Saturday, December 31, 2011

And do not forget Holder's involvement in this travesty

Sipsey Street Irregulars: SSI Exclusive: Hiding mass murder behind "national security." What Newsweak & the FBI didn't want you to know about PATCON and the OKC Bombing.

A very useful site, bookmark it

Discover the Networks

Yet again Gingrich nails it.

Trump, please create Super-PAC to support Newt and rid us of Obama-lite RINOMney

Gingrich: Justice Dept wants to |

Are the (Democ)rats leaving the sinking ship?

Another Obama Chief Advisor Abandons Ship--Leaving Wake of Humor Behind - National Political Buzz |

Government power gone wild!

28 Signs That U.S. Public Schools Are Rapidly Being Turned Into Indoctrination Centers And Prison Camps

Rush shows clarity of message, as always

Rush: Republican Establishment "Afraid Newt Might Win" Because Their "Hearts Are Set On Romney" - YouTube

Just like my year end Conservative Minute

Blog: New Year's Resolution

Strong talk, what we need today

How Many People Committed Fraud to Get Obama into the White House?| The Post & Email

You don't get on King Barry's invite list unless you have at least one crime in your background

Media Ignore Obama Hawaii Golfing Buddy Who Was Arrested in Prostitution Sting |

This is all designed to support Caliph Soetoro

This is a Caliphate conspiracy, designed to make Caliph Soetoro (a.k.a King Barry), look strong for the 2012 elections

Iran Backs Off Threat To Close Strait Of Hormuz | Fox News

One of the things that King Barry and his court are good at, unsealing sealed records (except his won of course, there the reverse hold trur)

Gingrich Sealed Divorce Papers Magically Appear In Media Hands: Obama's Records Still Missing | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Tax reform and energy - what we need to turn this economy around

Herman Cain: If I were campaigning for president... - The Washington Post

As ever. Mama Grizzlie hits the nail on the head

Sarah Palin: If I were campaigning for president... - The Washington Post

Iran suddenly realized that having a weak resident of the White House is to their benefit

and that them coming to the table, which in the long run costs them little, would improve the chnaces of King Barry staying in power

Rather King Barry than a Gingrich, Santorum or Bachmann, although Obama-lite RINOmney would not make much difference.

Iran, Hit By Sanctions, Calls For New Nuclear Talks | Fox News

Friday, December 30, 2011

GOP Senators 'Neutralize' Labor Board--Unions Out in Cold for 2012 - National Political Buzz |

GOP Senators 'Neutralize' Labor Board--Unions Out in Cold for 2012 - National Political Buzz |

Mississippi NAACP | Voter Fraud | Prison | The Daily Caller

Mississippi NAACP | Voter Fraud | Prison | The Daily Caller

Yet again the "religion of peace" strikes again

Honor Killing: Christian Convert Mother of Three (Month-Old Baby, 2-year-old and 9-year-old) Brutally Murdered by Muslim Boyfriend on Christmas day - Atlas Shrugs

President Obama's Anti-Gun Agenda Shows No Sign Of Stopping | Fox News

President Obama's Anti-Gun Agenda Shows No Sign Of Stopping | Fox News

President Obama's Anti-Gun Agenda Shows No Sign Of Stopping | Fox News

President Obama's Anti-Gun Agenda Shows No Sign Of Stopping | Fox News

Why Is No One Attacking Romney? - 2012 Decoded

Why Is No One Attacking Romney? - 2012 Decoded

The New Age Lynching Of Herman Cain | A Patriotic Nurse

The New Age Lynching Of Herman Cain | A Patriotic Nurse

Monday, December 26, 2011

King Barry will do all he can to grind us into the dirt, and we just let him

EPA's "Sustainability" Agenda: Vast Power Grab

Coming soon to a country near you

Pamela Geller, Lead Article, American Thinker: Exclusive Interview with Jailed Pakistani Christian Asia Bibi - Atlas Shrugs

These reports get more and more interesting

As well as more and more scary. At least by knowing, we are able to plan a counter-strategy
WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: Heads Up – The Cook The Books Campaign Is Underway - The Ulsterman Report

The progressive machine will make sure that this is swept under the carpet

ICE agency report puts serious dent in Eric Holder’s DOJ case against sheriff Joe Arpaio | Dayton Tribune

This is the sort of Hope and Change for which we are praying

Allen West: It’s about time we change the leadership in DC | The Right Scoop

KNIGHT: Our Trojan Horse president - Washington Times

KNIGHT: Our Trojan Horse president - Washington Times

More evidence of what a liar our Dingy Harry is

Tax on millionaires brings in paltry $11B – Patriot Update

Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it

BIRMAN: Beware Washington's benevolence - Washington Times

Why is no-one listening? Holder MUST GO! » Blog Archive » Eric Holder Puts South Carolina Voter ID Law in Crosshairs–But, Can He Win?

Let's give back this "sanctuary state" to Mexico

California to Ban Police From Towing Cars of Unlicensed Drivers | Conservative Byte

Articles: The Curious Lack of Indonesians at Gitmo

Articles: The Curious Lack of Indonesians at Gitmo

Articles: State of Denial: How New York May Squander Its Energy Boom

Articles: State of Denial: How New York May Squander Its Energy Boom

A shame that our country has sunk so low

Articles: Herman Cain: A Final Word

This is the AMERICAN way, long live the Constitution!

Hats off to these brave Montana citizens

Montanans Launch Recall of Senators Who Approved NDAA Military Detention. Merry Christmas, US Senate - Salem-News.Com


Why We Must Unite And Support The Republican Nominee No Matter What! | Conservative Byte

Who trusts anything that Dingy Harry says, he lies almost as much as King Barry

Sen. Harry Reid's Unicorns: Fact Checking A Whopper - Forbes

Mentioning Jesus is forbidden in public schools but forcing your kids to pray to Allah is not « Bare Naked Islam

Mentioning Jesus is forbidden in public schools but forcing your kids to pray to Allah is not « Bare Naked Islam

Obama Heads Into The Holidays Knowing He’ll Have To Validate A Long Vault Birth Certificate In All 50 States For 2012. | Political Vel Craft

Obama Heads Into The Holidays Knowing He’ll Have To Validate A Long Vault Birth Certificate In All 50 States For 2012. | Political Vel Craft

A very seasonal look at the lack of Obama's antecendants

Articles: We Know More About Jesus's Birth Than Obama's

Nice to share good news....and a beautiful song

Military Wives Choir Tops Britain Charts With ‘Wherever You Are’ | Gareth Malone | | Video |

Very brave of these ladies. Look for them to get flack from the progressives

Girl Scouts troops disband after chapter says it will allow transgendered 7-year-old - NY Daily News

Santa Claus Arrested Following Joint Investigation by IRS, INS, and FWS - Daniel J. Mitchell - Townhall Finance

Santa Claus Arrested Following Joint Investigation by IRS, INS, and FWS - Daniel J. Mitchell - Townhall Finance

The IRS thugs now work all around the world

And turn Americans into pariahs

FATCA Law is an International Version of Obamacare’s 1099 Provision, a Nightmare for Cross-Border Economic Activity that Is Undermining Investment in America « International Liberty

This confirms it, Boehner capitulated - time for him to go

The humbling of the House GOP - Carrie Budoff Brown and Jonathan Allen -

Check you kids' scholl textbooks

14 pages on Islam, 3 pages on Christianity?
2 chapters named "Islamic xxxxxx", none on any other religion?
Creeping sharia is invading our schools
Tennessee mom finds Islam in kid’s textbook, revised and sanitized « Creeping Sharia

Dick Morris: Ron Paul 'Terrifying', Romney's 'Apostasies'

Dick Morris: Ron Paul 'Terrifying', Romney's 'Apostasies'

Newt Gingrich Can Beat Obama

Newt Gingrich Can Beat Obama

So another debt-limit crisis is coming up, this time let us show DC we mean business about no more spending

I told you so regarding debt limit

Friday, December 23, 2011

I have said it before, and I will say it again.....

Holder must go!!!!!
Review & Outlook: Holder's Voter ID Fraud -

Hu's on 1st, Gates on 2nd

Hu's on 1st, Gates on 2nd

The Grinch Who Stole Redistricting | The Shark Tank

The Grinch Who Stole Redistricting | The Shark Tank

Unfortunately, Farah is probably right (again).

Is this the dreaded 'civilian national security force'?

Why do they still call it the Deparet ment of Justice? It is the Dept. of INjustice!

Fast and Furious | Brian Terry | Joe Arpaio | The Daily Caller

01/20/2013 - Are we there yet???

White House Press Corps Describes Tense Relations with White House, Jay Carney |

Holder MUST GO! » Allen West: Holder Invoking Race Card A ‘Slap In My Face As A Professional African American’

If you are on the fence about Newt, read this

Why the establishment fears Newt Gingrich - The Washington Post

Boehner has to go.... » Hand Over The Gavel?

Did you know this?

The New Republican Primary Rules Make It Possible For The Republican Establishment To Steal The Nomination From A Candidate They Don’t Like | Liberty Round Table

Thursday, December 22, 2011

King Barry demands that the House GOP pass the Senate bill

King Barry is acting more and more like a trumped up dictator all the time. I say to him, remember what we did to King George because we will do the same to you. In addition his courtiers do his bidding,e.g. Steny Hoyer trying to break House rules and have the bill voted upon, sanctimoniously saying the Republicans were walking away. He seems to have a short memory, since Princess Pelosi did the same in her time, and Dingy Harry has walked away from any number of House bills that were sent to the Senate.

But what can you expect from those low-life progressives. Give me a true, honest, Democrat any day.

Read this!

Time to return America to the God Standard

Why Do People Keep Asking Newt Gingrich About Meghan McCain’s Drivel? | RedState

Why Do People Keep Asking Newt Gingrich About Meghan McCain’s Drivel? | RedState

Oops, Ron Paul has baggage too!

The Ron Paul Newsletter and His Jeremiah Wright Moment | RedState

Corruption in the judicial system (again)?

Monroe County Jury-Rigging Bombshell, Part 2| The Post & Email

Some excellent ideas here

Allowing the GOP to get out of the Democrats' Payroll Tax Extension trap

Lack of Principle Got Them In This Mess. Principle Gets Them Out. | RedState

I especially like the conditional on less than 3% GDP growth approach

More PC gone wild

What happened to "Congress shall make no law....prohibiting the free exercise (of religion)"?

Minister Told He Will Face Potential Arrest for Reading Christmas Story from the Bible at Capitol Christmas Tree - Constitutional Emergency

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

CNN Compares Obama Fast and Furious Scandal To Watergate - The Ulsterman Report

CNN Compares Obama Fast and Furious Scandal To Watergate - The Ulsterman Report

Three New Horrendous Decisions by Obama | US Opinion and Editorial Right Side News

Three New Horrendous Decisions by Obama | US Opinion and Editorial Right Side News

Fraud, fraud, fraud, the only way the they can win

» Massive Voter Fraud in NY Linked to ACORN - Big Government

If you have any information relevant to this investigation, please contact the writer

Holder was responsible for 168 deaths in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing…and more | Western

Impeach Holder, head of the Deparetment of INJustice

Impeach Obama

Irish ‘John Galt’ Blasts Politicians, Bureaucrats, and Crony Capitalism At E.U. Summit | Video |

Irish ‘John Galt’ Blasts Politicians, Bureaucrats, and Crony Capitalism At E.U. Summit | Video |

King Barry supports his Court Jester?

White House Stands By Biden Statement That Taliban Isn't U.S. Enemy | Fox News

Muslim-in-Chief endorses UN Resolution that will criminalize defamation of religion (Islam), i.e., quoting from the Quran « Bare Naked Islam

Muslim-in-Chief endorses UN Resolution that will criminalize defamation of religion (Islam), i.e., quoting from the Quran « Bare Naked Islam

A great article from Doug Hagmann

Preparing for martial law

You need photo ID to.....

Get on a plane
Drive a car
Buy certain medicines
Buy alcoholic beverages
and now, hopefully across the country, to vote
Supreme Court upholds voter ID law - politics -

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Keynesian Dead Weight - HUMAN EVENTS

Keynesian Dead Weight - HUMAN EVENTS

RIAA caught with their fingers in their own cookie jar

The RIAA Pirated $9 Million Worth of TV Shows

MURRAY AND BIER: Create wealth, not jobs - Washington Times

MURRAY AND BIER: Create wealth, not jobs - Washington Times

The progressives are always telling us that we do not spend enough on education

and that teachers are not earning enough. This report seems to paint a different picture. I have no problem with this if they are good teachers and earn this pay, but with union enforced tenure we should not have to pay big bucks for useless teachers.

Unsustainable: Public School Teachers Make Twice the Private Sector Average ::

More evidence that our Congress has very many truly corrupt members

Time to send them all home

Issa Reveals Payoffs to Congress via Loan Program - Page 1 - John Ransom - Townhall Finance

If you lose the argument, then pull the race card

Holder must be pretty desperate if that is all he has left to defend himself.
Obama and Holder Should Put the Race Card back in the Deck - Page 1 - David Limbaugh - Townhall Conservative

Thank King Barry and his foreign policies for this

Egypt violence: Female protesters brutally beaten with metal poles by vicious soldiers | Mail Online

Bye, Bye America, welcome USSA or the Fourth Reich

Is This How Liberty Dies? | Before It's News

Just wait for terrorists to get their hands on this

Alarm as Dutch lab creates highly contagious killer flu - Science - News - The Independent

Hitler’s War on Christmas

Hitler’s War on Christmas | Godfather Politics

Ron Paul losing me, again

Ron Paul losing me, again

Monday, December 19, 2011

Fort Hood's 'workplace violence'

Fort Hood's 'workplace violence'

“Crips” Gang Puts out Hit to Kill Any U.S. Soldier in Uniform. Texas, Missouri and Oklahoma on Alert - Constitutional Emergency

“Crips” Gang Puts out Hit to Kill Any U.S. Soldier in Uniform. Texas, Missouri and Oklahoma on Alert - Constitutional Emergency

Corrruption, corruption, crony capitalism, corruption!

Outrage! Author of 'stimulus' linked to companies it helped

A complete travesty of justice - designed to terrorize ALL border agents

'You can't even go home!' Feds go bonkers on border agent ...

Is America becoming wise to the fraud?

Major voting bloc now says Nobama!

Catholic student 'bullied, humiliated' by teacher

Catholic student 'bullied, humiliated' by teacher

We are becoming more and more like Germany in the1930s

Officials Detail Plans To Fight Homegrown Terrorism : NPR

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Another great article by Farah

Hillary: Opposition to sin like 'widow burning'

House GOP passes payroll tax bill, gains leverage on Senate Dems -

House GOP passes payroll tax bill, gains leverage on Senate Dems -

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Class Warfare Erupts During House Democratic Meeting After Rep. Laura Richardson Calls Out Pelosi Over Her $40 Million Net Worth…

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Class Warfare Erupts During House Democratic Meeting After Rep. Laura Richardson Calls Out Pelosi Over Her $40 Million Net Worth…

More Environmental Justice Grants In FY 2011, 2012 | Judicial Watch

More Environmental Justice Grants In FY 2011, 2012 | Judicial Watch

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Obama Regime’s Liberal “Environmental Justice” Campaign Cost To American Taxpayers Hits $2.5 Billion…

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Obama Regime’s Liberal “Environmental Justice” Campaign Cost To American Taxpayers Hits $2.5 Billion…

Warning: The threat of suspended elections is real

Warning: The threat of suspended elections is real

Articles: Barack Has a Record

Articles: Barack Has a Record

Do you want your progressive family members "donating" your email to the enemy?

Latest Obama Fundraising Letter Asks Donors to Taunt Republicans When Donating (Possibly Illegally) | NorthEast - Tea Party Patriots!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

This is to be expected, King Barry has done his monthly 8 hours of work already

Barack Obama | Joe Biden | Waste | The Daily Caller


Your Transportation Tax Dollars at Work: 100K for Toll Collectors - HUMAN EVENTS

The unintended consequences of too much government meddling

Norway Has an "Acute Butter Shortage" - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

More Nanny State

Feds Tell You How to Decorate Your Christmas Tree - 'War On Christmas' - Fox Nation

Oh, the childish games that they play

GOP lawmakers accuse Reid of taking $1T hostage in tax fight - The Hill's On The Money

Barack Obama | Joe Biden | Waste | The Daily Caller

Barack Obama | Joe Biden | Waste | The Daily Caller

You don’t have ‘Constitutional Rights’ – Tenth Amendment Center

You don’t have ‘Constitutional Rights’ – Tenth Amendment Center

This is just not going to go away

Herb Titus: Born In Hawaii Does Not Make Obama Natural Born Citizen | Expose Obama

This says a lot about King Barry

BLOG.WOMENEXPLODE.COM: The message of a shoe...

Holder must GO!

BREAKING: Congressman Files NO CONFIDENCE Resolution Against Eric Holder - The Ulsterman Report

To all anti-Newt because he is "anti-2nd Amendement", please read this

MILLER: Newt Gingrich: D.C. deliberately undermining Second Amendment - Washington Times

A very troubling article - government gone wild!

Predator Drone Used in Arrest of Farmer

Will we get the NLRB thugs trying to muscle in here too?

Colt Firearm’s Florida Move Has UAW Job-Killers In Connecticut Worried | RedState

3 Weeks And Counting. Are We In a Suicide Pact? | RedState

3 Weeks And Counting. Are We In a Suicide Pact? | RedState

3 Weeks And Counting. Are We In a Suicide Pact? | RedState

3 Weeks And Counting. Are We In a Suicide Pact? | RedState

As soon as the government gets involved

U.S. Universities Feast on Federal Student Aid

Send this to SCTOUS


Nice to post some good news

Hopefully this stays like this until Nov 2012
Poll: Downbeat Dems, Resurgent Republicans - President Obama - Fox Nation

The "religion of peace" at work again

THAILAND: Muslims behead a 9-year-old boy (WARNING: Graphic Images) « Bare Naked Islam

Breitbart learns hard way about GOProud

Breitbart learns hard way about GOProud

Christians, Jews banned from Temple Mount in Jerusalem

Christians, Jews banned from Temple Mount in Jerusalem

Huntsman and Gingrich Cordial in Substantive Lincoln-Douglas Debate - HUMAN EVENTS

Huntsman and Gingrich Cordial in Substantive Lincoln-Douglas Debate - HUMAN EVENTS

One law for the elite, one law for the commoners....

Official L.A.'s Double Standard: One for Occupy Protesters, Another for Those Who Don't Damage Public Property - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

There are no perfect candidates, but some are less perfect than others..

Romney In 2002: 'My Views Are Progressive'

Second Amendment supporters do not let King Barry get away with this

This is no exaggeration, look at all the signs
Second Amendment | The Obama administration is planning a second-term attack on gun rights | The Daily Caller

Proof of King Barry's Socialist philosophy

leading-socialist-backs-obamas-osawatomie-speech from - StumbleUpon

Hey Dingy Harry, look at what Reagan did and the jobs that he created, you dimwit

Reid: GOP's millionaire job creators are imaginary like 'unicorns' - The Hill's Floor Action

Once again this administration IGNORES the law of the land

While even unions require picture ID to vote.... (see earlier posting on this blog)
DOJ Targets Voter ID Laws Like One Upheld By SCOTUS | Judicial Watch

How hypocritical, I thought the Dept of Injustice has decreed that picture ID for voting is illegal

Someone Alert Eric Holder: Unions Require A Photo ID To Vote In Their Elections | Before It's News

Could have guessed that the "religion of peace" would surface here...

2 killed in Belgium grenade attack, report links to honor killing case « Creeping Sharia

Voters Won’t Buy Obama’s New Inequality Talk: Ramesh Ponnuru - Bloomberg

Voters Won’t Buy Obama’s New Inequality Talk: Ramesh Ponnuru - Bloomberg

Islamic Governments | Free Speech | State Department | The Daily Caller

Islamic Governments | Free Speech | State Department | The Daily Caller

We Patriots must join and work with voter fraud prevention groups as much as possible

Obama Administration Coordinating With Left-Wing Groups on Voter Fraud? | Power Line

Downed CIA drone: Was it rigged to self-destruct? - Slate Magazine

Downed CIA drone: Was it rigged to self-destruct? - Slate Magazine

we already have 12M+ that crossed the border on an "honor" system... we are going to make it even easier?
Obama uses honor system to secure border « Seeing Red AZ

The PJ Tatler » Gov. Jan Brewer on Border Issues: ‘We Have an Out of Control, Arrogant Federal Government’

The PJ Tatler » Gov. Jan Brewer on Border Issues: ‘We Have an Out of Control, Arrogant Federal Government’

The Welfare State Neutralizes Opponents by Making Them Dependent on Government: Newsroom: The Independent Institute

The Welfare State Neutralizes Opponents by Making Them Dependent on Government: Newsroom: The Independent Institute

Think Watergate, think Watergate, think F&F Gate

Mexican attorney general: "Obama more involved in Fast & Furious than admitted!" - National Law Enforcement |

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Democrats killing our liberty; Massive voter fraud reported in 8 states(Video) | Red White Blue News

Democrats killing our liberty; Massive voter fraud reported in 8 states(Video) | Red White Blue News

Republicans Get Serious About Impeachment; RINOs Say No Way

Republicans Get Serious About Impeachment; RINOs Say No Way | Western

just put up a big sign: Enter without check here

News from The Associated Press

Corruption: Just another day in the GOP? -

Corruption: Just another day in the GOP? - Boise Conservative |

Free speech in an Obamanation

Free speech in an Obamanation - Boise Conservative |

Islamists, Dictators, and Bad Choices

Articles: Islamists, Dictators, and Bad Choices

Remember it is freedom OF religion, NOT freedom FROM religion

Articles: Our First Liberty

Penn Jillette's 10 Commandments for atheists –

Penn Jillette's 10 Commandments for atheists –

It's Late In The Game, And Mitt Romney Has One Last Shot At Winning Moment | Fox News

It's Late In The Game, And Mitt Romney Has One Last Shot At Winning Moment | Fox News

Breaking: Islamic terrorists plot to attack U.S. from Mexico - National Law Enforcement |

Breaking: Islamic terrorists plot to attack U.S. from Mexico - National Law Enforcement |

Another One Bites The Dust


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Soros is raking it in

Unfortunately we know what he is going to do with it as well.

George Soros Went Shopping During MF Global’s Fire Sale – Common American Journal

CBS News Poll: Majority of Americans Want Obama To Get The Hell Out - The Ulsterman Report

CBS News Poll: Majority of Americans Want Obama To Get The Hell Out - The Ulsterman Report

Flash Mob by Journey of Faith at Galleria - official video - YouTube

Flash Mob by Journey of Faith at Galleria - official video - YouTube - Blog View - "The Root of All Evil", a Murder Mystery! - Blog View - "The Root of All Evil", a Murder Mystery!

Why The UK Trail Of The MF Global Collapse May Have "Apocalyptic" Consequences For The Eurozone, Canadian Banks, Jefferies And Everyone Else | ZeroHedge

Why The UK Trail Of The MF Global Collapse May Have "Apocalyptic" Consequences For The Eurozone, Canadian Banks, Jefferies And Everyone Else | ZeroHedge


Atlas Shrugs

Say Goodby to Romney: “Islam is not an inherently violent faith” | “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be.” – Thomas Jefferson

Say Goodby to Romney: “Islam is not an inherently violent faith” | “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be.” – Thomas Jefferson

Something non-political, for a change

Is Vesta the "Smallest Terrestrial Planet?" - NASA Science

United Nations To Intervene in 2012 Elections To Help Re-Elect Barack Hussein Obama? | Investigate and Impeach

United Nations To Intervene in 2012 Elections To Help Re-Elect Barack Hussein Obama? | Investigate and Impeach



Geologist Informs UK Govt On Climate Change Lies - YouTube

Geologist Informs UK Govt On Climate Change Lies - YouTube

One World government - who elected tham?

It is about time we left this sham organization and kicked them out of New York. Do something useful with the UN building, like donate it to the OWS nutcases.

U.N. Floats Global 'Climate Court' To Enforce Emissions Rules | Fox News

Charles Krauthammer | Barack Obama | Class Warfare | The Daily Caller

Charles Krauthammer | Barack Obama | Class Warfare | The Daily Caller

DICK ACT of 1902... CAN'T BE REPEALED (GUN CONTROL FORBIDDEN) - Protection Against Tyrannical Government | - The Truth is Hidden in Plain View...

DICK ACT of 1902... CAN'T BE REPEALED (GUN CONTROL FORBIDDEN) - Protection Against Tyrannical Government | - The Truth is Hidden in Plain View...

White House Rejects GOP Payroll Tax Proposal… It Would Create Too Many Jobs | The Gateway Pundit

White House Rejects GOP Payroll Tax Proposal… It Would Create Too Many Jobs | The Gateway Pundit

Organizing the Takers Against the Makers | The American Civil Rights Union

Organizing the Takers Against the Makers | The American Civil Rights Union

Add this to the recent NDAA law..... and get ready!

Detainment Camps Going Live: FEMA Seeking Subcontractors to Provide “Temporary Camp Services” In All 50 States | Western

Statist Delusions - Mark Steyn - National Review Online

Statist Delusions - Mark Steyn - National Review Online

The Chicago Triangle of Sleaze

Michelle Malkin

Avoid Scholastic books this Christmas

Michelle Malkin » Document drop: What Scholastic is teaching your kids about the Occupiers

Breaking: We were right, Obama GAVE Iran the Drone! |

Breaking: We were right, Obama GAVE Iran the Drone! |

Finally some dirt from the WH?

Michelle Obama Secret Affair Allegations Surface | America's Conservative News

Continue to complain to the advertisers, the progressives will be hitting back soon

Lowe's pulls ads from 'All-American Muslim' after 'ordinary' portrayal protested | Inside TV |

For once King Barry is right

He is quite right about needing more than one president to get us out of this mess, and we will start by exchanging him for someone who knows what they are doing

Obama Says It May Take More Than One President To Turn Economy Around | Fox News

Brilliant move by the GOP

Even if you are not happy with Boehner and McConnell, as many of us are, you have to admit that they have made a brilliant move in connecting the extension of unemployment benefits and the payroll tax holiday with the Keystone pipeline project. Just when the progressives thought that they had painted the GOP into a corner, this twist snatches political victory from the jaws of defeat. Now the president, and the progressives, cannot veto or defeat the bill without being seen as anti-middle class and anti-jobs.

It will be interesting to see whether the progressives can wriggle out of this one.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Federal Agents Demand Customer Lists From Mormon Food Storage Facility > Citizens 4 Freedom

Federal Agents Demand Customer Lists From Mormon Food Storage Facility > Citizens 4 Freedom

Local sheriff defends farmer from FDA intrusion > Citizens 4 Freedom

Local sheriff defends farmer from FDA intrusion > Citizens 4 Freedom

Articles: Government of The Elites, By The Elites and For The Elites

Articles: Government of The Elites, By The Elites and For The Elites

The War on Guns

The War on Guns

Issa threatens Holder with contempt of Congress charge - National gun rights |

Issa threatens Holder with contempt of Congress charge - National gun rights |

Eric Holder's Justice Department Looking More Like Obama's Protection Racket - National Political Buzz |

Eric Holder's Justice Department Looking More Like Obama's Protection Racket - National Political Buzz |

Revised Definition Of 'Anchor Baby' Part Of Leftist Agenda, Critics Say | Fox News

Revised Definition Of 'Anchor Baby' Part Of Leftist Agenda, Critics Say | Fox News

See what happens when you drill for energy!

North Dakota economy booms, population soars -

Obama Celebrates Hanukkah… Two Weeks Early… Lights All the Candles (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Obama Celebrates Hanukkah… Two Weeks Early… Lights All the Candles (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

The Report the White House Doesn’t Want You To Read | Green Mountain Scribes

The Report the White House Doesn’t Want You To Read | Green Mountain Scribes

Holder Puts Obama In A Double Bind | Fox News

Holder Puts Obama In A Double Bind | Fox News

Newsvine - Fast and Furious Attorney General Eric Holder's Obstruction of Justice, is this FuriousGate?

Newsvine - Fast and Furious Attorney General Eric Holder's Obstruction of Justice, is this FuriousGate?

Amazing what happens when you allow drilling for energy....

North Dakota economy booms, population soars -

More and more of these stories are being circulated, true or not?

It Can and Is Happening Here by Jeff Berwick

Exposure of more progressive (political) shenanigans

Carl Levin | The most disgraceful episode in media-military relations since Vietnam | The Daily Caller

Good news, for a change!

The Debt Generation - YouTube

Scott Brown Trails in Mass. Poll as Conservatives Defect

Scott Brown Trails in Mass. Poll as Conservatives Defect

OWS = Astro Turf

Occupy's 'nerve center' staffed by Soros activists

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Red State Talk Radio - Show Of The Year Award

Please vote for the Patriot Come Lately show in the poll at
And thanks to all my listeners and supporters for a great year.

The President & the Generals | The Weekly Standard

The President & the Generals | The Weekly Standard

Iowa Poll: Gingrich Best Prepared for President

Iowa Poll: Gingrich Best Prepared for President

Glenn smashes trophy in hilarious rant following Obama “New Nationalism” speech – Glenn Beck

Glenn smashes trophy in hilarious rant following Obama “New Nationalism” speech – Glenn Beck

Bogus Polls (that leave out Attrition) Are Popping Up Everywhere to Proclaim That Americans Now Support Amnesty | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels

Bogus Polls (that leave out Attrition) Are Popping Up Everywhere to Proclaim That Americans Now Support Amnesty | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels

Obama Says No to Trump's $100 Million Gift - HUMAN EVENTS

Obama Says No to Trump's $100 Million Gift - HUMAN EVENTS

Could Obama botch Mideast any worse?

Could Obama botch Mideast any worse?

"You Lie!" was TRUE

Glenn Beck Talks About Barack Obama, Marxism, Capitalism and the Depression | | Video |

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Vindication for Cain?

Breaking News: The Roger Hedgecock Show - December 5th, 2011 - YouTube

I am really beginning to think that the rumors about King Barry's sexual proclivities are true

» Obama to use foreign aid to promote homosexual agenda abroad News

I will say it again, Holder MUST GO!

» BREAKING NEWS on Fast and Furious: Holder Adds Money Laundering to Gun Smuggling - Big Government

In case you had forgotten about this travesty

U.S. Senate has just passed a bill that effectively ends the Bill of Rights in America - Salem-News.Com

Coming soon to a country near you?

Alarming rise of Muslim 'honour attacks' in the UK as police reveal thousands were carried out last year | EuropeNews

Norway blames Israel?

Muslim 'Rape Wave' Reported in Oslo, Ministers Blame Israel | EuropeNews

EU: Half of Europeans say Islam is a religion of intolerance | EuropeNews

EU: Half of Europeans say Islam is a religion of intolerance | EuropeNews

More Great Moments in Government-Run Healthcare - Page 1 - Daniel J. Mitchell - Townhall Finance

More Great Moments in Government-Run Healthcare - Page 1 - Daniel J. Mitchell - Townhall Finance

This is what ObamaCare will bring us

Loved ones not always told their relative is on controversial 'death pathway' - Telegraph

What Happens If We End the Fed? - US News and World Report

What Happens If We End the Fed? - US News and World Report

Justice Dept. now admits to lies - Holder MUST GO!

Justice Dept. Caught in Lie About 'Fast And Furious' - 'Fast And Furious' - Fox Nation

Monday, December 5, 2011


Romney staff spent nearly $100,000 to hide records

Ethics panel extends Jackson probe - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Ethics panel extends Jackson probe - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

It’s an Obama World… Walter Reed Hospital Bars Family Members From Bringing Bibles to Injured Soldiers | Red White Blue News

It’s an Obama World… Walter Reed Hospital Bars Family Members From Bringing Bibles to Injured Soldiers | Red White Blue News

U.S. Drug Agents Launder Profits of Mexican Cartels – Common American Journal

U.S. Drug Agents Launder Profits of Mexican Cartels – Common American Journal

» Wife of Wisconsin State Employee Suggests Gov’s Wife, Sons be Raped - Big Government

» Wife of Wisconsin State Employee Suggests Gov’s Wife, Sons be Raped - Big Government

Part 1 of the latest WH Insider interview

Does he really exist?
They seek him here
They seek him there
The White House lackeys seek him everywhere
Is he a worker
Is he a rider
That d*mned elusive White House Insider

WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: There Is A Very Uneasy Peace Between President Obama And The American Military. - The Ulsterman Report

The Ulsterman Report is always interesting

Just not sure how true it is
WHITE HOUSE INSIDER ON OBAMA: I’d Kick His Ass Into The F-cking Dirt… - The Ulsterman Report

Warren Buffett a Baron of Political Corruption, by Peter Schweizer’s Research » Blog Archive » Warren Buffett a Baron of Political Corruption, by Peter Schweizer’s Research

Newt fires back at Pelosi: Bring it on! | The Right Scoop

Newt fires back at Pelosi: Bring it on! | The Right Scoop

What You Don't Often Hear About Those 'Greedy' One Percenters - Forbes

What You Don't Often Hear About Those 'Greedy' One Percenters - Forbes

This would be nice if it happens - on BOTH sides of the aisle » Law Prof: Pelosi Could Be Prosecuted Under Existing Insider Trading Law

Hillary Clinton Exposed, Movie She Banned From Theaters - Full - YouTube

Hillary Clinton Exposed, Movie She Banned From Theaters - Full - YouTube

Chicago Convict Wrecked By MMA Fighter He Attempted to Mug |

Chicago Convict Wrecked By MMA Fighter He Attempted to Mug |

Dems to feast on Cain's demise... | The Black Sphere

Dems to feast on Cain's demise... | The Black Sphere

Armed and Ready: New Mexico Residents Defy Government

Armed and Ready: New Mexico Residents Defy Government

New Mexico Law and Local Sheriff Trump the Feds in Agenda 21 Land Grab | Truth is Treason

New Mexico Law and Local Sheriff Trump the Feds in Agenda 21 Land Grab | Truth is Treason

TIMMERMAN: A dubious death in Dubai - Washington Times

TIMMERMAN: A dubious death in Dubai - Washington Times

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Why Liberals Have Declared War on Christmas » Blog Archive » Why Liberals Have Declared War on Christmas

More proof that Holder must go!

Fast and Furious document dump: Shocking lawlessness exposed - National Law Enforcement |

NYT is another useful idiot

Sipsey Street Irregulars: "No, no, you misunderstand," says the NY Times, "DOJ didn't release those documents to prove that they lied, they did it to prove they didn't lie."

Ties to Corzine put Democratic lawmakers in tricky position -

Ties to Corzine put Democratic lawmakers in tricky position -

Please forward to all Democrats that you know

Circling the Drain: The Death of the Democratic Party (1828-2012)

The Shadow War in Syria

The Shadow War in Syria

Once again, the media across the pond get it right (even though they too are left leaning)

Herman Cain's campaign, now ended, should be remembered as a civil rights breakthrough – Telegraph Blogs

How come the media don't follow up on this?

Doesn't this make King Barry a security risk? Or are they just going to handle all people associated with this club like Larry Sinclair?



El Paso residents please support this recall

Mayor: Freedom of speech is over

Big Brother is watching you

Watch YouTube for instructions about which wire to snip to disable this device

New car purchases starting in June will have a mandatory black box installed - National Finance Examiner |

Recall ambassador to Belguim

| Before It's News

More about WH transparency

One mistake in this article. In the last sentence replace "could fire them in 2012" with "WILL fire them in 2012, you betcha!"

Energy Committee to consider contempt citation against White House for Solyndra stonewalling « Hot Air

If only the LSM vetted King Barry 1/2 as well as they did Cain we would not be in this mess

The Obama Man’s Coming to Get You!

Why should Congress have to sue the "most transparent" WH to get documents?

Congress To Sue White House To Obtain Solyndra Documents | Politicons

Liberalism: The Incurable Disease?

Liberalism: The Incurable Disease?

Friday, December 2, 2011

This proves he is the narcissist that evrybody claims

Delusional too...

Obama: I Try Not to Pat Myself on the Back [on Israel]

How come this is still not splashed across all the media?

Sorry I forgot, the LSM is as corrupt as the progressives that they shield

Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law given loan bigger than Solyndra for solar plant | Mail Online

Another reason why Obamacare might be unconstitutional?

The first part of the first Amendment states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;" I am no lawyer but when I hear that Obamacare is forcing Catholic instituions to provide conterceptive and abortion through their health insurance and forcing Catholic hospitals to provide abortion serivices, does that not prohibit their free exercise of their religion? Let's add that to the argument when Obamacare come before SCOTUS so we can get rid of this monstrosity.

Why do we forget this part of the 1st Amendment?

Next time you have a discussion about seperation of church and state with a progressive (e.g. nativity scene at school, town hall, etc.), ask them to quote the part of the 1st Amendment relating to religion. They should give you something similar to "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." Then you can tell them that the clause does NOT end with a period but with a comma and includes "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;" Ask then if you may freely exercise your religion in a public place with whatever activity they are trying to suppress.

Logical conclusion....

As Guns Sales Rise, Violent Crime Declines | Video |

Black College Student Wins Fight to Display Confederate Flag in Dorm Room | Byron Thomas | University of South Carolina Beaufort | Video |

Black College Student Wins Fight to Display Confederate Flag in Dorm Room | Byron Thomas | University of South Carolina Beaufort | Video |

Christmas time, so the Grinch raises his head ( Wells Fargo & TD banks)

Banks in Tampa Bay Decline to Participate in Toys for Tots | Video |

Burning Down The House: What Caused Our Economic Crisis? Bombshell - YouTube

Burning Down The House: What Caused Our Economic Crisis? Bombshell - YouTube

Another attack on the Constitution (1st Amendment)

Rabbi Shifren Removed by Campus Police at UC Irvine - Paul Revere Media

Another attack on the Constitution (1st Amendment)

Pastors charged after telling 'gays' about sin

I don't think so....

Can Congress Steal Your Constitutional Freedoms? | Fox News

Moonbattery » Obama Buddy Andy Stern Calls for Communism in America

Moonbattery » Obama Buddy Andy Stern Calls for Communism in America

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Curiouser and curiouser..........

Eric Holder and Barack Obama’s “mens rea” on Fast and Furious « Coach is Right

This shows why Spooky Dude has spent so much effort and money to have his choice of SoS elected across all the states

Ballots with Obama’s name facing more legal challenges | Conservative Byte

This is the Chicago way, now transplanted to the WH

How David Axelrod and the Chicago Machine Smeared Herman Cain… — 1389 Blog - Counterjihad!

Christians classified as Terrorists by Obama Administration - YouTube

Christians classified as Terrorists by Obama Administration - YouTube

Looks like the Mossad has been busy recently

A second Iranian nuclear facility has exploded, as diplomatic tensions rise between the West and Tehran | The Australian

Evidence of another corrupt member of King Barry's court

Pro-life group calls for Health Secretary Sebelius to resign over Kansas destruction of records |

Obama Admin Seals Records of Murdered Border Patrol Agent Implicated in Fast and Furious | The Weekly Standard

Obama Admin Seals Records of Murdered Border Patrol Agent Implicated in Fast and Furious | The Weekly Standard

So will the left call these peope wacky religious fanatics? Like they did to creationist Christians?

Muslim students walking out of lectures on Darwinism, ‘clashes with the Koran’ « Creeping Sharia

Sometimes nice to find almost good news

Labor Board Dials Back Union Proposal Amid Shutdown Threat | Fox News

A British Defense Company Made Sure This Medal Of Honor Winner Couldn't Work In The Defense Industry Ever Again

A British Defense Company Made Sure This Medal Of Honor Winner Couldn't Work In The Defense Industry Ever Again

Great article, worth reading

Articles: No Gold Medals for Obama

Victory: McDonald’s outsmarts San Francisco on Happy Meal ban « Hot Air

Victory: McDonald’s outsmarts San Francisco on Happy Meal ban « Hot Air

PICKET: New Cain accuser's background includes stalking, bankruptcy, and sexual harassment suits - Washington Times

PICKET: New Cain accuser's background includes stalking, bankruptcy, and sexual harassment suits - Washington Times

Another gold-digger cashes in - looks like another plant

Former Business Partner: Ginger White Never Mentioned Herman Cain - ABC News

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Exposed: Fed Bailout of Big Banks Dwarfs TARP (What Occupy Wall Street is About) - YouTube

Exposed: Fed Bailout of Big Banks Dwarfs TARP (What Occupy Wall Street is About) - YouTube

Udall Amendment Fails, Setting Up Showdown on Defense Authorization Bill | FDL News Desk

Udall Amendment Fails, Setting Up Showdown on Defense Authorization Bill | FDL News Desk

Battlefield: America - Have the Terrorists Won? - Fox Business Video - Fox Business

Battlefield: America - Have the Terrorists Won? - Fox Business Video - Fox Business

Your Medical Privacy–Another Obamacare Casualty – Common American Journal

Your Medical Privacy–Another Obamacare Casualty – Common American Journal

Connecting the dots on the National Defense Authorization Act

Connecting the dots on the National Defense Authorization Act

Time to get out your tinfoil hat?

Researcher’s Video Shows Secret Software on Millions of Phones Logging Everything | Threat Level |

King Barry puts his foot in his mouth again

But then again, does he care? He was, after all, only talking about that stupid little country, England, Britain, the United Kingdom, or whatever it is called.
Does Obama Know the Difference between Great Britain and England?

Another example of the PC Nanny State gone mad

EU Regulator Finally Settles Period Musical Instrument Debate - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

When will we admit that we know the WH is just a house of liars?

Instapundit » Blog Archive » BUSTED: Ayers Admits To Obama Fundraiser That Obama Campaign Called ‘Myth.’ “In 2008 the Barac…

Any doubts that the resident of the WH favors Islam?

Turkey | Erdogan | Hamas | The Daily Caller

Backlash against Obama's rifle ban to target Congress

Backlash against Obama's rifle ban to target Congress

President Barack Obama Has Worse Job Approval Rating Than Jimmy Carter |

President Barack Obama Has Worse Job Approval Rating Than Jimmy Carter |

DNC Ad Misleads on Romney and the Stimulus - ABC News

DNC Ad Misleads on Romney and the Stimulus - ABC News

More media bias - is it getting boring yet?

Network TV Ad Cops Sleeping as Obama's DNC Mangles Romney Clips Out of Context |

Coming soon to a city near you.........

No Christmas story for Danish kindergartners, thanks to Muslims « Creeping Sharia

Coming soon to a city near you....

Heathrow Airport worker fired for standing up to abuse by Muslim employees « Creeping Sharia

Report: Wyclef Jean squandered Haitian relief funds |

Report: Wyclef Jean squandered Haitian relief funds |

King Barry = spend, spend, spend

King Barry has broken the record for presidential visits to battleground states, all on our (taxpayer) dime!. Jay Carney's reply is that it is not possible to know yet which states will be swing states.

One law for us, one law for them

Richmond Tea Party audited over taxes | Richmond Times-Dispatch

NWV News -- Oregon Sheriff Gil Gilbertson Continues Stand Against U.S. Forest Service

NWV News -- Oregon Sheriff Gil Gilbertson Continues Stand Against U.S. Forest Service

Monday, November 28, 2011

Why King Barry dropped his own fiscal commission

Mark Levin

GOP Strategist Shirley: Republican Primary Battle Could Last Until June

GOP Strategist Shirley: Republican Primary Battle Could Last Until June

Is the WH becoming a school for thieves?

Michelle Malkin » Did you miss the Thanksgiving White House visitor log document dump?

No joke! ATF bans scrub-pad stockpiles

No joke! ATF bans scrub-pad stockpiles

Watch this frightening video

Marxism in America - Lt. Gen. (Ret.) W.G. "Jerry" Boykin Video |

Unfortunately this article is all too true

Co-dependent Republicans enable Obama

Need a job? Head to ND

Obama's problem with prosperity

Romney in 2006 Backed Immigration Stance He Now Deems ‘Amnesty’ - Bloomberg

Romney in 2006 Backed Immigration Stance He Now Deems ‘Amnesty’ - Bloomberg

California's outrageous bridge scandal

California's outrageous bridge scandal

Articles: Tebow, Palin, and the Pain of Remorse

Articles: Tebow, Palin, and the Pain of Remorse

One one thing Ron Paul is right, audit the Fed!

Secret Fed Loans Helped Banks Net $13 Billion - Bloomberg

Do you really think Van Jones was totally out of the WH? Then think again!

Van Jones | Barack Obama Policy | Environmental Policy | The Daily Caller

Diebold voting machines can be hacked by remote control -

Diebold voting machines can be hacked by remote control -

Michelle Obama | Second Amendment | Michelle Obama's warning to gun owners | The Daily Caller

Michelle Obama | Second Amendment | Michelle Obama's warning to gun owners | The Daily Caller

Halal USA

Time to start asking your butcher for non-halal meat, if you follow the Bible

Halal USA

The Unelectable Mitt Romney, Part II | RedState

The Unelectable Mitt Romney, Part II | RedState

Duty, Honor, Country: Betrayal - A short preview video. - YouTube

Duty, Honor, Country: Betrayal - A short preview video. - YouTube

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog » Obama to Rally Detroit Unions on Labor Day

Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog » Obama to Rally Detroit Unions on Labor Day

Ted Koppel, Elitist Hack: 'Corrosive Partisanship' That Fox News Started Is Ruining the Country |

Ted Koppel, Elitist Hack: 'Corrosive Partisanship' That Fox News Started Is Ruining the Country |

Of course as an Occupy Whatever Scumbag he will never be prosecuted

the Department of Injustice is sure to push this aside.

Occupy Protester Threatens SC Gov’s Life - Occupy Wall Street - Fox Nation

Banks Build Contingencies for Euro Zone Breakup -

Banks Build Contingencies for Euro Zone Breakup -

I would pay good money to see these debates

Gingrich on Fire Skewers Obama Repeatedly: 'I Actually Do Study History, and Unlike the President...' - President Obama - Fox Nation

Now we see what long lasting havoc the administration wreaks on the military

Blog: 157 Air Force Majors terminated without retirement benefits

What the LSM conveniently forgot to show you

Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog » The War on Police

In King Barry's own words, socialist healthcare is on its way

Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog » Socialist Healthcare on the Way

Friday, November 25, 2011

Ins't it time he sent back his Nobel Peace Prize?

It seems King Barry is involved in more wars than "W" ever was!

Obama & Hillary preparing for war with Syria. - Charleston Political Buzz |

Expect a lot of this in 2012

voter fraud | voter ID | Brooks County | The Daily Caller

Is our goal almost within our grasp?

Articles: Republican Senate Prospects in 2012

ABO (Anyone but Obama) BUT NOT Hillary PLEASE

The Plot To Make Hillary President : Personal Liberty Digest

A Good Thanksgiving Story

Thanksgiving Story: Why There Are No Communist Pilgrims

The article Newsweek gutted--more proof of FBI corruption - National Conservative |

The article Newsweek gutted--more proof of FBI corruption - National Conservative |

Sipsey Street Irregulars: SSI Exclusive: Hiding mass murder behind "national security." What Newsweak & the FBI didn't want you to know about PATCON and the OKC Bombing.

Sipsey Street Irregulars: SSI Exclusive: Hiding mass murder behind "national security." What Newsweak & the FBI didn't want you to know about PATCON and the OKC Bombing.

Look for more of this in 2012

National : More Dems admit creating phony Tea Party

Unfortunately the original (full) article is gone

Which raises questions, why is the article gone, who fired the missile, etc.,

» Missile Narrowly Misses Continental Airlines Flight in Texas Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Illegals Hunting US Border Patrol Agents with Intent to Kill | Godfather Politics

Illegals Hunting US Border Patrol Agents with Intent to Kill | Godfather Politics

A little late for the 10th anniversary but still worth reading

The Curious Case of United Airlines Flight 23 on 9/11 «

Sunlight is always a good disinfectant

Court-sealed Diaz case documents posted online

'Green' debacle: Tens of thousands of abandoned wind turbines now litter American landscape

'Green' debacle: Tens of thousands of abandoned wind turbines now litter American landscape

The American Spectator : The New Welfare Swindle

The American Spectator : The New Welfare Swindle

NLRB 'Ignores' Rules To Rush Union Elections [Michigan Capitol Confidential]

NLRB 'Ignores' Rules To Rush Union Elections [Michigan Capitol Confidential]

WVU Hospital Employee Files Federal Charge after Union Ignores Her Rights | National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation

WVU Hospital Employee Files Federal Charge after Union Ignores Her Rights | National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation

» Ohio Right to Work Amendment: Right Policy, Wrong Time - Big Government

» Ohio Right to Work Amendment: Right Policy, Wrong Time - Big Government

ACORN Founder | Tea Party | Occupy Wall Street | Organizing | The Daily Caller

ACORN Founder | Tea Party | Occupy Wall Street | Organizing | The Daily Caller

Eminent Domain Reform Is a Bipartisan Opportunity - Reason Magazine

Eminent Domain Reform Is a Bipartisan Opportunity - Reason Magazine

A Dem asking to investigate the WH?

Smallpox | Donor | Vaccine | The Daily Caller

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

End To Medicare 'As We Know It' Already In The Works | Fox News

End To Medicare 'As We Know It' Already In The Works | Fox News

Policy Memo Provides Glimpse of How Administration will Carry-Out Its Backdoor Amnesty

Policy Memo Provides Glimpse of How Administration will Carry-Out Its Backdoor Amnesty

Immigration Reform Law Institute Exposes DOL Shielding Illegal Alien Workers

Immigration Reform Law Institute Exposes DOL Shielding Illegal Alien Workers



Thank you King Barry for yet another good idea.....

Well, Canada Won’t Be Kissing US A$$ Following Keystone Fiasco – Thanks to Barack Obama, They Will Be Selling Oil to China | The Gateway Pundit

This is one area where Ron Paul is probably right

Too vague a law with too broad provisions

Amnesty International: Senate Introduces Disastrous New Detention Bill

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The dark days before the Holocaust, all over again

Challah Hu Akbar: Jews Are Leaving Europe, Why?

Coming to a city near you (Minneapolis, Detroit?)

Brussels: The New Capital of Eurabia — Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami

Jewish voters show signs of bailing on Democrats | BIZPAC Review

Jewish voters show signs of bailing on Democrats | BIZPAC Review

Why is this scumbag not in jail?

Sorry, I forgot, he is a friend of King Barry

Now Check Out All The Ways Jon Corzine Is Connected To Democrats And Obama

We should rename "voter fraud" to "progressive voting".

» Outspoken Wisconsin Dem Senator Accessory to Voter Fraud - Big Government

Posturing Persists in Run-Up to ObamaCare Arguments at Supreme Court | American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ

Posturing Persists in Run-Up to ObamaCare Arguments at Supreme Court | American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ

Nancy Pelosi Pushing Government to Institute Hitler Youth | Godfather Politics

Nancy Pelosi Pushing Government to Institute Hitler Youth | Godfather Politics

Who is surprised at this?

Democratic Party Boxes | Artur Davis | Voter Fraud | The Daily Caller

You will never read this about Cain in the LSM

Cain and Women - Robert Costa - National Review Online

Share this with our friends, especially any waverers

Articles: Radicals Don't Compromise

NThe masks are coming off, the "reds" are showing their true faces » Blog Archive » Once They Own Your Kids, What’s Left?

An island of stability in the polling for Newt Gingrich | RedState

An island of stability in the polling for Newt Gingrich | RedState

Maybe the polls are missing something

Anti-Obama T-Shirts | | Election Meter | The Daily Caller

Can we start looking forward to the debates between King Barry and Newt?

Gingrich Leads in South Carolina

Words fail me

Michelle Obama's "All this for a damn flag" shown at three different speeds - YouTube

Interesting take on the not-so-super committee failure by Dick Morris


Will they ever learn meddling in the open market does not work

Obama tells insurer to reverse rate hike - Washington Times

Entrepreneur Behind Lululemon Franchise Gets Flack for Shopping Bags Touting ‘John Galt’ Character |

Of course, if it was a Che Guevara t-shirt or bag, no problem at all
Entrepreneur Behind Lululemon Franchise Gets Flack for Shopping Bags Touting ‘John Galt’ Character |

Rep King correctly characterizes the current GOP leadership as a bunch of woosies

The only way to beat the progressives is to meet them head on, otherwise they will continue to chip away, chip away, chip away.

Rep King: House Won't Defund Obamacare Because Leaders ‘Afraid' GOP Will be Blamed for Shutdown |

But King Barry will still blame the GOP......

Obama 'Actively' Made Supercommittee's Job 'More Difficult,' Toomey Says |

So not just Soros has benefited from government related insider trading?

If it is good enough for Martha Stewart, it is good enough for Warren Buffett - send him to the big house (along with Soros)

Warren Buffett May Have Been Involved in the Congressional Insider Trading Scandal | Video |

Monday, November 21, 2011

Easy money - how about getting the bum for insider trading?

» George Soros Helped Craft Stimulus Then Invested in Companies Benefiting - Big Government

When will Holder stand up like a man and say "the buck stops here"

» AP Sources: FBI Declined to Pursue NYC Bomb Plot - Big Government

Read the quotes, are we really going in the same direction?

Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog » Ein Volk! Ein Reich! Ein Green Party!

A very succinct description of our problems

Read and weep

GOP Budget Chair Ryan Votes ‘No’ on GOP’s Balanced Budget Amendment: Will Lead to ‘Bigger Government,’ ‘More Taxes’ |

GOP Budget Chair Ryan Votes ‘No’ on GOP’s Balanced Budget Amendment: Will Lead to ‘Bigger Government,’ ‘More Taxes’ |

Yet again an arrogant Holder ignores requests from and lies to the Congress

Senate GOP Leaders To Holder: Your Kagan Testimony 'Belied By The Facts' |

WE need to remind ourselves every now and then

National Juggernaut: This Cartoon Seemed Far-Fetched In 1948

Obvious message - do not believe everything you are told

The sky is falling, the sky is falling..........

Big Bank Failure: One of the “Too Big to Fail” Banks Is Now Gone

(or "don't let a good crisis go to waste")

DEMAND an Apology from Senators Schumer and Alexander! | FreedomWorks

DEMAND an Apology from Senators Schumer and Alexander! | FreedomWorks

If you were wondering whether we can afford to make China act reasonably.....

What Will a China Trade War Cost? - 24/7 Wall St.

PC gone mad, where will it end?

Maybe they should just lock up children if they even look at each other?

12 year olds kissing a sex-crime? |

Great movie, looking forward to parts 2 & 3

Atlas Shrugged a Sign Of The Times | Gold Coast Chronicle

Thomas Sowell - What Are They Buying? - YouTube

Thomas Sowell - What Are They Buying? - YouTube

How the LSM are making fools of themselves

After crucifying Herman Cain on the so-called sexual harassment allegations, with a volume of negative items and articles that exceeded anything else going on, the LSM is now complaining because the Cain Train has kept on track and the money kept streaming in. In fact the Communist News Network actually complained that Cain is exploiting the situation to collect more money after it turned out that he had received over $9 million recently.

Come on LSM, do you really think we are stupid. It was you that gave Cain all the publicity and now you fault him for benefiting? Looks like your plan boomeranged on you, it is Cain who has the last laugh (all the way to the bank). More power to the Herminator.

As ever Thomas Sowell nails it again

Will the GOP Blow It? - Thomas Sowell - National Review Online

When will we learn that internal back-stabbing will only help King Barry & his court

Joe Kaufman and Richard DeNapoli, The Lack of Judgement and Leadership | The Shark Tank

See why Media Matters has become such a biased source

David Brock’s new liberal friends | NewsReal Blog

How I plead to Media Matters' multi-count indictment

How I plead to Media Matters' multi-count indictment

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sad news: Police Officer James Capoot, Vallejo Police Department, California

Police Officer James Capoot, Vallejo Police Department, California

People are beginning to speak out, whatever the cost

ALERT: Hollywood Producer Speaks Out Against Massive Obama and DNC Corruption

The truth starts to come out......

We Will Not Be Silenced

This blogger tells it like it is, like Germany in he 1930's

At that time a charismatic leader also started ruling by executive fiat

(sorry folks, does saying this mean I can never be in ESPN Football ever?)

Poll:63 Percent Oppose Obama’s Executive Order Fascism – Patriot Update

Are DemocRATs leaving the sinking ship?

Democratic Pollsters: Obama Should Abandon Run for Second Term - Michael Catalini -

Don't Let the GOP Sell Us Out on Taxes |

Don't Let the GOP Sell Us Out on Taxes |

NASCAR pointedly omoits that Moochelle was booed at the track - gotta love those NASCAR fans

First lady makes visit to Homestead track - Nov 20, 2011 - NASCAR.COM

This is a very fishy story, a false flag had been predicted by an Ulsterman source, is this the one?

Yup, White House Shooter Is a Lib… Ortega-Hernandez Rants About “War for Oil” During September Interview (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

You can be sure we will never hear the truth on this one.....

Sex and Murder in The Land of Obama? - The Ulsterman Report

This shows exactly the approach that the progressives are going to take for election season

If they are so clever, why are they so obvious in the strategy that they will take.

Krauthammer Scolds Shields and Totenberg: 'What Planet Are You Guys Living On...I’ve Rarely Encountered Such Thickness' |

Nice to see the leg tingler getting a taste of his own medicine

Larry Elder Blasts Chris Matthews | Video |

Another progressive power grab, hidden behind "keeping people safe (cough, cough)"

Beware of the Senate Bill 510, the Food Seizure and Big Agra Act

This is an embarrassment for the WH

Zuckerman: America has a competency crisis in the White House « Hot Air

While I too trumpet "ABO" (Anyone but Obama).....

I will fight for PNR (Please Not RINOmney) until the last possible moment and vote

Huckabee: Tea party may 'need to get behind' Romney - Ben Smith -

More manipulation of the truth by the WH?

(41) Politico: Republicans challenge W.H. on science By Erica Martinson 10/19/11 4:21 PM EDT

Suddenly those NWO conspiracy theorists (with or without tinfoil) do not seem so whacky

(41) The Spiritual United Nations....WORSHIPPING THE ENVIRONMENT AS GOD.

Culture Watch: Obamacare Threatens Life and Liberty

Culture Watch: Obamacare Threatens Life and Liberty

Why would Big Sis comply with a subpoena anyway?

She is, after all, a progressive and part of the lawless King Barry court (aka Obama administration).
DHS Secretary receives warning for refusing to comply with subpoena - National Immigration Reform |

Unbelievable - this is looking more and more like the Left Behind series every day - SCARY!


Technology is magnificent, if true

1 MW E-Cat Cold Fusion Device Test Successful

If this is true it could be a (positive) revolution

The Future of Free Energy is here now! The end of oil, coal and nuclear pollution! - YouTube

Friday, November 18, 2011

Could this be the tipping point?

Ann Barnhardt Shuts Down Hedge Firm With ‘Going Galt’ Letter |

How come we are still stuck the ObamaCare?

By a Margin of 4 to 1, Independents Think Obamacare’s Individual Mandate Is Unconstitutional | The Weekly Standard

Why are the DemocRATs so frightened?

Matt Kibbe and others react to the eviction of the Tea Party Debt Commission from the Russell Building | FreedomWorks

Rick Perry struggles to keep campaign afloat -

Rick Perry struggles to keep campaign afloat -

Interesting article, read more than the headline and the first part

This is not quite a clear cut as it seems, but definitely a 10th Amendment topic

Wyoming Sheriffs Told Federal BATF & IRS Agents To Abide By The... - StumbleUpon

Read how dangerous this administration is on energy policy

As many have said, it seems as if King Barry is doing all he can to destroy our energy industry and make us MORE dependent on our enemies, not less.

Henninger: Obama Abandons (Private) Labor -

How come? RINOmney was supposed to have NH locked up!

Poll: Romney, Gingrich in statistical dead heat in N.H. « New Hampshire Journal

Read this to see how naive theis administration really is on Middle East affairs

Obama Administration Training Egyptian Islamists for Elections | FrontPage Magazine

Poll: Romney, Gingrich in statistical dead heat in N.H. « New Hampshire Journal

Poll: Romney, Gingrich in statistical dead heat in N.H. « New Hampshire Journal

» Sarah Palin; Fire Eric Holder

» Sarah Palin; Fire Eric Holder

DemocRATS running scared?

» Chuck Shumer, Democrats Bar Tea Party Debt Commission From Meeting Today

Corruption occurs at all levels of government and on both sides of the aisle

Controversial Claims Bill Exposes Greed in Tallahassee | The Shark Tank

Some-one who says the same that I have been saying

What occupation movement is all about

Scam warning, avoid anything related to the National Tea Party Alert site

Real Debate Wisconsin: New Neumann campaign, same tactics.

Looks like the progressives are using sneaky tactics, yet again

Congressional Candidate Uses Phony “Tea Party” Organization to Promote Candidacy | The Shark Tank

BREAKING: Entire Case File On Brian Terry Killing Missing - The Ulsterman Report

BREAKING: Entire Case File On Brian Terry Killing Missing - The Ulsterman Report

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Evidence Suggests Gingrich Was Right – Freddie Mac Refused His Advice - The Ulsterman Report

Evidence Suggests Gingrich Was Right – Freddie Mac Refused His Advice - The Ulsterman Report

But don't expect any judicial action, Holder will make sure of that

BREAKING: Obama's Illegal Alien Uncle Onyango Obama Used Two Social Security Numbers | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

One law for the elite, one law for the commoners....

Video: Obama's Illegal Alien Uncle Quietly Released From Jail; House Chairman Says Obama's Uncle Got Backdoor Amnesty | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Video: Obama's ILLEGAL Alien Uncle Says His Constitutional Rights Were Violated | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Video: Obama's ILLEGAL Alien Uncle Says His Constitutional Rights Were Violated | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Who says the Conservatives do not have a plan?

Tea Party Identifies $9 Trillion in Cuts - Fox News Video - Fox News

I think the word is "oxymoron"

Or maybe just "moron", applied to someone in this article

VP's closed-door transparency chat | POLITICO 44

Still plenty of debates to be enjoyed

2012 Primary Debate Schedule « 2012 Election Central

More on why Kagan must recuse or face impeachment

Elena Kagan: Disqualify yourself or face impeachment

Are we on the cusp of the loss of our country?

The Dawn of Zuccotti New World Order

Out of the box thinking....

Time to Break Apart the United States?

A very clear message

Above the law

Written by a great patriot

In this respect Ron Paul has the right message

Too bad that his other policies are so off the wall

The Wall Street Pentagon Papers: Biggest Scam In World History Exposed: Are The Federal Reserve’s Crimes Too Big To Comprehend? | The Public Record

Can SCJudge be impeached? If so, who will step up to the plate?

Did Justice Kagan Commit Perjury? | Godfather Politics

Quick, quick, get in this trip before I am fired....

Holder's Caribbean Junket on Taxpayers' Dime - Eric Holder - Fox Nation

Our Whiner in Chief just revels in running down this great country, especially on his many trips abroad

Obama Bad-Mouths US to Aussie Teens - President Obama - Fox Nation

Shooters 1 Anti-gun 0 .......:-)

Shooters Heard: Interior Will Not Ban Target Practice - Washington Whispers (


MRC Special Report: Network Morning Shows Are Trashing Republicans, Still Thrilled by Obama |

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 » Blog Archive » Kristallnacht Comes To Brooklyn » Blog Archive » Kristallnacht Comes To Brooklyn

Santa 1 - Progressives 0

Ho Ho hold on there: Cancer center reverses Santa decision | The Post and Courier, Charleston SC - News, Sports, Entertainment

If one state goes, will there be a domino effect

Interesting to see what Soros and his crowd do in that case

New Hampshire wakes up to Obama's alleged Social Security fraud

Just add this to the list of things that the LSM ignore

Most Brilliant President ever Obama thinks his birth state Hawaii is in Asia : Fire Andrea Mitchell! » Schweizer: Jim Moran (D-VA) Made 90 Trades One Day After Private Congressional Economics Meeting » Schweizer: Jim Moran (D-VA) Made 90 Trades One Day After Private Congressional Economics Meeting

Hey Stupak, you got punked

Obama’s Promise of No Abortion Funding in ObamaCare Just a “Magic” Trick | American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ

Someone with brass

Update: NH Representative Begins Letter-Writing Initiative to Congress About Charging Obama With Treason| The Post & Email

This Congressman Wants To Destroy The Internet As We Know It

This Congressman Wants To Destroy The Internet As We Know It

More "legislation" through regulation

Obama Pushing Shooters Off Public Lands - Washington Whispers (

Does he ever give up?

Obama admin attempting another Congressional end-around on ObamaCare defect « Hot Air

Merry Christmas everyone!

Muslims Demand All Citizens Stop Celebrating Christmas Or There Will Be Hell To Pay!

So now the truth bubbles to the surface, as it always will

Herman Cain’s Accuser Filed Same Complaint At Her Next Job

Obama Nominee for Social Security Board Favors Rationing Health Care | The Weekly Standard

Obama Nominee for Social Security Board Favors Rationing Health Care | The Weekly Standard

More than half of people arrested for Islamic terrorist activities were American citizens

More than half of people arrested for Islamic terrorist activities were American citizens

Hamas-linked CAIR goes in for the kill, demands multi-state records on law enforcement training that tells the truth about Islam - Atlas Shrugs

Hamas-linked CAIR goes in for the kill, demands multi-state records on law enforcement training that tells the truth about Islam - Atlas Shrugs

Email shows internal Justice Department dispute on Gunwalker/Terry connection - National gun rights |

Email shows internal Justice Department dispute on Gunwalker/Terry connection - National gun rights |

More Congressional (and DemocRAT) corruption....

» Sen. Feinstein Loaded up on Biotech Stock Just Before Company Received $24 Million Gov’t Grant - Big Government

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

5 Things You Can Learn About The Occupy Movement From Occupy Denver - Page 1 - John Hawkins - Townhall Conservative

5 Things You Can Learn About The Occupy Movement From Occupy Denver - Page 1 - John Hawkins - Townhall Conservative

Two brave souls ready to stand up for America

BREAKING! Tennessee Governor refuses to condemn ‘anti-Muslim’ remarks by GOP Rep. Rick Womick « Bare Naked Islam

More examples of LSM bias

The Secrets of Soros, Obama, Occupiers and the MSM (Part 1) - Page 1 - Chuck Norris - Townhall Conservative

And still the usurper has 40% of the votes in the polls, WAKE UP SHEEPLE!

Krauthammer: Obama Has "Ill-Concealed Contempt" For America | RealClearPolitics

The brainwashing has started

FLORIDA Department of Education is promoting Islamic propaganda in public school classrooms « Bare Naked Islam

More ACLU hypocrisy

CALIFORNIA public school preaching Islam in the classroom. ACLU nowhere to be found. « Bare Naked Islam