digging Up–Then Filling Back In–Ditches on Taxpayers' Dime
This just shows how serious Dear Leader is about creating jobs
Instead he focuses on creating a new class of free-loaders that survive on government handouts
President Obama's jobs panel missing in action - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com
President Obama's jobs panel missing in action - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
The big problem with DC is that there too many Paraceratherii...
ANd they all stick their head in the sand with respect to facts, or refuse to try and determine the true facts. Why are they so scared, Constitutional crisis? The country is in crisis, the one thing we CAN afford right now is that Constitutional crisis.
thenationalpatriot.com » Blog Archive » Shhhh…There’s a Paraceratherium in the Room
thenationalpatriot.com » Blog Archive » Shhhh…There’s a Paraceratherium in the Room
More evidence of the corruption that Holder brings to the DOI
It is time to boot Holder out of the Department of InJustice so that it can go back to its old name, Dept. Of Justice
Holder faces corruption scandal, too
Holder faces corruption scandal, too
Wow, a Progressive city council has made it easier to own a gun?
Is that a pig in the sky (oh yeah, probably is since the FAA approved pigs for flying)
MILLER: The new guide to getting a gun in D.C. - Washington Times
MILLER: The new guide to getting a gun in D.C. - Washington Times
Monday, July 16, 2012
Revenge for "Swiftboating"?
To now many leftist pundits are claiming that the "Romney = Felon" claims are revenge for the "Swift Boat affair" that probably cost John Heinz-Kerry the presidential election, which is something that the Progressives have NEVER forgotten.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Friday, July 13, 2012
Chris Matthews tells the world what is wrong with Obama's campaign
As much as I think Matthews is a left wing hack, I was surprised on how he clearly summarized what is wrong with King Barry's campaign and shared it with the world. With all the mud being slung around, he hits the nail on the head when he mentions that Obama is NOT telling us what he plans to do in his second term. This is something on which the Romney campaign should jump, right now!
Chris Matthews — Obama’s Not Happy in White House: ‘I Hear Stories That You Will Not Believe’ | TheBlaze.com
Chris Matthews — Obama’s Not Happy in White House: ‘I Hear Stories That You Will Not Believe’ | TheBlaze.com
Wow, Romney campaign takes the gloves off
Completely destroys King Barry, using his own words.
Gov. Romney asks “What Happened?” to President Obama in new TV ad « Gretawire
Gov. Romney asks “What Happened?” to President Obama in new TV ad « Gretawire
King Barry assumes even more dictatorial powers
Bypassing Congress and public debate , YET AGAIN. Wake up America, we are becoming a banana republic like Venezuela.
DHS emergency power extended, including control of private telecom systems - Washington Times
DHS emergency power extended, including control of private telecom systems - Washington Times
Holder must go, this shows how little he can be trusted, at least by a law abiding society
He obviously CAN be trusted by law breakers
Eric Holder Exposed: The Trentadue Torture-Murder Cover-up
Eric Holder Exposed: The Trentadue Torture-Murder Cover-up
Our Money, Mr. Obama, NOT Yours!
Nothing to add to this title, other than a very good read
Our Money, Mr. Obama, NOT Yours!
Our Money, Mr. Obama, NOT Yours!
Where is the outrage?????
Another case of King Barry and his cohorts flaunting the law, why are we not all at the gates of the WH with pitchforks and torches?
Morning Bell: Obama's Imperial Presidency Dissolves Welfare Reform
Morning Bell: Obama's Imperial Presidency Dissolves Welfare Reform
Does he think that we are stupid
Yet again, King Barry complains that we do not understand what he is doing, ” he needs to improve his messaging”. It never enters his narcissistic head that we understand the message all too clearly, we just don't like out.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Finalyy, the GOP shows some backbone....
...but you can be sure you will hear little or nothing of this in the LSM
RNC website paints Obama as 'outsourcer-in-chief' | Times 247
RNC website paints Obama as 'outsourcer-in-chief' | Times 247
Just giveaway another trillion of OUR money.....
If you do not have a platform then all that remains is to buy the election or steal it. King Barry will try both.
Blog: Trillion dollar giveaway looms
Blog: Trillion dollar giveaway looms
Monday, July 9, 2012
Take a look at this site the next time Progressives tell you that the economy is doing great
The facts, yes FACTS, presented in this blog are frightening, even without the, in my opinion correct, interpretation attached.
America’s Economic Employment System is Collapsing | Shenandoah
America’s Economic Employment System is Collapsing | Shenandoah
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Not the scholar that we were told he was....
For the truth about the source of the ideas for the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution read 'Liberty Inherited" (available via Amazon and other good book sellers) by John Hancock, or attend a seminar by KrisAnne Hall (www.KrisAnneHall.com)
Obama: Confused About the Declaration
Obama: Confused About the Declaration
And in spite of this information Americans think King Barry has a better economic plan
Amazing that 41% of Americans think King Barry has a better paln for the economy than Mitt. We complain that Mitt is not vocal enough, but if you examine what he says, he is telling us his plan. It is just the biased LSM refusing to pass on his message.
Excellent: All GOP Governors Elected in 2010 Reduced Unemployment - Kate Hicks
Excellent: All GOP Governors Elected in 2010 Reduced Unemployment - Kate Hicks
We have almost lost the America of hard workers...
...in exchange fo a country of moochers and free-loaders, all encouraged by the free-loader-in-chief and her husband.
3.1 Million Workers Join Disability Ranks Vs. 2.6 Million That Got Jobs In Obama Recovery - Investors.com
3.1 Million Workers Join Disability Ranks Vs. 2.6 Million That Got Jobs In Obama Recovery - Investors.com
Thursday, July 5, 2012
It is all in the timing
Today one hears very many good arguments about not wanting to have the choice of the lesser of two evils, and other discussion around the GOP presidential candidate. The major flaw in these arguments are in the timing of the arguments. Four months before the election is not the time to come with a 'purity' discussion. Feel free to start one on November 7th, in preparation for November 2016.
Right now, like it or not, we have but one practical solution, vote out Obama by voting for Mitt. Do I like it? NO, but I know that this country cannot afford another four years of King Barry. And hopefully we constitutionalists will hold Romney's feet to the fire in the next four years and make sure that he stays close to his promises. Oh, and by the way, that goes for the rest of the GOP as well, it is not just the president that legislates and therefore needs watching.
Right now, like it or not, we have but one practical solution, vote out Obama by voting for Mitt. Do I like it? NO, but I know that this country cannot afford another four years of King Barry. And hopefully we constitutionalists will hold Romney's feet to the fire in the next four years and make sure that he stays close to his promises. Oh, and by the way, that goes for the rest of the GOP as well, it is not just the president that legislates and therefore needs watching.
Is the Republic lost?
When you see stories like this, showing an obviously biased judiciary, I believe that we have lost the Republic. I am especially ashamed that this happens in my home state. Hopefully the parties involved will appeal this incorrect and unconstitutional decision. Tell the judges we don't need a king!
Outrageous: Judge Decides Law Doesn't Apply To Obama
Outrageous: Judge Decides Law Doesn't Apply To Obama
Would Milquetoast Mitt have the stones to do this?
What do you all think about this concept?
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Another great article by KrisAnne Hall......
Please read this and heed the warnings that KrisAnne clearly spells out
Unite In Action - Blog - Justice Roberts Gives Some Good Advice
Unite In Action - Blog - Justice Roberts Gives Some Good Advice
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
We need to fight to get as many conservatives in the Senate and House as possible
The GOP establishment needs to know that they cannot continue to capitulate to Progressives' demands. The GOP elitists must learn that we mean business when we say repeal and replace. It means repeal ALL of Obama care and then replace with 10-12 smaller readable bills. The next step is to rein in spending, as unpalatable as that is, including the preventing of earmarks. And do not forget that promise to include in every act a section indicating under which part of the Constitution the act determines its validity.
The Truth. It Hurts. | RedState
Please read the above linked article and share its message with all your friends, family and acquaintances.
The Truth. It Hurts. | RedState
Please read the above linked article and share its message with all your friends, family and acquaintances.
Listen to these very wise words from Rush.............
............because he is very right, we are by no means home and dry yet. And we are very much in dager of losing it if we do not come up with solutions, as well as expalining to people what awaits them if we do not chnage direction in this country
Rush: Republicans clueless in stopping Obama
Rush: Republicans clueless in stopping Obama
The Progressives, LSM, King Barry and his cronies will tell any lie
But the fact is, the wheels are coming off the Caliph Hussein's re-election wagon
Once Again, the Washington Post’s Fact Checker Cripples a Team Obama Talking Point | Video | TheBlaze.com
Once Again, the Washington Post’s Fact Checker Cripples a Team Obama Talking Point | Video | TheBlaze.com
Time to start calling DC - McConnell specifically, but your senators too
Don't let them back away from repeal
McConnell Ready to Cut-and-Run from Repeal?
McConnell Ready to Cut-and-Run from Repeal?
Nullification is the way to go
King Barry does it at the federal level, so hats off to the Republican governors who do it at the state level
Obama 'stiffed' by growing group of Republican Governors ignoring Obamacare - National Political Buzz | Examiner.com
Obama 'stiffed' by growing group of Republican Governors ignoring Obamacare - National Political Buzz | Examiner.com
I believe that this article describes the true reason for Robert's flip
The media campaign was orchestrated, probably by Soros and his minions, to show Roberts a taste of what would happen if he ruled against ObamaTax.
Hmmm…Did Chicago Thug Politics Sway Chief JusticPublish Poste Roberts? - The Ulsterman Report
Hmmm…Did Chicago Thug Politics Sway Chief JusticPublish Poste Roberts? - The Ulsterman Report
See how the LSM is ramping up the rhetoric to justify US intervention in Syria.
If they want to slaughter each other, let them have at it. It is a purely internal mattere and we should keep our noses out of other people's business
Human Rights Watch report outlines torture in Syrian detention centers | Fox News
Human Rights Watch report outlines torture in Syrian detention centers | Fox News
More money wasted on "green" energy, while service members HC premiums are being tripled
America, we should be on the streets protesting the outrage. The Navy can afford to wate millions on these "green" fuels but does not have enough money to pay service members healthcare premiums, which King Barry has proposed should be tripled. Disgusting
Navy's Big Biofuel Bet: 450,000 Gallons at 4 Times the Price of Oil | Danger Room | Wired.com
Navy's Big Biofuel Bet: 450,000 Gallons at 4 Times the Price of Oil | Danger Room | Wired.com
Monday, July 2, 2012
Nice to have a little bit of good news this week
Bye, bye to the Wicked Witch of the South.....
Debbie Wasserman Schultz 'getting booted' as DNC chair | The Daily Caller
Debbie Wasserman Schultz 'getting booted' as DNC chair | The Daily Caller
It is obvious while King Barry likes the power, money, pomp and circumstance....
...he hates the responsibilities associated with this job.
Obama Takes the Week Off | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier
Obama Takes the Week Off | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier
What outside pressure?
Did the Chicago Way raise its ugly head here, were Robert's children threatened?
Report: Roberts Originally Voted to Strike Down Obamacare
Report: Roberts Originally Voted to Strike Down Obamacare
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