Monday, August 29, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
King Barry ignores Congress yet again....
I wonder if he knows his history and what happened to the King George who ignored us too?
Thursday, August 18, 2011
The Backlash Begins
Very strange that this investigation which was supposedly "active before the downgrade" (yeah, right), only applies to S&P, while Fitch & Moody's were just as complicit in the mortgage securities mis-ratings. Or is this just another example of the Chicago way?
The "Tea Party" stars in the latest DHS movie again
I will try to give Big (Fat) Sis the benefit of the doubt here and hope that this is DHS just being PC, not a deliberate attempt to point the finger at the Tea Party again. Then again..........
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Fed up with hypocritical progressives
Time after time the progressives tell the Tea Party and other commonsense groups to mind their language and be civil. Yet recently on Fox News Channel, the left wing lawyer lady had the gall to comment on Gov. Perry carrying a stun fun for personal protection ” he probably wants to go down to the border and kill some illegals”. Apart from the fact that it is a STUN gun, how date she even think this!
And now Louis Farrakhan spouts off that the FT Hood shooter is not the terrorist, American soldiers are the terrorists. Where is the LSM on this?
I am fed up with potty mouthed sanctimonious liberals telling us what to do and then doing it themselves.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Unions not Tea Party are the violent thugs
It seems that while the progressives love to cal the Tea PArty and other common sense organizations violent, it s the union thugs and other progressive clubs that actually use violence.
DEVELOPING: Ohio Business Owner Shot For Being Non-Union, Police Investigating | RedState
DEVELOPING: Ohio Business Owner Shot For Being Non-Union, Police Investigating | RedState
More nanny state BS
SO bowing to the great god PC, we encourage even more to become dependent on other people's money through the government. And we the taxpayers have to accept all this? The time is coming for a tax strike!
Free meals for all Detroit schoolchildren in fall | Detroit Free Press |
Free meals for all Detroit schoolchildren in fall | Detroit Free Press |
Allowing guns into bars has ‘surprising’ result | ChrisInMaryville's Blog
So it seems that knowing people in a bar or restaurant might be able to fight back convinces criminals to avoid perpetrating crimes there. If I see the numbers correctly, 10 less crimes in a year to balance against 2 less than violent slip ups. I'll take that ratio any day. Of course for the anti-gun lobby, just one slip-up weighs a thousand times more than any criminal gun violence.
Allowing guns into bars has ‘surprising’ result | ChrisInMaryville's Blog
Allowing guns into bars has ‘surprising’ result | ChrisInMaryville's Blog
If it was a movie people would say it could never happen in real life
This shows that the ATF, a part of Eric Holder's Department of Injustice, is totally tone deaf, and that Operation Fast And Furious was the success that the progressives wanted. Why else promote the perpetrators, other than to buy their silence. Rep. Issa, time to step up your investigation, PLEASE!
ATF promotes supervisors from border gun operation -
ATF promotes supervisors from border gun operation -
DEbunking of the earlier post about Perry
But I still wish that Sarah would run.....
Seventeen (17) things that critics are saying about Rick Perry | Pesky Truth
Seventeen (17) things that critics are saying about Rick Perry | Pesky Truth
Perry is definitely not a slam dunk
After reading this you will have just three words to say......
The Real Rick Perry – or – A great list of Perry’s Follies | R3publican: Restore * Reenergize * Reignite
The Real Rick Perry – or – A great list of Perry’s Follies | R3publican: Restore * Reenergize * Reignite
Monday, August 15, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Yet again, King Barry will stoop as low as he pleases to ensure re-election
He is probably ticked off that he even has to bother with an election
Absolutely disgusting
If I did not already have a reason to avoid any network that employs this moon bat, I definitely have one now
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Peace and civility?
Islam is the religion of peace and progressives are the party of civility
And I have some beach property in Arizona to sell ya......
Progressives issue death threats; call for roundup of 'Tea Baggers' - National Conservative |
And I have some beach property in Arizona to sell ya......
Progressives issue death threats; call for roundup of 'Tea Baggers' - National Conservative |
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
Parrot Heads of the Left
And no, these are not Jimmy Buffet followers, although they might be closer to Warren. I am talking about Axelrod, Rattner, Kerry, Biden and all their cohorts who, "all of a sudden" started call the Tea Party terrorists. They do not seem to realize that this looks so suspicious, you can really see some-one in a dark room thinking up the next progressive's talking point, and then texting a distribution list and, bingo, everyone is using it. And who sits in the dark room thinking up these "flashes of brilliance"? Probably not Spooky Dude himself, but almost certainly someone close to him and his checkbook.
While it seems quite funny, it actually sickens me to see how much of dumb lemmings these progressives are, and yet we let them still have so much power over us. It is time for the Second American Revolution, break out the pitchforks and torches, let's go get rid of a monster before it does any more damage.
How to handle hose "no-win" questions from the left
How to discuss rationally when asked no-win questions by the LSM or your progressive acquaintances (I hope you do not own up to progressive friends. If you have any of those, time to get healing!)
I would bet 1B$ that Spooky Dude was involved....
But then it would mean that King Barry was told to make this happen........
Another example of how government meddling costs us money
It is not as if it does anything at all for safety
Time to start organizing a boycott....
How about protests outside the theaters?
Florida Rep & DCCC Chair ignores the Congressional rules
Where is draining the swamp, Princess Pelosi? And Boehner not doing a good job there either
progressive infiltration of the civil service
Remember how loud the left shouted about supposed "partisan" hirings and firings? Of course, the truth shows that this was not true. Yet when the progressives have the power they have a blatantly (at least when they are forced to expose after a FOIA request) partisan hiring policy. Just wait when the GOP takes over in 2013 and they start firing these progressives, the noise will be unbelievable.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
For all those who are tired of politics as usual
An note that the grass roots umbrella organizations are getting flak here too
It Should Have Been Enough (8)
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Do as I say, not as I do (redux)
Yet again we find out that Moochelle is very good at telling us how to eat, but not following her own advice. And King Barry does not care either. So where does he celebrate the raising of the debt ceiling? A hamburger joint! Don't they have Sweet Tomatoes in DC?
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Monday, August 1, 2011
The more we learn, the sicker we get
As details of the debt deal leak out, we are finding that yet again, King Barry and his progressive elites have royally screwed the American people
And this you do not read in the LSM
While the murders in Norway can never be justified, it is interesting to read what was actually going on at this camp.
Note in the article how more left wing hypocrisy is clearly shown:
"For them it is unacceptable for Breivik to murder Norwegian children, because his ideology is wrong. But it is acceptable for Palestinians to murder Israeli children, because their ideology is right."
Note in the article how more left wing hypocrisy is clearly shown:
"For them it is unacceptable for Breivik to murder Norwegian children, because his ideology is wrong. But it is acceptable for Palestinians to murder Israeli children, because their ideology is right."
More bending of the truth....
No real spending cuts, just a reduction in increase of spending, LIARS!!!!!
More Saul Alinsky tactics from Joe Bite Me
Interesting that the very words used by the Tea Partiers, were used by the left, including King Barry and his court jester, Joe Bite Me, in 2006 when also discussing a previous raising of the debt limit. Out and out hypocrisy all the time, it makes me sick! (For details of the statements, see Marco Rubio's very strong speech, available on his channel on YouTube).
More danger to our way of live... Cass Sunstien at work again
While King Barry and his elites "say" they support US agriculture, look at what they are actually doing. Yet more UNNECESSARY Big Government involvement in people's lives.
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