Monday, January 30, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
So will the LSM express the same outrage as over the alleged urination on Qurans?
Don't hold your breath...
Occupiers Urinate on Cross, Throw Bible - Occupy Wall Street - Fox Nation
Remember the double standard is golden for the LSM
Occupiers Urinate on Cross, Throw Bible - Occupy Wall Street - Fox Nation
Remember the double standard is golden for the LSM
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Friday, January 20, 2012
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
The Bank of (Democratic Party) America
Patriots should think about changing their bank, this is also the bank that gives loans to illegal aliens
The Bank of (Democratic Party) America - Page 1 - Michelle Malkin - Townhall Conservative
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Monday, January 16, 2012
Holder is getting hit from all sides today
Firstly a lconstitutional lawyer has shown that his suit against AZ in Federal court is unconstitutional, now this judge rules that the DOInJ is acting unconstitutionally. Any person with integrity would have said, "OK, the buck stops here, I resign." But we all know how much integrity Eric Holder has!
Eric Holder’s Political Prosecution of Pro-Life Educator Thrown Out of Court | Green Mountain Scribes
More dynamite stuff from the WH Insider via the Ulsterman...
If this is not true someone has a very active imagination.
Did Holder mess up or is this deliberate
Holder is of course more interested, through the Soros funded American Constitution Society, in overturning the current Constitution. So was this oversight an error or a deliberate attempt to subvert the law?
Explosive new evidence shows ruling of AZ judge illegal - National Conservative |
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Friday, January 13, 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Definition of insanity
Continuing to do the same thing, but expecting a different outcome
Obama Has Learned Nothing From The Mortgage Meltdown Mess | Fox NewsBut we all know that King Barry suffers from extreme narcissism, i.e. is certifiable. Now we just need to get him into that strait-jacket and off to the looney bin.
Why would business people want to come to the White House
They now know that the American people are watching them if they pick up a "political" loan
White House event more for media than CEOs? -
It is an upside down world
Bad is good, good is bad, right is wrong and wrong is right
You need an ID to access the Internet, but not to access the ballot box
Obama Administration Reportedly Plans To Create Internet ID For All Americans | Fox News
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Monday, January 9, 2012
More lies from the White House
Recess appointees NOT blocked by GOP, never even presented to Senate
NLRB | Recess Appointments Sharon Block | Richard Griffin | The Daily Caller
Give amnesty to the poor, unskilled illegals ......
....but make it difficult for the skilled, needed workers to come through the front door (because they are more likely to vote GOP if they become citizens - 8-15 years down the road BTW)
Guest-Worker Visa Policy | The Daily Caller
Read this explanation of the Bill Daley resignation
I often wonder how real the WH Insider might be, this gives credence to his/her existence.
Bill Daley OUT – Time for a look back at what Insider told us way back when… - The Ulsterman Report
The department of INJustice being used in a political way again
Message to Rick Perry: If you decide to step aside to go resolve this issue, we will be proud of you. Your chances of nomination are low and your presence splits the non-RINOmney vote.
Under the Radar – Eric Holder Takes On Texas - The Ulsterman Report
It seems that more on the left side of the aisle do this than on the right.
Although both sides do have their crooks.
Flamboyant Democrat pleads guilty to felonies involving taxpayer money - National Law Enforcement | Examiner.comWhy did they force him to resign his city council post, being a convicted felon seems to be a job requirement in most Democrat run governments (city, state & federal).
This is perhaps confirmation of my previous post
The USA is indeed becoming a totalitarian state
Articles: Obama's Fascist America in 10 Easy Steps
We really are becoming like Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia
Freedom of speech is out of the window, at least as far athis administration is concerned. Of course, they are free to say what they like their opponents.
Consciousness TV | Feds Order You Tube To Remove Video For Containing “Government Criticism”
Sunday, January 8, 2012
The senator's tenure as a state legislator reveals him to be an old-fashioned, big government, race-conscious liberal.
Or put less nicely, but perhaps more honestly, shows him as a racist. But we know that now don't we?
Barack Obama's Lost Years | The Weekly Standard
When will the GOP stop this nonsense
The Lame Stream Media are leading the GOP around like a pig with a ring through its nose. Time to demand moderators with integrity and without bias. (I was not all that unhappy with Brian Williams next day, even if he is part of the most biased network)
The CBC admits to racism....
..because the only reason they are not marching is due to King Barry's skin color! MLK is spinning in his grave to see how low the leaders of people of color have sunk.
So out of touch with the people they are supposed to represent
And how much of the costs of this extravaganza were paid by us poor uninvited taxpayers?
The progressives are fighting hard to shield their messiah
Both forces unknown and the judge in Hawaii are playing dirty.
Watch out Orly, watch your back
More shredding of the Constitution by Dictator King Barry
Right Coast: Obama gives Sanctuary City Status to Entire Nation...: In a shocking and unprecedented move last week, the Obama administration reversed the nation’s illegal immigration policy. On December 29, ...
This is worth the read
NC4Freedom: We the Puppets!: What have we become? A nation relegated to choosing what an establishment says we have to choose? A people with no voice or no will to c...
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Friday, January 6, 2012
More interesting background on Fast & Furious
And if this does not make you Furious Fast, I do not know what will
Sipsey Street Irregulars: Sipsey Street Exclusive: "Personnel is policy." Part Two: Dennis Burke's Powerful Friends and How They Are Still Paying Him Dividends in His Disgrace.
King Barry, the dictator, continues to shred the Constitution.
King George did less and we got rid of him, awake America, we have to do it again
This is absolutely frightening
Whether you agree with Beck or not, PLEASE take the 6 minutes to view this video, it shows what is happening so clearly. It will
confirm why it is so important that we must fight this year (on in the future) to take our country back. Video: Glenn Beck Program : Chairman Obama - Video
Is this how Obama win will be guaranteed?
If your numbers are tanking and your support is dwindling, then cheat, after all Alinsky says "the ends justify the means", just like illegal faux-recess appointments by the dictator
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
As discussed on the show last night, things are moving forward in a good way
Court: Obama must be ‘constitutionally’ eligible
But it is a single step on a long road, the king will hang on to his power through hook or through crook.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Monday, January 2, 2012
Ron Paul supporters, is this true?
If so, please think hard, very hard.....
Flashback: Ron Paul Endorses Cynthia McKinney, Ralph Nader For President | Brian's Right Perspective
If it is all as obvious as these precedents seem to
Why is the issue not before the SCOTUS, and the COiC kicked out?
Yet again the administration shows how much they really want jobs in the US (NOT)
Hawker Beechcraft: Air Force awarded contract on Dec. 22 to competitor | Wichita Eagle
Did anyone check to see how much Embraer stock is owned by the Spooky Dude?
Well done Perry, I wish more of the candidates did this
Prevents journalists from dreaming stuff up and then claiming "unnamed sources", yeah right
Sunday, January 1, 2012
If true, this is very troubling.....
Hillary’s assistant a danger to the US – Patriot Update
If anyone has definitive information pertaining to this issue, please email me.
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