Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Curiouser and curiouser..........

Eric Holder and Barack Obama’s “mens rea” on Fast and Furious « Coach is Right

This shows why Spooky Dude has spent so much effort and money to have his choice of SoS elected across all the states

Ballots with Obama’s name facing more legal challenges | Conservative Byte

This is the Chicago way, now transplanted to the WH

How David Axelrod and the Chicago Machine Smeared Herman Cain… — 1389 Blog - Counterjihad!

Christians classified as Terrorists by Obama Administration - YouTube

Christians classified as Terrorists by Obama Administration - YouTube

Looks like the Mossad has been busy recently

A second Iranian nuclear facility has exploded, as diplomatic tensions rise between the West and Tehran | The Australian

Evidence of another corrupt member of King Barry's court

Pro-life group calls for Health Secretary Sebelius to resign over Kansas destruction of records |

Obama Admin Seals Records of Murdered Border Patrol Agent Implicated in Fast and Furious | The Weekly Standard

Obama Admin Seals Records of Murdered Border Patrol Agent Implicated in Fast and Furious | The Weekly Standard

So will the left call these peope wacky religious fanatics? Like they did to creationist Christians?

Muslim students walking out of lectures on Darwinism, ‘clashes with the Koran’ « Creeping Sharia

Sometimes nice to find almost good news

Labor Board Dials Back Union Proposal Amid Shutdown Threat | Fox News

A British Defense Company Made Sure This Medal Of Honor Winner Couldn't Work In The Defense Industry Ever Again

A British Defense Company Made Sure This Medal Of Honor Winner Couldn't Work In The Defense Industry Ever Again

Great article, worth reading

Articles: No Gold Medals for Obama

Victory: McDonald’s outsmarts San Francisco on Happy Meal ban « Hot Air

Victory: McDonald’s outsmarts San Francisco on Happy Meal ban « Hot Air

PICKET: New Cain accuser's background includes stalking, bankruptcy, and sexual harassment suits - Washington Times

PICKET: New Cain accuser's background includes stalking, bankruptcy, and sexual harassment suits - Washington Times

Another gold-digger cashes in - looks like another plant

Former Business Partner: Ginger White Never Mentioned Herman Cain - ABC News

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Exposed: Fed Bailout of Big Banks Dwarfs TARP (What Occupy Wall Street is About) - YouTube

Exposed: Fed Bailout of Big Banks Dwarfs TARP (What Occupy Wall Street is About) - YouTube

Udall Amendment Fails, Setting Up Showdown on Defense Authorization Bill | FDL News Desk

Udall Amendment Fails, Setting Up Showdown on Defense Authorization Bill | FDL News Desk

Battlefield: America - Have the Terrorists Won? - Fox Business Video - Fox Business

Battlefield: America - Have the Terrorists Won? - Fox Business Video - Fox Business

Your Medical Privacy–Another Obamacare Casualty – Common American Journal

Your Medical Privacy–Another Obamacare Casualty – Common American Journal

Connecting the dots on the National Defense Authorization Act

Connecting the dots on the National Defense Authorization Act

Time to get out your tinfoil hat?

Researcher’s Video Shows Secret Software on Millions of Phones Logging Everything | Threat Level |

King Barry puts his foot in his mouth again

But then again, does he care? He was, after all, only talking about that stupid little country, England, Britain, the United Kingdom, or whatever it is called.
Does Obama Know the Difference between Great Britain and England?

Another example of the PC Nanny State gone mad

EU Regulator Finally Settles Period Musical Instrument Debate - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

When will we admit that we know the WH is just a house of liars?

Instapundit » Blog Archive » BUSTED: Ayers Admits To Obama Fundraiser That Obama Campaign Called ‘Myth.’ “In 2008 the Barac…

Any doubts that the resident of the WH favors Islam?

Turkey | Erdogan | Hamas | The Daily Caller

Backlash against Obama's rifle ban to target Congress

Backlash against Obama's rifle ban to target Congress

President Barack Obama Has Worse Job Approval Rating Than Jimmy Carter |

President Barack Obama Has Worse Job Approval Rating Than Jimmy Carter |

DNC Ad Misleads on Romney and the Stimulus - ABC News

DNC Ad Misleads on Romney and the Stimulus - ABC News

More media bias - is it getting boring yet?

Network TV Ad Cops Sleeping as Obama's DNC Mangles Romney Clips Out of Context |

Coming soon to a city near you.........

No Christmas story for Danish kindergartners, thanks to Muslims « Creeping Sharia

Coming soon to a city near you....

Heathrow Airport worker fired for standing up to abuse by Muslim employees « Creeping Sharia

Report: Wyclef Jean squandered Haitian relief funds |

Report: Wyclef Jean squandered Haitian relief funds |

King Barry = spend, spend, spend

King Barry has broken the record for presidential visits to battleground states, all on our (taxpayer) dime!. Jay Carney's reply is that it is not possible to know yet which states will be swing states.

One law for us, one law for them

Richmond Tea Party audited over taxes | Richmond Times-Dispatch

NWV News -- Oregon Sheriff Gil Gilbertson Continues Stand Against U.S. Forest Service

NWV News -- Oregon Sheriff Gil Gilbertson Continues Stand Against U.S. Forest Service

Monday, November 28, 2011

Why King Barry dropped his own fiscal commission

Mark Levin

GOP Strategist Shirley: Republican Primary Battle Could Last Until June

GOP Strategist Shirley: Republican Primary Battle Could Last Until June

Is the WH becoming a school for thieves?

Michelle Malkin » Did you miss the Thanksgiving White House visitor log document dump?

No joke! ATF bans scrub-pad stockpiles

No joke! ATF bans scrub-pad stockpiles

Watch this frightening video

Marxism in America - Lt. Gen. (Ret.) W.G. "Jerry" Boykin Video |

Unfortunately this article is all too true

Co-dependent Republicans enable Obama

Need a job? Head to ND

Obama's problem with prosperity

Romney in 2006 Backed Immigration Stance He Now Deems ‘Amnesty’ - Bloomberg

Romney in 2006 Backed Immigration Stance He Now Deems ‘Amnesty’ - Bloomberg

California's outrageous bridge scandal

California's outrageous bridge scandal

Articles: Tebow, Palin, and the Pain of Remorse

Articles: Tebow, Palin, and the Pain of Remorse

One one thing Ron Paul is right, audit the Fed!

Secret Fed Loans Helped Banks Net $13 Billion - Bloomberg

Do you really think Van Jones was totally out of the WH? Then think again!

Van Jones | Barack Obama Policy | Environmental Policy | The Daily Caller

Diebold voting machines can be hacked by remote control -

Diebold voting machines can be hacked by remote control -

Michelle Obama | Second Amendment | Michelle Obama's warning to gun owners | The Daily Caller

Michelle Obama | Second Amendment | Michelle Obama's warning to gun owners | The Daily Caller

Halal USA

Time to start asking your butcher for non-halal meat, if you follow the Bible

Halal USA

The Unelectable Mitt Romney, Part II | RedState

The Unelectable Mitt Romney, Part II | RedState

Duty, Honor, Country: Betrayal - A short preview video. - YouTube

Duty, Honor, Country: Betrayal - A short preview video. - YouTube

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog » Obama to Rally Detroit Unions on Labor Day

Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog » Obama to Rally Detroit Unions on Labor Day

Ted Koppel, Elitist Hack: 'Corrosive Partisanship' That Fox News Started Is Ruining the Country |

Ted Koppel, Elitist Hack: 'Corrosive Partisanship' That Fox News Started Is Ruining the Country |

Of course as an Occupy Whatever Scumbag he will never be prosecuted

the Department of Injustice is sure to push this aside.

Occupy Protester Threatens SC Gov’s Life - Occupy Wall Street - Fox Nation

Banks Build Contingencies for Euro Zone Breakup -

Banks Build Contingencies for Euro Zone Breakup -

I would pay good money to see these debates

Gingrich on Fire Skewers Obama Repeatedly: 'I Actually Do Study History, and Unlike the President...' - President Obama - Fox Nation

Now we see what long lasting havoc the administration wreaks on the military

Blog: 157 Air Force Majors terminated without retirement benefits

What the LSM conveniently forgot to show you

Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog » The War on Police

In King Barry's own words, socialist healthcare is on its way

Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog » Socialist Healthcare on the Way

Friday, November 25, 2011

Ins't it time he sent back his Nobel Peace Prize?

It seems King Barry is involved in more wars than "W" ever was!

Obama & Hillary preparing for war with Syria. - Charleston Political Buzz |

Expect a lot of this in 2012

voter fraud | voter ID | Brooks County | The Daily Caller

Is our goal almost within our grasp?

Articles: Republican Senate Prospects in 2012

ABO (Anyone but Obama) BUT NOT Hillary PLEASE

The Plot To Make Hillary President : Personal Liberty Digest

A Good Thanksgiving Story

Thanksgiving Story: Why There Are No Communist Pilgrims

The article Newsweek gutted--more proof of FBI corruption - National Conservative |

The article Newsweek gutted--more proof of FBI corruption - National Conservative |

Sipsey Street Irregulars: SSI Exclusive: Hiding mass murder behind "national security." What Newsweak & the FBI didn't want you to know about PATCON and the OKC Bombing.

Sipsey Street Irregulars: SSI Exclusive: Hiding mass murder behind "national security." What Newsweak & the FBI didn't want you to know about PATCON and the OKC Bombing.

Look for more of this in 2012

National : More Dems admit creating phony Tea Party

Unfortunately the original (full) article is gone

Which raises questions, why is the article gone, who fired the missile, etc.,

» Missile Narrowly Misses Continental Airlines Flight in Texas Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Illegals Hunting US Border Patrol Agents with Intent to Kill | Godfather Politics

Illegals Hunting US Border Patrol Agents with Intent to Kill | Godfather Politics

A little late for the 10th anniversary but still worth reading

The Curious Case of United Airlines Flight 23 on 9/11 «

Sunlight is always a good disinfectant

Court-sealed Diaz case documents posted online

'Green' debacle: Tens of thousands of abandoned wind turbines now litter American landscape

'Green' debacle: Tens of thousands of abandoned wind turbines now litter American landscape

The American Spectator : The New Welfare Swindle

The American Spectator : The New Welfare Swindle

NLRB 'Ignores' Rules To Rush Union Elections [Michigan Capitol Confidential]

NLRB 'Ignores' Rules To Rush Union Elections [Michigan Capitol Confidential]

WVU Hospital Employee Files Federal Charge after Union Ignores Her Rights | National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation

WVU Hospital Employee Files Federal Charge after Union Ignores Her Rights | National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation

» Ohio Right to Work Amendment: Right Policy, Wrong Time - Big Government

» Ohio Right to Work Amendment: Right Policy, Wrong Time - Big Government

ACORN Founder | Tea Party | Occupy Wall Street | Organizing | The Daily Caller

ACORN Founder | Tea Party | Occupy Wall Street | Organizing | The Daily Caller

Eminent Domain Reform Is a Bipartisan Opportunity - Reason Magazine

Eminent Domain Reform Is a Bipartisan Opportunity - Reason Magazine

A Dem asking to investigate the WH?

Smallpox | Donor | Vaccine | The Daily Caller

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

End To Medicare 'As We Know It' Already In The Works | Fox News

End To Medicare 'As We Know It' Already In The Works | Fox News

Policy Memo Provides Glimpse of How Administration will Carry-Out Its Backdoor Amnesty

Policy Memo Provides Glimpse of How Administration will Carry-Out Its Backdoor Amnesty

Immigration Reform Law Institute Exposes DOL Shielding Illegal Alien Workers

Immigration Reform Law Institute Exposes DOL Shielding Illegal Alien Workers



Thank you King Barry for yet another good idea.....

Well, Canada Won’t Be Kissing US A$$ Following Keystone Fiasco – Thanks to Barack Obama, They Will Be Selling Oil to China | The Gateway Pundit

This is one area where Ron Paul is probably right

Too vague a law with too broad provisions

Amnesty International: Senate Introduces Disastrous New Detention Bill

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The dark days before the Holocaust, all over again

Challah Hu Akbar: Jews Are Leaving Europe, Why?

Coming to a city near you (Minneapolis, Detroit?)

Brussels: The New Capital of Eurabia — Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami

Jewish voters show signs of bailing on Democrats | BIZPAC Review

Jewish voters show signs of bailing on Democrats | BIZPAC Review

Why is this scumbag not in jail?

Sorry, I forgot, he is a friend of King Barry

Now Check Out All The Ways Jon Corzine Is Connected To Democrats And Obama

We should rename "voter fraud" to "progressive voting".

» Outspoken Wisconsin Dem Senator Accessory to Voter Fraud - Big Government

Posturing Persists in Run-Up to ObamaCare Arguments at Supreme Court | American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ

Posturing Persists in Run-Up to ObamaCare Arguments at Supreme Court | American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ

Nancy Pelosi Pushing Government to Institute Hitler Youth | Godfather Politics

Nancy Pelosi Pushing Government to Institute Hitler Youth | Godfather Politics

Who is surprised at this?

Democratic Party Boxes | Artur Davis | Voter Fraud | The Daily Caller

You will never read this about Cain in the LSM

Cain and Women - Robert Costa - National Review Online

Share this with our friends, especially any waverers

Articles: Radicals Don't Compromise

NThe masks are coming off, the "reds" are showing their true faces » Blog Archive » Once They Own Your Kids, What’s Left?

An island of stability in the polling for Newt Gingrich | RedState

An island of stability in the polling for Newt Gingrich | RedState

Maybe the polls are missing something

Anti-Obama T-Shirts | | Election Meter | The Daily Caller

Can we start looking forward to the debates between King Barry and Newt?

Gingrich Leads in South Carolina

Words fail me

Michelle Obama's "All this for a damn flag" shown at three different speeds - YouTube

Interesting take on the not-so-super committee failure by Dick Morris


Will they ever learn meddling in the open market does not work

Obama tells insurer to reverse rate hike - Washington Times

Entrepreneur Behind Lululemon Franchise Gets Flack for Shopping Bags Touting ‘John Galt’ Character |

Of course, if it was a Che Guevara t-shirt or bag, no problem at all
Entrepreneur Behind Lululemon Franchise Gets Flack for Shopping Bags Touting ‘John Galt’ Character |

Rep King correctly characterizes the current GOP leadership as a bunch of woosies

The only way to beat the progressives is to meet them head on, otherwise they will continue to chip away, chip away, chip away.

Rep King: House Won't Defund Obamacare Because Leaders ‘Afraid' GOP Will be Blamed for Shutdown |

But King Barry will still blame the GOP......

Obama 'Actively' Made Supercommittee's Job 'More Difficult,' Toomey Says |

So not just Soros has benefited from government related insider trading?

If it is good enough for Martha Stewart, it is good enough for Warren Buffett - send him to the big house (along with Soros)

Warren Buffett May Have Been Involved in the Congressional Insider Trading Scandal | Video |

Monday, November 21, 2011

Easy money - how about getting the bum for insider trading?

» George Soros Helped Craft Stimulus Then Invested in Companies Benefiting - Big Government

When will Holder stand up like a man and say "the buck stops here"

» AP Sources: FBI Declined to Pursue NYC Bomb Plot - Big Government

Read the quotes, are we really going in the same direction?

Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog » Ein Volk! Ein Reich! Ein Green Party!

A very succinct description of our problems

Read and weep

GOP Budget Chair Ryan Votes ‘No’ on GOP’s Balanced Budget Amendment: Will Lead to ‘Bigger Government,’ ‘More Taxes’ |

GOP Budget Chair Ryan Votes ‘No’ on GOP’s Balanced Budget Amendment: Will Lead to ‘Bigger Government,’ ‘More Taxes’ |

Yet again an arrogant Holder ignores requests from and lies to the Congress

Senate GOP Leaders To Holder: Your Kagan Testimony 'Belied By The Facts' |

WE need to remind ourselves every now and then

National Juggernaut: This Cartoon Seemed Far-Fetched In 1948

Obvious message - do not believe everything you are told

The sky is falling, the sky is falling..........

Big Bank Failure: One of the “Too Big to Fail” Banks Is Now Gone

(or "don't let a good crisis go to waste")

DEMAND an Apology from Senators Schumer and Alexander! | FreedomWorks

DEMAND an Apology from Senators Schumer and Alexander! | FreedomWorks

If you were wondering whether we can afford to make China act reasonably.....

What Will a China Trade War Cost? - 24/7 Wall St.

PC gone mad, where will it end?

Maybe they should just lock up children if they even look at each other?

12 year olds kissing a sex-crime? |

Great movie, looking forward to parts 2 & 3

Atlas Shrugged a Sign Of The Times | Gold Coast Chronicle

Thomas Sowell - What Are They Buying? - YouTube

Thomas Sowell - What Are They Buying? - YouTube

How the LSM are making fools of themselves

After crucifying Herman Cain on the so-called sexual harassment allegations, with a volume of negative items and articles that exceeded anything else going on, the LSM is now complaining because the Cain Train has kept on track and the money kept streaming in. In fact the Communist News Network actually complained that Cain is exploiting the situation to collect more money after it turned out that he had received over $9 million recently.

Come on LSM, do you really think we are stupid. It was you that gave Cain all the publicity and now you fault him for benefiting? Looks like your plan boomeranged on you, it is Cain who has the last laugh (all the way to the bank). More power to the Herminator.

As ever Thomas Sowell nails it again

Will the GOP Blow It? - Thomas Sowell - National Review Online

When will we learn that internal back-stabbing will only help King Barry & his court

Joe Kaufman and Richard DeNapoli, The Lack of Judgement and Leadership | The Shark Tank

See why Media Matters has become such a biased source

David Brock’s new liberal friends | NewsReal Blog

How I plead to Media Matters' multi-count indictment

How I plead to Media Matters' multi-count indictment

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sad news: Police Officer James Capoot, Vallejo Police Department, California

Police Officer James Capoot, Vallejo Police Department, California

People are beginning to speak out, whatever the cost

ALERT: Hollywood Producer Speaks Out Against Massive Obama and DNC Corruption

The truth starts to come out......

We Will Not Be Silenced

This blogger tells it like it is, like Germany in he 1930's

At that time a charismatic leader also started ruling by executive fiat

(sorry folks, does saying this mean I can never be in ESPN Football ever?)

Poll:63 Percent Oppose Obama’s Executive Order Fascism – Patriot Update

Are DemocRATs leaving the sinking ship?

Democratic Pollsters: Obama Should Abandon Run for Second Term - Michael Catalini -

Don't Let the GOP Sell Us Out on Taxes |

Don't Let the GOP Sell Us Out on Taxes |

NASCAR pointedly omoits that Moochelle was booed at the track - gotta love those NASCAR fans

First lady makes visit to Homestead track - Nov 20, 2011 - NASCAR.COM

This is a very fishy story, a false flag had been predicted by an Ulsterman source, is this the one?

Yup, White House Shooter Is a Lib… Ortega-Hernandez Rants About “War for Oil” During September Interview (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

You can be sure we will never hear the truth on this one.....

Sex and Murder in The Land of Obama? - The Ulsterman Report

This shows exactly the approach that the progressives are going to take for election season

If they are so clever, why are they so obvious in the strategy that they will take.

Krauthammer Scolds Shields and Totenberg: 'What Planet Are You Guys Living On...I’ve Rarely Encountered Such Thickness' |

Nice to see the leg tingler getting a taste of his own medicine

Larry Elder Blasts Chris Matthews | Video |

Another progressive power grab, hidden behind "keeping people safe (cough, cough)"

Beware of the Senate Bill 510, the Food Seizure and Big Agra Act

This is an embarrassment for the WH

Zuckerman: America has a competency crisis in the White House « Hot Air

While I too trumpet "ABO" (Anyone but Obama).....

I will fight for PNR (Please Not RINOmney) until the last possible moment and vote

Huckabee: Tea party may 'need to get behind' Romney - Ben Smith -

More manipulation of the truth by the WH?

(41) Politico: Republicans challenge W.H. on science By Erica Martinson 10/19/11 4:21 PM EDT

Suddenly those NWO conspiracy theorists (with or without tinfoil) do not seem so whacky

(41) The Spiritual United Nations....WORSHIPPING THE ENVIRONMENT AS GOD.

Culture Watch: Obamacare Threatens Life and Liberty

Culture Watch: Obamacare Threatens Life and Liberty

Why would Big Sis comply with a subpoena anyway?

She is, after all, a progressive and part of the lawless King Barry court (aka Obama administration).
DHS Secretary receives warning for refusing to comply with subpoena - National Immigration Reform |

Unbelievable - this is looking more and more like the Left Behind series every day - SCARY!


Technology is magnificent, if true

1 MW E-Cat Cold Fusion Device Test Successful

If this is true it could be a (positive) revolution

The Future of Free Energy is here now! The end of oil, coal and nuclear pollution! - YouTube

Friday, November 18, 2011

Could this be the tipping point?

Ann Barnhardt Shuts Down Hedge Firm With ‘Going Galt’ Letter |

How come we are still stuck the ObamaCare?

By a Margin of 4 to 1, Independents Think Obamacare’s Individual Mandate Is Unconstitutional | The Weekly Standard

Why are the DemocRATs so frightened?

Matt Kibbe and others react to the eviction of the Tea Party Debt Commission from the Russell Building | FreedomWorks

Rick Perry struggles to keep campaign afloat -

Rick Perry struggles to keep campaign afloat -

Interesting article, read more than the headline and the first part

This is not quite a clear cut as it seems, but definitely a 10th Amendment topic

Wyoming Sheriffs Told Federal BATF & IRS Agents To Abide By The... - StumbleUpon

Read how dangerous this administration is on energy policy

As many have said, it seems as if King Barry is doing all he can to destroy our energy industry and make us MORE dependent on our enemies, not less.

Henninger: Obama Abandons (Private) Labor -

How come? RINOmney was supposed to have NH locked up!

Poll: Romney, Gingrich in statistical dead heat in N.H. « New Hampshire Journal

Read this to see how naive theis administration really is on Middle East affairs

Obama Administration Training Egyptian Islamists for Elections | FrontPage Magazine

Poll: Romney, Gingrich in statistical dead heat in N.H. « New Hampshire Journal

Poll: Romney, Gingrich in statistical dead heat in N.H. « New Hampshire Journal

» Sarah Palin; Fire Eric Holder

» Sarah Palin; Fire Eric Holder

DemocRATS running scared?

» Chuck Shumer, Democrats Bar Tea Party Debt Commission From Meeting Today

Corruption occurs at all levels of government and on both sides of the aisle

Controversial Claims Bill Exposes Greed in Tallahassee | The Shark Tank

Some-one who says the same that I have been saying

What occupation movement is all about

Scam warning, avoid anything related to the National Tea Party Alert site

Real Debate Wisconsin: New Neumann campaign, same tactics.

Looks like the progressives are using sneaky tactics, yet again

Congressional Candidate Uses Phony “Tea Party” Organization to Promote Candidacy | The Shark Tank

BREAKING: Entire Case File On Brian Terry Killing Missing - The Ulsterman Report

BREAKING: Entire Case File On Brian Terry Killing Missing - The Ulsterman Report

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Evidence Suggests Gingrich Was Right – Freddie Mac Refused His Advice - The Ulsterman Report

Evidence Suggests Gingrich Was Right – Freddie Mac Refused His Advice - The Ulsterman Report

But don't expect any judicial action, Holder will make sure of that

BREAKING: Obama's Illegal Alien Uncle Onyango Obama Used Two Social Security Numbers | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

One law for the elite, one law for the commoners....

Video: Obama's Illegal Alien Uncle Quietly Released From Jail; House Chairman Says Obama's Uncle Got Backdoor Amnesty | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Video: Obama's ILLEGAL Alien Uncle Says His Constitutional Rights Were Violated | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Video: Obama's ILLEGAL Alien Uncle Says His Constitutional Rights Were Violated | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Who says the Conservatives do not have a plan?

Tea Party Identifies $9 Trillion in Cuts - Fox News Video - Fox News

I think the word is "oxymoron"

Or maybe just "moron", applied to someone in this article

VP's closed-door transparency chat | POLITICO 44

Still plenty of debates to be enjoyed

2012 Primary Debate Schedule « 2012 Election Central

More on why Kagan must recuse or face impeachment

Elena Kagan: Disqualify yourself or face impeachment

Are we on the cusp of the loss of our country?

The Dawn of Zuccotti New World Order

Out of the box thinking....

Time to Break Apart the United States?

A very clear message

Above the law

Written by a great patriot

In this respect Ron Paul has the right message

Too bad that his other policies are so off the wall

The Wall Street Pentagon Papers: Biggest Scam In World History Exposed: Are The Federal Reserve’s Crimes Too Big To Comprehend? | The Public Record

Can SCJudge be impeached? If so, who will step up to the plate?

Did Justice Kagan Commit Perjury? | Godfather Politics

Quick, quick, get in this trip before I am fired....

Holder's Caribbean Junket on Taxpayers' Dime - Eric Holder - Fox Nation

Our Whiner in Chief just revels in running down this great country, especially on his many trips abroad

Obama Bad-Mouths US to Aussie Teens - President Obama - Fox Nation

Shooters 1 Anti-gun 0 .......:-)

Shooters Heard: Interior Will Not Ban Target Practice - Washington Whispers (


MRC Special Report: Network Morning Shows Are Trashing Republicans, Still Thrilled by Obama |

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 » Blog Archive » Kristallnacht Comes To Brooklyn » Blog Archive » Kristallnacht Comes To Brooklyn

Santa 1 - Progressives 0

Ho Ho hold on there: Cancer center reverses Santa decision | The Post and Courier, Charleston SC - News, Sports, Entertainment

If one state goes, will there be a domino effect

Interesting to see what Soros and his crowd do in that case

New Hampshire wakes up to Obama's alleged Social Security fraud

Just add this to the list of things that the LSM ignore

Most Brilliant President ever Obama thinks his birth state Hawaii is in Asia : Fire Andrea Mitchell! » Schweizer: Jim Moran (D-VA) Made 90 Trades One Day After Private Congressional Economics Meeting » Schweizer: Jim Moran (D-VA) Made 90 Trades One Day After Private Congressional Economics Meeting

Hey Stupak, you got punked

Obama’s Promise of No Abortion Funding in ObamaCare Just a “Magic” Trick | American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ

Someone with brass

Update: NH Representative Begins Letter-Writing Initiative to Congress About Charging Obama With Treason| The Post & Email

This Congressman Wants To Destroy The Internet As We Know It

This Congressman Wants To Destroy The Internet As We Know It

More "legislation" through regulation

Obama Pushing Shooters Off Public Lands - Washington Whispers (

Does he ever give up?

Obama admin attempting another Congressional end-around on ObamaCare defect « Hot Air

Merry Christmas everyone!

Muslims Demand All Citizens Stop Celebrating Christmas Or There Will Be Hell To Pay!

So now the truth bubbles to the surface, as it always will

Herman Cain’s Accuser Filed Same Complaint At Her Next Job

Obama Nominee for Social Security Board Favors Rationing Health Care | The Weekly Standard

Obama Nominee for Social Security Board Favors Rationing Health Care | The Weekly Standard

More than half of people arrested for Islamic terrorist activities were American citizens

More than half of people arrested for Islamic terrorist activities were American citizens

Hamas-linked CAIR goes in for the kill, demands multi-state records on law enforcement training that tells the truth about Islam - Atlas Shrugs

Hamas-linked CAIR goes in for the kill, demands multi-state records on law enforcement training that tells the truth about Islam - Atlas Shrugs

Email shows internal Justice Department dispute on Gunwalker/Terry connection - National gun rights |

Email shows internal Justice Department dispute on Gunwalker/Terry connection - National gun rights |

More Congressional (and DemocRAT) corruption....

» Sen. Feinstein Loaded up on Biotech Stock Just Before Company Received $24 Million Gov’t Grant - Big Government

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

5 Things You Can Learn About The Occupy Movement From Occupy Denver - Page 1 - John Hawkins - Townhall Conservative

5 Things You Can Learn About The Occupy Movement From Occupy Denver - Page 1 - John Hawkins - Townhall Conservative

Two brave souls ready to stand up for America

BREAKING! Tennessee Governor refuses to condemn ‘anti-Muslim’ remarks by GOP Rep. Rick Womick « Bare Naked Islam

More examples of LSM bias

The Secrets of Soros, Obama, Occupiers and the MSM (Part 1) - Page 1 - Chuck Norris - Townhall Conservative

And still the usurper has 40% of the votes in the polls, WAKE UP SHEEPLE!

Krauthammer: Obama Has "Ill-Concealed Contempt" For America | RealClearPolitics

The brainwashing has started

FLORIDA Department of Education is promoting Islamic propaganda in public school classrooms « Bare Naked Islam

More ACLU hypocrisy

CALIFORNIA public school preaching Islam in the classroom. ACLU nowhere to be found. « Bare Naked Islam

And this surprises you because....?

80% of Green Energy Loans Went to Obama Donors - President Obama - Fox Nation

Dan Stein on Administrative Amnesty - YouTube

Dan Stein on Administrative Amnesty - YouTube

Don't hold your breath expecting Kagan to be ethical and recuse herself

She was appointed to the SCOTUS for one reason, to ensure successful passage of Obamacare when it reached the court.

Emails show Kagan excited about Obamacare passage | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Monday, November 14, 2011

Danger, Will Robinson, Danger, Danger

Warning! Progressives’ NPV Plan for White House Control, 2012 & Permanently

 Wake Up America National Popular Vote manifesto, 2004

While the lamestream media holds public attention on GOP candidate rivalries, a “progressive” strategy is underway to eliminate the role of the states in electing a U.S. President. By transferring electoral votes to a “national popular vote” this “Compact” would usurp the role of the states as safeguarded by our Constitution. In doing so, it could also neutralize Obama’s critics — totally. This may be the most vital – and time sensitive - expose WAM has ever uncovered and shared! And it’s happening now, under the radar, with the general public in the dark. This “ultimate vote fraud” is intentionally complicated to keep it obscure until it’s too late to stop it. This complete expose on the “National Popular Vote Compact” won’t be found elsewhere. Because of the complexity and urgency of this issue. read it through completely. See who is behind this scheme and what its intended consequences are. Then spread the word in your blogs, forums and forward to all your contacts now. There is still time to block the NPVC sufficient states passage – only if we act now! All of US urgently need to contact our State Assemblymen, State Senators and Governors to vehemently oppose this covert measure! See below the real facts of this manipulation of the Constitution and American electorate. See Your State Status and action needed in last column.

Plan for 2012 (& Permanent) White House control by progressives happening now

Called the “National Popular Vote Compact” this movement has been in the works nationwide – without public attention – on a state-by-state level since at least 2008. Like other surreptitious actions against the U.S. Constitution, the NPVC “movement” has several promotional websites claiming to represent “true democracy.” The NPVC is a bill now moving state-by-state to make the popular vote winner President by bypassing normal requirements to amend the Constitution. Its outcome would ensure the Presidency would be declared by giving all the required 270 Electoral Votes needed for a “winner” to the candidate who wins the largest number of popular votes nationally – no matter how small the win margin and no difference how many states voted to oppose him. Here’s how it works: Once enough states have passed the NPVC bill into law to reach the requisite 270 Electoral Votes (by totaling the EV’s of those states which pass this bill) the NPVC goes into immediate effect in the next – and all subsequent – Presidential elections. It doesn’t matter how strongly other states oppose this. We’d all have to go along, if even a minority of states pass it! • Currently, this bill has passed enough state houses to reach more than 160 EV’s – so they are well over half way to their goal right now. According to most up-to-date information this National Popular Vote Pact has already passed 1 of the 2 required chambers in more than 30 other states- without public attention. If their magic number of 270 EV totaling states is reached, it won’t matter how the rest of the states vote on this; nor whether other states never take up the bill; not even if other states vehemently object and oppose this action. It would be the Law of the Land! This sneaky scheme to upend Constitutional rights and protections of all states and their residents in selecting the nation’s leader is underway as an explicit attempt to defeat the careful Constitutional amendment process with no public knowledge, no voter input, no public referendums and no input from states which object to this measure. All NPVC takes is a portion of current state houses to make it law for all of us – always!
Why would progressives want to switch to a National Popular Vote POTUS? Do the math: The electoral vote system protects voting rights by giving every individual state a number of electoral votes representing the level of population. In this way, all states in the Union have a proportionate and representative say in who becomes President. It doesn’t matter if the state has more land mass than populace, or if more of the people live in rural areas, etc. Here is what would happen with an NPVC that hands all the needed 270 Electoral Votes to the national popular vote winner: Those states with larger populations – especially those with heavily populated big cities will pick the President. Period. The politically savvy know that big city voters trend “Democratic” – and that controlling big city vote results (by buying votes, duplicating votes, “fixing” vote count machines on a large scale basis – these are all “Democratic” party specialties! Take Illinois as a case in point. No matter the notorious corruption in politics there. Year after year, all the suburban and rural vote populations together can’t get their voices heard to change who runs the state. Why not? Because the votes of the city of Chicago always outnumber the total combined votes in the entire rest of the state. Is that what we want to happen to the White House? The state houses of Illinois, California, New York and New Jersey – with their large combined Electoral Votes – are among those that have already passed the NPVC into law. A list of states which have passed this treacherous law is given below. Do you think the voters in those states (of which you may be one) have an idea this has happened? Of course not – as with all Progressive take-over tactics, this one is being arranged as quietly and quickly as possible, before the actual voters there even find out! So, if you’ve wondered why Obama isn’t more worried about his “re-election” – despite growing public dissatisfaction – now you know. Just pass the NPVC in a handful more states. Then, put the usual paid workers out in the precincts with lies and pockets full of bribes for votes; send out more union propaganda enflaming and threatening union members into support; continue using state paid staff to bring in the votes of the infirm and institutionalized; doctor up more absentee vote records; alter the vote totals of machines in key areas. And voila – Obama gets even the tiniest combined margin of the “popular” vote (by hook or crook) – and he stays in office! If this NPVC vote scam gets enough states to go along, the rest of US are doomed to non-elect but appoint Obama again – by the magic 270 with claims that its all very constitutional! Akin to ObamaCare, if this National Popular Vote Compact is passed – no matter how wrong and corrupt – it would take massive funding and endless delays to drag through the courts in hopes of any reversal. An NPVC success in its remaining targeted states would mean: states that have been trending GOP and don’t support NPVC won’t matter; states with large land expanses sprinkled with Conservative voters and rural farmers won’t matter; suburbanites who pay the taxes that support city entitlements won’t matter; the original fair and balanced Electoral College system won’t matter. After all, they tell US: this is just one of those parts of that old Constitution that’s not really fair and needs to be updated!

Here is a summary of why the National Popular Vote Presidency is a really bad idea. Who is behind the National Popular Vote Compact? George Soros – and that’s not all If you have any doubt left about the purpose of this Constitutional reversal in favor of a Presidency by national popular vote, consider these facts and check out these references: Summary: George Soros favorite game is taking over the politics (and governments) of countries. If you’re not familiar with his bio, you should be. See here his role in the bogus movement toward a popular vote. Soros son, Jonathan, propaganized ”It’s’ time to junk the electoral college” all the way back in 2008. We know by know how their ilk uses long-term, heavily financed astro-turf “reform” movements – under cover of nice-sounding names, multiple websites and distorted messages to increase their public appeal. Here’s what the National Popular Vote movement wants you to believe. Their operatives began moving this Plan through state assemblies even before 2008 election. See an actual chart of the scope of Soros spiderweb of behind-the-scenes influence here. What’s their game: Take the 2012 election – and those that follow – by the cheapest, most expedient means. Save time and money by focusing “electioneering efforts” (including illegitimate ones) in major population areas to make those vote totals overwhelm the votes of the rest of US. This makes it easy for Obama to continue ignoring increased public resistance – if half the states and nearly half the voters just won’t count anymore anyway. Most of US are by now familiar with the bombardment of attempts to subvert our government under cover of populist propaganda to appear “more truly democratic.” See below those behind this clever manipulation of the law – to pass a “newer and better” way to choose a President without the proper Constitutional amendment.(And somebody tell them our founding fathers formed a Republic, not a democracy!) Meet the Men behind this “Compact”: Vikram Amar & Akhil Reed Amar The National Public Vote Compact bill, promoted nationwide, came from this source in 2001. Since then, the same bill based on their strategy has been filed in states nationwide! Digging into the background of the National Public Vote Compact – as a means to radically and permanently shift the basis of the Presidency, here’s what we found: highly credentialed attorneys (and brothers) who devised this “state bill” compact, as a strategy to get around the normal requirements for constitutional amendment – and, instead, undermine the Electoral College by bypassing both Congress and the voters! V. Amar is the author of hundreds of legal articles and several books. Although his age is included in a wiki-bio, Vikram’s country of origin is not mentioned. His articles cover topics like this:”Should Christian groups on state campuses by allowed to restrict their membership to Christians.” Many articles are aimed at using the legal system against the Constitution. Here’s two books he’s written: “Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking” and The Bill of Rights: Creation and Reconstruction.  Akhil Amar has also “recently proposed that every American should be required to undergo a DNA test so that a national DNA database can be created.” Together this pair has made many other monstrous “legalese” proposals including how an “Instant Run Off System” could “remedy the flaws” in America’s voting system; term-limiting Supreme Court Justices and improving the Presidential line of succession in the event of “election terrorism.” By no strange coincidence, the brainstormer of this end-run to trick the public and the Constitution by a minority of favorable state lawmakers, Vikram, also keeps busy writing frequent legal articles in defense of the constitutionality of ObamaCare! Need we wonder who is financing this scribe?

Vital & Urgent: See your state status & contact state officials! Conclusion: WAM has done the math and citizen action is urgent to stop this Compact! States where it has already passed add up to 171 Electoral Votes of the 270 required. 81 more Electoral Votes are at stake in states where NPV has passed 1 of the 2 needed chambers. Additionally, States where NPV is listed as currently active legislation hold more than 100 EV. There are under 100 total (electoral vote bearing states) more for this to be our law nationally – and there are way more than enough states with this in process to meet that end goal before 2012 Election!!! Shockingly, numerous Republican state officials have fallen for the popular vote strategy. Enough GOP have supported it, for to brag this is a “bi-partisan” measure (along with bogus polls claiming how We the People want this!)
Banners of progressive newspaper editorial endorsements are topped (of course) by the New York Times. Some GOP have co-sponsored this in their state. More have even voted for its passage! Whether these are ill-informed, popularity-seeking, bribed or just too dumb to do the math we can’t say. What we know is this probably means no more Republican presidents ever – and Obama back in 2012, if only by the tiniest of margins! Evidently, it’s going to take all of US to contact our own state assemblyman, state senator and governor to inform them of how destructive (and “progressive”) this national vote compact really is.


LIST OF STATUS State-by-State HERE: There is currently no single site online that has real-time, complete, and accurate status on this outrageous measure. So save this info:
ELECTORAL THEFT LAW ALREADY PASSED IN: CA, HI, IL, NJ, MD, MA, VT, RI, D.C., and most recently NY AR, CT, DE, MI, NV, NM, NC, OR, VT (& according to NPV site CO has now passed it in both chambers and sent it to the Governor for signing.)
Also, legislation is currently filed but not yet voted in favor in these states:
AK now in Committee
AL filed in the Senate this year
AZ introduced in the Senate by a Republican!
FL bill now active in both chambers
GA bill introduced in both chambers
IN introduced in the assembly
KY introduced in the House
LA passed House Committee and introduced in the Senate
MO introduced in the House
MS introduced in both chambers
MT introduced in the Senate
ND introduced in the House
NH introduced in the House
OK passed Senate Committee and introduced in the House
SD introduced in the Senate
TX introduced in both chambers
UT introduced in Senate and House
VA introduced in Senate
WARNING: Also listed as current and active legislation in these states: GA, IA, KS, MN, NE, OK, SC, TN, WV

 Rita Monceaux

Warning! Progressives’ NPV Plan for White House Control, 2012 & Permanently

Barnhardt: "The government can't make you do anything" - National Conservative |

Barnhardt: "The government can't make you do anything" - National Conservative |

More and more evidence surfacing (and disappearing) that points to involvement of Dept of INJustice.

Report: Holder adopts new strategy on Fast and Furious - National Conservative |

Nelson No Longer Shoe-In for Re-Election

Nelson No Longer Shoe-In for Re-Election
So the Wicked Witch of the West who could not drain the swamp, turns out to be part of the swamp herself. Surprises me not.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

#OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far

*UPDATED* #OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far

Islamization of Detroit is nearly complete as 100-year-old Polish bakery is forced to close « Bare Naked Islam

Islamization of Detroit is nearly complete as 100-year-old Polish bakery is forced to close « Bare Naked Islam

Is RINOmney really what we need for America?

After Mitt Romney Deal, Company Showed Profits and Then Layoffs -

Michelle Malkin » Obamacare Arrives at the Supreme Court

Michelle Malkin » Obamacare Arrives at the Supreme Court

The President, the Constitution, and National Security - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online

The President, the Constitution, and National Security - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online

Legal corruption, what a surprise

Pelosi, Congress Targeted In '60 Minutes' Investigation « CBS San Francisco

President Obama's Immigration To-Do List Is Almost Complete | Fox News

President Obama's Immigration To-Do List Is Almost Complete | Fox News

Obama Appointee Claims Sharia Law Is Superior to American Law « The Citizen's Report

Obama Appointee Claims Sharia Law Is Superior to American Law « The Citizen's Report

Pray that this becomes King Barry's Watergate moment.....

Rep. Issa: Operation Fast & Furious Went To The White House | RealClearPolitics

Newt: Dumbest thing I’ve done in last couple years is sit on a couch with Pelosi | The Right Scoop

Newt: Dumbest thing I’ve done in last couple years is sit on a couch with Pelosi | The Right Scoop

Try Not to Laugh Watching This Video of Nancy Pelosi - YouTube

Try Not to Laugh Watching This Video of Nancy Pelosi - YouTube

Free Speech Concerns Ahead Of Meeting With Muslim Nations On Religious Tolerance | Fox News

Free Speech Concerns Ahead Of Meeting With Muslim Nations On Religious Tolerance | Fox News

Friday, November 11, 2011

CBS Poll: Newt ties Romney. Cain still on top. « Hot Air

CBS Poll: Newt ties Romney. Cain still on top. « Hot Air

The enemy of my enemy is my friend - SunTzu

And the friend of my enemy is my enemy! So time to drop MFN status for China, let them start a trade war, bring it on!

China: Iran's New Best Friend | Fox News

The sky is falling, the sky is falling.....

The left wing is yet again telling us why not spending money is dangerous, just like Biden and the increase in rapes and thefts. While it would be very sad that we treat our armed forces in this way, we will get through it. We just have to buckle under and wait until we get a proper president in the White House, with a reasonable Congress. Then we can go about rebuilding ALL the damage that this administration has caused.

If this drastic measure is necessary to show America what a bunch of clowns are operating in this administration, so be it. Americans need to have their eyes opened, look at the polls that show that King Barry is still tied with a generic GOP candidate. He should be at 10-20% instead of 40% and we should be able to put up Mickey Mouse and have a landslide against this inept dictator.

Panetta Warns Military Cuts Would Invite 'Aggression' | Fox News

Florida Republicans Still Prefer Cain

Florida Republicans Still Prefer Cain

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Paterno fired for what happened on his watch, why not Holder now?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

If the LSM is so focused on Herman, how come they ignore the OWS rapes!!!

What is the media focused on? – Glenn Beck

The left will do what they can to blame the GOP

While it is actually Dingy Harry holding up the bills passed by the House. Remember the "Forgotten 15"!

Robert Creamer: "Do-Nothing Republican Congress" Could Sink GOP In 2012


And read here (a left wing blog no less) that police doing the same as Diaz, have no jail time or any other penalty applied to them. Is that because of the race of the arrested? The Department of INJustice at work!

Jailed border agent's family warned of massive fine

New Evidence Fast and Furious was a Gun Control Plot – Patriot Update

New Evidence Fast and Furious was a Gun Control Plot – Patriot Update

More of the WH defying the law

John Holdren basically says "screw the law, we can do what we want..."

Congressman: Science 'czar' giving China U.S. technology

Another example of how King Barry flouts the law...

Obama audits me. Who will audit him?

More left wing inconsistency

Read the article linked below, in the admittedly left wing Daily Kos. The description of how this lady was treated by the airport police matches very closely what border agent Jesus Diaz did to the "poor" Mexican smuggler. Yet there is no reaction from the Department of Injustice to have the law enforcement put away for two years. So again we see how this administration does NOT follow the constitution but picks and chooses their thuggery according to political rules. What happened to "liberty and justice for ALL?"
Today of FNC a second border agent came forward after being in jail for 27 months because he was "too rough" to an illegal border crosser, even though he only did as he had been taught. This administration is out of control, we need to rein them in.

One law for the illegals, and different rules for citizens, where unfortunately the illegals actually get more benefit than we do.

Daily Kos: TSA Arrests Me for Using the Fourth Amendment as a Weapon (Tales from the Edge of a Revolution #2)

»The progressives in this country are out of control.....

We have to get them out of government at ALL levels, federal, state and local.

» St. Louis Showers #OWS with Preferential Treatment, Makes Tea Party Pay - Big Government

And this is where is leads, manufactured violence

Notice how witnesses debunk the claims of the so called victims

Police: 3 Struck By Car At Occupy DC Protest | Fox News

Monday, November 7, 2011

We have to show them, in November 2012, that we are sick of these excesses

Occupy Hatred: A Gallery of #OWS Sickness

Where is Joe McCarthy when you need him

Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog » Red Reps 8 Hansen Clarke: Michigan Freshman Congressman’s Hard Core Communist Connections

This just proves what we already knew in our hearts

So South Florida, New york and Jewish voters all over this country, will you still continue to support this hater of Israel? With Soros whipping up the antisemitism in the OWS crowds, please take off the blinders and see what is staring you in the face - another four years of King Barry and his puppet-master will bring us perilously close to Germany in the 1930s. Remember that in the 1940s Spooky Dude went around rounding up Jews and their fortunes, and claimed it was the best time of his life.

Barack Obama at G20 Blasts Israeli PM Banjamin Netanyahu to Nicolas Sarkozy on Live Microphone |

Panic sets in, and the infighting starts?

Obama Chief of Staff, Daley, Gets Demoted - Obama White House - Fox Nation

Nelson’s Re-Election Strategy- Distract from Record, Pose as ‘Voice of Reason’ | The Shark Tank

Nelson’s Re-Election Strategy- Distract from Record, Pose as ‘Voice of Reason’ | The Shark Tank

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Charter Schools Don't Succeed?! - Stossel's Take Blog - Fox Business

Charter Schools Don't Succeed?! - Stossel's Take Blog - Fox Business

The Decline of Unions: President Jimmy Carter, The Union-Buster |

The Decline of Unions: President Jimmy Carter, The Union-Buster |

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Former Navy SEAL Commander Reveals Details of How Bin Laden Raid Went Down…

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Former Navy SEAL Commander Reveals Details of How Bin Laden Raid Went Down…

And this is just the beginning » *Updated With New Video* #OccupyDC Protesters Attack Conservative Gathering; Harass Women And Children

DNC Union Favoritism Forcing Furloughs Of Charlotte’s Non-Union Hotel Workers? | RedState

DNC Union Favoritism Forcing Furloughs Of Charlotte’s Non-Union Hotel Workers? | RedState

Occupy DC Attack Victims Interviewed - YouTube

Occupy DC Attack Victims Interviewed - YouTube

We can dream.........

Revolt! Now Democrats want Obama off ballot | Conservative Byte

(3) The Fraud Socialist Muslim Obama 2008 to 2011, Replaced on Election Day 2012

(3) The Fraud Socialist Muslim Obama 2008 to 2011, Replaced on Election Day 2012

Not all are, but these are definitely Occupy Whatever Scumbags

"Occupy DC" Violently Raids Tea Party's "Defending the American Dream Summit"...many injured - YouTube

Remains Of Ancient Race Of Job Creators Found In Rust Belt | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

Remains Of Ancient Race Of Job Creators Found In Rust Belt | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

'Atlas Shrugged': A How To Manual for the Obama Administration? - YouTube

'Atlas Shrugged': A How To Manual for the Obama Administration? - YouTube

Gross… Obama-Endorsed Occupy Goons Start Defecating in Banks | The Gateway Pundit

Gross… Obama-Endorsed Occupy Goons Start Defecating in Banks | The Gateway Pundit

See now how a progressive twists the truth to his own ends

And unfortunately, the professor has tenure so cannot be fired for this obvious case of misrepresentation,
The PJ Tatler » Not One Muslim Student at Catholic University Feels Aggrieved: Publicity-Seeking Law Prof Fabricated Their “Grievances”

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Did not see this appear 50 times in Politico or in the LSM, did you?

Jackson Subject of Gay Harassment Complaint | NBC Chicago

Another example of the left wing press' hypocrisy?

Law Suit Claims Jesse Jackson Asked For Oral Sex - Waznmentobe

The "religion of peace" at work agaib

Officials: 67 Dead In Northeast Nigeria Attacks | Fox News

Lets have a landslide victory of Tea Party stalwarts to take over the GOP, then fire Boehner

GOP Ready To Talk Taxes? Looming Deficit Panel Deadline Has Lawmakers Considering 'All Options' | Fox News

So sad that our political process has degenerated to this level

One Cain Accuser Has Chosen ‘Not to Relive’ Details of Incident, Sees ‘No Value’ in Talking – Common American Journal

It is all about control, where ever and when ever

Obama Dept. of Ed aims at U.S. takeover – Common American Journal

The worm turns?

» SEIU Members Challenge Union Over Corruption, Finances - Big Government

Obama's Drug Shortage Demagoguery |

Obama's Drug Shortage Demagoguery |

Hats off to this Patriot, a lot braver than I am

Bizarre: Woman Roughed Up, Arrested for Reciting the Constitution During TSA Inspection | AlterNet

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Obama Pushes For New Police State , in other words Germany 1936 all over again

Wake up America, it CAN happen here

Obama Pushes For New Police State Laws Over Argentina Fears |

It was Perry All Along

It was Perry All Along

And the truth will set you free (it also has no agenda)

Feinstein may have inadvertently confirmed Gunwalker ulterior motive - National Conservative |

First Holder, then Big Sis. Both have to go

Pamela Geller, WND: Big Sis gives Muslim Brotherhood secret clearance - Atlas Shrugs

Another reason to support the 2nd Amendment

Interesting statistics… |

Casts some doubts

Then again, was Newt really influenced or just being hoodwinked and not obvious of what was going on behind the curtain?

Flashback: Newt Took $300,000 From Freddie Mac to Stop Congress From Making Much Needed Reform | A Time For Choosing

Open Channel - Born in the USA, but now among Somalia's Islamist terrorists

Open Channel - Born in the USA, but now among Somalia's Islamist terrorists

Infighting on the left side of the aisle - :-)

Congressional Black Caucus members accused of being too harsh on Barack Obama - Alex Isenstadt -

See how many have been achieved

Communist Goals - 1963 Congressional Record

More good education from Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell: "Spreading Around Wealth Causes Poverty" | RealClearPolitics

Go Newt!

Can Gingrich Break Through? -

Here is some fun for Saturday night

C-SPAN delivers: Announces full live coverage of Saturday's Herman Cain-Newt Gingrich debate by Andrew Malcolm -

Can Herman Cain Weather This Storm? - HUMAN EVENTS

Can Herman Cain Weather This Storm? - HUMAN EVENTS

Pass Ziz Bill Now! - Jawohl, mein Fuehrer

Obama Pushes Jobs Bill: God Wants To See Us Put People Back To Work | RealClearPolitics

Looks like the MD Gov is following King Barry's lead and becoming a tyrant

Maryland Lawmakers | Environmental Plan | Martin O'Malley | The Daily Caller

More hypocrisy from the progressives and their useful idiots

Occupy Wall Street | Arrest Records | Mansions | Housing | The Daily Caller

Gingrich: Obama's 'Grotesque Failure' in Mideast Propels 'Anti-Christian Spring'

Gingrich: Obama's 'Grotesque Failure' in Mideast Propels 'Anti-Christian Spring'

Opulent Homes | The 99 Percent | Slideshow | The Daily Caller

Opulent Homes | The 99 Percent | Slideshow | The Daily Caller


Connie Mack | Eric Holder Resignation | Fast and Furious | The Daily Caller

I smell swamp gas........

Despite ethics rules, Congress' travel junkets creep back up –

Occupy Whatever = proven racism, Tea Party = imagined racism

More Anti-Jewish Sentiment At Occupy DC | MRCTV

CAn't see King Barry acquiescing to this attack on his power

Sheriff Joe: 'Show me the microfilm!'

More stonewalling from the court of King Barry, we are getting closer to our Quatorze Julliet moment

House GOP to subpoena immigration data - Washington Times

More crony capitalism adding to the the DC swamp mess

Jobs Panel Member Whose Solar Firm Won Loan Guarantees Raises 'Conflict Of Interest' Concerns | Fox News

Obama’s TSA Ignored Cancer Risks from TSA Scanners | Joe Miller

Obama’s TSA Ignored Cancer Risks from TSA Scanners | Joe Miller

More calls for civility????? The left need to get their act together, they are going to doom themselves to a huge counter land slide next year

Secretary Of Labor Calls Out 'Teabaggers'

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

And the truth will set you free

New Book Disputes Obama Administration's Account of Bin Laden Raid

progressives, of course, will fight against these laws, how else can they steal elections?

Congressional hearing sought over voter ID laws sweeping states - Politics Wires -

WAtch Americans line up for these jobs tomorrow

But even more frightening is the fact that these illegals were working in secure areas. Hopefully the employer will get a HUGE fine.

Sheriff Joe’s Jobs Plan: Raids 55th Business, Arrests Illegals, Liberates Jobs | Stand With Arizona

Can someone make the Wicked Witch of the West shut up?

Pelosi: South Carolina Boeing Plant Should Unionize or Shut Down

Offended Atheists Strike Again - By David French - The Corner - National Review Online

Offended Atheists Strike Again - By David French - The Corner - National Review Online

Educational.... New Zeal Blog » David Horowitz and Democrat Pat Caddell Explain the Radical Take-over of the US. Must View!!!

Oh the hypocrisy, but what do you expect from the NY Slimes

NYT Quickly Fronts Vague Cain Charges, Ignored John Edwards Adultery Allegations Almost a Year |

Great Myths of the Great Depression - Fox Business Video - Fox Business

Great Myths of the Great Depression - Fox Business Video - Fox Business

Coming soon to a city near you.........

Somalia: Al-Shabaab suicide bomber tentatively identified as Minneapolis native - Jihad Watch

Special Interest Groups Buying Judges | Godfather Politics

Special Interest Groups Buying Judges | Godfather Politics

King and Parliament, American-Style

Archived-Articles: King and Parliament, American-Style

Spooky Dude stirring things up again

Go in to your local bank on 11/5 and show solidarity! Run the pickets, if you dare stand up for your country

.: George Soros and His Big Attack On Your Local Bank November 5th - Again George Soros is Now Using to Influence Your Childs Teacher - This is the Email Sent Today

Nice to see someone from the left lampooning their own

Colbert Visits 'Occupy Wall Street' Dressed as Che Guevara - Stephen Colbert - Fox Nation

King Barry has managed to officially relegate us to the status of a second class country

China and the G20: Taking the summit by strategy | The Economist

This ad says it all - POWERFULLY!

While I have given up donating to the GOP (I support candidates directly), if my money goes to buy time to run this ad, I will change my policy.

GOP Ad Destroys Obama with His Own Words - Political Ads - Fox Nation