Sunday, December 26, 2010

Patriot Come Lately talk show - episode 46

Conservative news, views, analysis and guests, with the viewpoint of someone who has not been an American for too long. This week I continue with "The Road To Serfdom". An analysis of the chillingly prophetic book by Friedrich Hayek. Learn how, if we do not change from the current administration's path of Socialism, our children and grand-children are heading for a very dark future.

Live broadcast at 8pm PT/9 pm MT/10pm CT/11pm ET on Tuesday 12/28 at http://radio.PatriotComeLately.US

Available 24x7 in the archives (Shows On Demand) at http://radio.PatriotComeLately.US

Also rebroadcast on the Red State Talk Radio network, see for a schedule

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Now using Anypost on my Android smartphone to post to Facebook, Twitter and blogs

Season's Greetings

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year