Thursday, March 31, 2011

Nancy Skinner, LW radio host on FNC, what a stupid b#tch. Refuses to answer question

Monday, March 28, 2011

Those Darn Birthers| The Post & Email

Those Darn Birthers| The Post & Email

The future of Egypt?


Battlefield315: Affirmative Action explained

Battlefield315: Affirmative Action explained

Trump is right!!!

Birth Certificate - What do you make of this? > Citizens 4 Freedom

The plan to "Transform America", read and weep

The plan to "transform America" in writing, and frightening....

ex-CIA Agent Reveals: “Muslim Brotherhood” has infiltrated Obama Administration « YourDaddy's Politics

ex-CIA Agent Reveals: “Muslim Brotherhood” has infiltrated Obama Administration « YourDaddy's Politics

» Parker: Why liberals hate Clarence Thomas and Sarah Palin Commentary

» Parker: Why liberals hate Clarence Thomas and Sarah Palin Commentary

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Expect to see more of this thuggery

The progressives are desperate, after seeing the last 2-3 years of the Tea Party hogging the limelight and getting their way in WI, OH, FL, DC and more and more places, they are scared to death of losing their power. Strange how groups that represent such a small % of the population are almost able to drive their will through using violence and hateful rhetoric. They are not interested in democracy, just their own power. As they see conservative policies being implemented they will fight harder and harder to stop this reduction in their power. So watch out, things will get uglier before they get better. Hopefully we can get to the elections of 2012 without the necessity for any drastic measures, so that we can vote out more of these extreme progressives that have infiltrated the Democratic party, including the current resident of the White House, and restore a normalcy and sense of honor to our political environment.

What disappoints me most is that ordinary people still shut their eyes to the obvious lies propagated by the progressives and their lackey Lame Stream Media. Perhaps we will get the tyrannical government that we deserve, because so many chose to stick their heads in the sand. As Benjamin Franklin said "...a Republic, if you can keep it!" I fear that will will not keep it for much longer unless we can awaken more of the silent majority to the threats that face us.

» Wisconsin Unions Threaten Businesses - Big Government

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Pamela Geller, American Thinker: The ABA Does Damage Control - Atlas Shrugs


It looks like the ABA got caught with its hand in the cookie jar and is now trying to squirm its way out

Pamela Geller, American Thinker: The ABA Does Damage Control - Atlas Shrugs

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It looks like the ABA got caught with its hand in the cookie jar, and is now trying to squirm its way out

Twitter / Home

Thursday, March 3, 2011

WH says budget proposal is 1/2 to GOP numbers (not true) and GOP should move. Why? They never came 1/2 way to us in previous congress.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

here is an idea, how about the unions halve their dues so their members have more in their pockets and can afford to pay towards entitlements.
Do Dems also call protestors who sleep in WI capitol tax cheats, like they do for GOP legislators in DC?