Tuesday, May 31, 2011

This is getting like Germany in the 1930s....

Major Nonprofit Rats Out Fellow Citizens

Someone not afraid to tell the truth

RealClearPolitics - Video - Tuscaloosa Tornado Victim: "Obama Came Here And Said 'We're Going To Help Everybody.' That's A Lie"

Nice to report something positive

Thanks bikers!

300 Bikers Foil Westboro Baptist Church’s Obama Joplin Protest

Twice Deported, ‘Undocumented’ Worker Kills Houston Police Officer | The Blaze

Twice Deported, ‘Undocumented’ Worker Kills Houston Police Officer | The Blaze

Obama Secret Service Agent Retires, Will Now Run for MD Senate Seat as a Repub. | The Blaze

Obama Secret Service Agent Retires, Will Now Run for MD Senate Seat as a Repub. | The Blaze

Dem Weiner Fights to Control Lewd Photo Scandal

Dem Weiner Fights to Control Lewd Photo Scandal

Stopping Obama’s Dictatorship | NetRight Daily

Stopping Obama’s Dictatorship | NetRight Daily

Limousine liberals? Number of government-owned limos has soared under Obama | iWatch News

Limousine liberals? Number of government-owned limos has soared under Obama | iWatch News

"Barack Obama's decision to play golf on Memorial Day was disrespectful and hardly presidential" - Atlas Shrugs

"Barack Obama's decision to play golf on Memorial Day was disrespectful and hardly presidential" - Atlas Shrugs

The People's Republic of California has gone too far this time

Plain White T’s Evil? ‘Diverse’ Group of Students Suspended for Claims of White Supremacy Because They Wore White T-Shirts for Senior Picture Day | The Blaze

Obama, 'I Will Not Rest Until I Finish Another Round Of Golf' | Sad Hill News

Obama, 'I Will Not Rest Until I Finish Another Round Of Golf' | Sad Hill News

Intel report: Kenyans honor Obama's 'birthplace'

Intel report: Kenyans honor Obama's 'birthplace'

Saudi Prince: Lower Oil Price to Keep US, Europe Hooked

Saudi Prince: Lower Oil Price to Keep US, Europe Hooked

Friday, May 27, 2011

Debbie Wasserman Shultz puts her foot in her mouth again

Debbie Wasserman Shultz | Ten Commandments | Anti-Women | The Daily Caller

American Thinker: A Thank-you to Islamic Extremists

American Thinker: A Thank-you to Islamic Extremists

Coming soon to a country near you.... read and weep

News from The Associated Press

Congressman Says Obama Admin Materially Supporting Terrorists « Creeping Sharia

Congressman Says Obama Admin Materially Supporting Terrorists « Creeping Sharia

Court: Detroit suburb violated evangelist's rights - USATODAY.com

Court: Detroit suburb violated evangelist's rights - USATODAY.com

Gas Price Hypocrisy | RIGHTNETWORK

Gas Price Hypocrisy | RIGHTNETWORK

Hitting the private sector, yet again

Obama Crackdown on For-Profit Colleges Faces Stiff Resistance - FoxNews.com

Good News / Bad News for Debbie Wasserman Schultz! | RedState

And more bad news, as this comes from the lady who railed at the Republicans for not supporting the US auto industry, but who drives a JAPANESE vehicle herself. Talk about hypocrisy!

Good News / Bad News for Debbie Wasserman Schultz! | RedState

Why Conservatives should oppose The NAT GAS Act | RedState

Why Conservatives should oppose The NAT GAS Act | RedState

More Progressives "Do as I say, not as I do"

DNC chairwoman supports U.S. auto industry so much she owns a Japanese car - latimes.com

Thursday, May 26, 2011

San Diego Reader | Schooled!

San Diego Reader | Schooled!

DNC worried about Herman Cain? | The Daily Caller

DNC | Herman Cain | The Daily Caller

‘Shut Up!’: Fmr. Clinton Adviser Walks Off Fox News Set During Fiery Interview | The Blaze

‘Shut Up!’: Fmr. Clinton Adviser Walks Off Fox News Set During Fiery Interview | The Blaze

Karl Rove's take on CD NY-26

I don't always agree with Karl Rove but in this case I think that he is spot on. Especially the end of the article where he stresses that the GOP must go on the offensive.

Why the Republican Lost in NY-26 | Karl Rove

DC Liberals Sign Petition to Ban Conservative Websites | NewsBusters.org

Video: DC Liberals Sign Petition to Ban Conservative Websites | NewsBusters.org

Supreme Court Sides With AZ Over Illegal Worker Law | The Blaze

Supreme Court Sides With AZ Over Illegal Worker Law | The Blaze

Good article about a serious threat to King Barry

Obama's 'worst nightmare' seeks showdown with prez

The Eligibility Zombie| The Post & Email

The Eligibility Zombie| The Post & Email

As ever the Euro press tell it like it is

As left wing as the press across the ocean might be, they still do not bend the truth the way our Lame Stream Media here in the US do.

Barack Obama was outclassed at yesterday's Downing Street press conference – Telegraph Blogs

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

American Thinker: Congress Gets an American President -- For a Day

American Thinker: Congress Gets an American President -- For a Day

Glenn Beck Planning Web TV Channel: GBTV

Glenn Beck Planning Web TV Channel: GBTV

It is obvious, my motherland is not too hot on King Barry

These Are Obama‘s ’Top 10′ Insults Against Britain | The Blaze

It never stops..... more unnecessary laws

Linens And Things | RIGHTNETWORK

British Press Pans Obama’s Empty TelePrompter Speech to Parliament | The Gateway Pundit

British Press Pans Obama’s Empty TelePrompter Speech to Parliament | The Gateway Pundit

King Barry promising to make Congress irrelevant, yet again

Obama: We’re working on gun control “under the radar” « Hot Air

I'm thinking "YES" (see full article)

The obligatory “Obama thinks it’s still 2008″ post « Hot Air

And this is "the most intelligent President" ever?

Good news: Obama botches toast to the queen « Hot Air

Facebook upgrade spurs fears of political bias - Yahoo! News

Facebook upgrade spurs fears of political bias - Yahoo! News

The Ulsterman Report: Why is Obama Silent on Libya? | Newsflavor

The Ulsterman Report: Why is Obama Silent on Libya? | Newsflavor

This clarifies a lot: Valerie Jarrett and The Muslim Brotherhood | Newsflavor

The Ulsterman Report: Valerie Jarrett and The Muslim Brotherhood | Newsflavor

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Dark Side of Camelot

This makes Chappaquiddick look quite "normal".


Message from the Media Research Center about George Soros

George Soros is a man on a mission -- a mission to take the U.S down a notch.  And he’s willing to use his billions to do it, by influencing our economy, the Obama administration and the media!

MRC’s Business and Media Institute (BMI) recently profiled Soros in two expertly researched special reports.  The first detailed Soros’s recent conferences of liberal activists, politicians and academics in Boston and Bretton Woods.  The second outlined Soros’s plan to take down the U.S. dollar, and the media’s total failure to cover it.

BMI just released its third special report and it lays out the most disturbing facts about Soros to date.

 + + You and I are the Last Line of Defense …
We’ve said this before, but in the context of Soros’s two recent conferences, his influence over this administration and his far-reaching control of the media, the MRC isthe last-line of defense.
Stefan, we are up against an out-of-control liberal media that are actively trying to hide the truth -- to create an alternate reality for unsuspecting Americans that trust the media to provide honest reporting of the news!  And George Soros is spending his billions of dollars to help them.
This is why we launched our petition demanding the media report the real truth about George Soros -- who he really is and the threat that he represents to our nation. It’s why our analysts are researching and putting together eye-opening special reports and resources that can’t be found anywhere else.
But Stefan, we need EVERY member of our MRC Action team engaged on this issue; we need to demonstrate to the left-wing media the enormous level of grassroots energy on this issue. That’s why we’re urging you to click here to sign our petition so that you can immerse yourself in our shocking Soros research!
George Soros is aggressively pouring his billions into left-wing efforts to destroy our nation. It is imperative that patriotic Americans get the truth found in our special reports out to the masses being deceived by the media.

Patriots, click here now to get engaged!
We cannot allow the liberal media to mislead us and cover-up the socialist agenda of radical anti-American financiers who are committed to destroying our freedom and way of life. After signing, alert your friends and urge them to take action with you right now by clicking here.
Thank you in advance for helping us to expose George Soros and his control of the liberal media!
David Martin

I'm Sorry, Your Card Has Been Declined (Wizbang)

I'm Sorry, Your Card Has Been Declined (Wizbang)

$3 Trillion Of Low Hanging Fruit

Florida Political Press » Blog Archive » $3 Trillion Of Low Hanging Fruit

How Much Will It Cost to Repeal the ‘Oil Subsidies’? | RedState

How Much Will It Cost to Repeal the ‘Oil Subsidies’? | RedState

The Tea Party will not forget in 2012

E-Verify is Dead, Long Live the Florida Plantation | Sunshine State News



Obama Sabotages US Immigration System and Lies for Amnesty

A message from Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)

President Obama omitted any mention of the negative consequences of illegal immigration while intentionally confusing illegal aliens with legal immigrants as he pushed for Amnesty in El Paso this week. 

"Our immigration system is not broken; it has been sabotaged by presidents like Obama who refuse to honor existing federal laws, the US Constitution, and their oath of office," said William Gheen, President of ALIPAC. "If that is what Obama refers to as 'ugly rhetoric' then so be it."

In Obama's 30 minute speech supporting Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty (CIRA), he completely refused to acknowledge any of the negative impacts on Americans from illegal immigration. His speech glorified past waves of legal immigration and the accomplishments of legal immigrants in his efforts to confuse listeners about his Amnesty plans.

"Obama shows us in this speech that he cannot be trusted and that he is clearly aligned with those who are invading the United States, and he represents their interests over the Americans he swore to serve by honoring the Constitution," said William Gheen. "His claim that the border is secure is a lie and should be considered another act of treason. The border is not secured and Americans are dying and losing their jobs and homes over his failure to protect all states from invasion as the Constitution demands."

While Obama extols the number of Border Patrol agents, he fails to acknowledge that agents are ordered to only catch and release most illegal aliens or to simply return illegals to Mexico to reenter the next night.

Obama claims "the fence is complete" which is an incredible lie.

Democrats in Congress and the Senate have recently filed the Dream Act Amnesty bill once again, despite the fact that it has been defeated six times and that numerous certified and scientific polls show 2 to 1 opposition to such legislation among American citizens.

In his speech, Obama does cite his support for Amnesty for illegal aliens and billionaire aristocrats such as Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox News.

"If Obama and the Democrats succeed by working with RINO Republicans to pass any form of Amnesty and illegal aliens become legal voters, then there will be no reasonable hope for future borders or immigration enforcement in America," said William Gheen. "Nothing in Obama's speech addresses this concern. It is his intention to overthrow the influence of more than 12 million American voters who will be dispossessed of a nation if CIRA passes."

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC is gearing up to meet Obama's push for Amnesty once again. The organization has played a central role in defeating Amnesty legislation on many occasions. For more information about ALIPAC's efforts or to join our e-m ail alerts please visit www.ALIPAC.us

More wasted taxpayer money....

How the $8,000 Tax Credit Cost Home Buyers $15,000 – Patriot Update

Shariah in American Courts

Shariah in American Courts

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The pages of Atlas Shrugged are springing to life

Every day something comes up that makes Ayn Rand a prophetic author, not just one with a great story.Yet another case of Wesley Mouch, sorry, Harry Reid, making exceptions for his friends and supporters.

Minerals Mined on Federal Land Spared Taxes, Aided by Senator Reid - FoxNews.com

Friday, May 6, 2011

RealClearPolitics - Video - Herman Cain: "We Need To Go From An Entitlement Society To An Empowerment Society"

RealClearPolitics - Video - Herman Cain: "We Need To Go From An Entitlement Society To An Empowerment Society"

Hezbollah Sets Up Base Near Mexican Border - Hezbollah - Fox Nation

Hezbollah Sets Up Base Near Mexican Border - Hezbollah - Fox Nation

Watch this guy....

American Thinker: Top Ten Reasons to Support Herman Cain for President

Mike Rogers Must Go

GOP House Intel Chair Thinks We Are No Better Than Animals | RedState

Updated: Boeing vs. Union-Controlled NLRB Heats Up | RedState

Updated: Boeing vs. Union-Controlled NLRB Heats Up | RedState

Religious Fanaticism Strikes Again

Anyone who claims that God tells them to kill other people is a nut-case, muslim, christian, or any other religion.

American Thinker Blog: Chicago Muslim Convert Sentenced for Murdering Five Family Members Who Had Not Converted to Islam

Florida Political Press » Blog Archive » Florida Resident Responds To Bill Nelson’s Attack On Election Law Bill

Florida Political Press » Blog Archive » Florida Resident Responds To Bill Nelson’s Attack On Election Law Bill