Sunday, December 26, 2010

Patriot Come Lately talk show - episode 46

Conservative news, views, analysis and guests, with the viewpoint of someone who has not been an American for too long. This week I continue with "The Road To Serfdom". An analysis of the chillingly prophetic book by Friedrich Hayek. Learn how, if we do not change from the current administration's path of Socialism, our children and grand-children are heading for a very dark future.

Live broadcast at 8pm PT/9 pm MT/10pm CT/11pm ET on Tuesday 12/28 at http://radio.PatriotComeLately.US

Available 24x7 in the archives (Shows On Demand) at http://radio.PatriotComeLately.US

Also rebroadcast on the Red State Talk Radio network, see for a schedule

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Now using Anypost on my Android smartphone to post to Facebook, Twitter and blogs

Season's Greetings

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

In presser COic admits he is out of touch, must get out more. Yeah, like spending $200MILLION per DAY! In India. = how many new jobs?
Dear COiC, u say did not focus on spending/economy cuz middle of campaign. U R President 1st, campaigner 2nd, which U forget.
COiC on TV right now, what a pile of BS he is spouting. 1/20/2013, are we there yet?
Just in - DOJ to sue AZ for IDing and turning back fleeing CA residents on AZ western border @talkmaster tcot ;-)
One good place to add a "D", on yr 'Fire Pelosi' button @talkmaster tcot
Sink concedes in FL @glennbeck @josephkerry @talkmaster tcot
NoDember 2nd reaaly did become "Restoration Day"

Monday, November 1, 2010

AK Host yanked for legal suggestion to offset questionable decision by judge on Murkowski write assistance. Yet CBS reporters go scot-free
LSM serves scared Dems in DE, "forgets" to run paid for O'Donnell ad, TWICE! (via Rush)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Note to al-Qaida - Sending packages from Yemen to Jewish recipients, not the cleverest idea.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Behar out of control, time to stop watching the Spew.
Dems claim GOP is party of big money, yet they raised $856M compared to $677M for GOP. How much is foreign? More hypocrisy
No proof of citizenship required for voter registration, let's just throw our country away, thanks judge

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

On Rush, vote tampering started in NV & NC. In NV voter selection changed to Reid on screen

Monday, October 25, 2010

In early voting FL CD-8, GOP is 15% ahead of Dems. In 2008 Dems were 8% ahead. Does this portend a 23% swing for GOP?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Gwen Ifill does a (Dis-)Grayson, omits "don't" when quoting Palin @pbsgwen @sarahpalinusa @glennbeck tcot
@glennbeck - Dems spent $134M vs GOP $81M on house races. Pelosi continues to link GOP to special interests - she is a hypobitch tcot

Friday, October 15, 2010

Dems desparately seeking issue against GOP, someone tell them campaign finance ain't it

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Just back from another 20 house precinct walk, just in time to see miner 33
rescued. Very uplifting

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

0bama 2008 contributions from foreigners never returned as claimed. So who is using illegal campaign funds?

Friday, October 8, 2010

Pelosi: Every $ spent on food stamps = $1.79 in economy. Me: Every $ NOT spent on food stamps = $ 2.78 in economy because of reduced taxes
If true this is horrifying
WSJ claims Meek to drop out of FL senate race in favor of turncoat Crist. Dems to offer Meek a job, is this legal?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Kendrick Meek on F&F - I will be elected - what is he smoking?

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Comparing 8/28 & 10/2, I know we will win this NoDember, if only because of +ve # of people & -ve amount of trash. Good will prevail

Friday, October 1, 2010

PCL will be on the show around 8:20 pm

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Interesting, just called by a pollster for CD-8. So should get news soon how much Webster is ahead. They are asking about TP allegience too

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Thank you Glenn for exposing the lies and despicable character of Alan Dis-Grayson on national TV

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Eric Bolling (FBN) Is "Beans & Franks" the Dem equivalent of the Tea Party

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Grayson whines about billionaire Koch supporting right wing candidates; what about Soros supporting the left?

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Don't forget, Special 8/28 episode of Patriot Come Lately talk show starts in less than 30 minutes
Palin magic worked, Murkowski concedes primary to Tea Party candidate Miller.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Bob Beckel on Hannity just admitted entitlement programs breed generations of dependent people. He goes up in my estimation.
Note to COiC: No need to wear Birth Certificate on forehead. Just show us the real one once and we will be happy

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Big dissapointment in FNC reporting, RH rally more than about troops amd much bigger than Sharpton's

Saturday, August 28, 2010

On our way back from event, awesome day
Bad luck if you are boarding further down the lne.
Leaving from the first station on e. Boarding further down the linethe Orange line looks as if the train will be full. Bad luck if you a
Off to catch the first metro into town. Unbelievably long line at the station

Friday, August 27, 2010

Noteable quote from Glenn - We are 12 hours away from fundamentally transforming America
Divine Destiny just finished, 1 hr late. Awesome evening
Short intermission, evening has been very informative and inspiring up to now
We are now inside the Kennedy Center, ecited about the upcoming event
Heading off to Divine Destiny
Glenn Beck & Team prpare
Glenn Beck & Team prpare
Another slap in the face for justice, WH stops prosecution of USS Cole bomber
Driving around DC, with Honk 4 Honor on car, only a couple of takers, both out of towners. Guess locals here are jaded.
At the Cherry Hill Campground it looks as if 99% of campers are 8/28 Patriots

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Rv parked and installed at campground, had a snack, a drink and watched some FNC. Good night all.
Finally on the Beltway, soon at campground, time for drink

Sent from my iPad
Met 4 new patriot friends while gassing up. Awesome. How we are all coming together
Final fuel stop before we enter the den of iniquity
Barreling along I-95 watching (wife) and listening (me driving) to GB on iPad via Slingbox, isn't technology great.
Just crossed VA state line, not much further to go

Sent from my iPad
Just crossed into NC, well over 1/2 way now. We're getting cloooooser!
Love IHeartRadio, lets us listen to GB when not available via local radio stations
Great to see all the Patriots on their way to DC, as they honk pass us. I-95 is noisy again today
Listening to Glenn Beck helps pass the time
On the road again..I-95 for hours until we reach the DC Beltway
Just crossed into SC, still a while to go

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Even if Miller loses in AK, it shows that Palin still can work magic, but more so if he wins!
On the way to DC finally. Now 2 hours north of Orlando on I-95.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

On the way to Eustis, FL for Patricia Sullivan's Party
Turnout low at the Celebration polling station, not more than about 20 in the first hour.
Only a couple of candidate campaign staff at the polling station, and candidate Dan himself
Outside our local polling station this am, more future voters (shool kids waiting for bus) than actual voters

Monday, August 23, 2010

FL residents, if you did not vote early, you must vote tomorrow. Don't

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

nother case of activist judges changing laws - California judge rules
federal law against lying about Medal of Honor is unconstitutional, even
though SCOTUS rules lying is not protected by 1st Amendment
Another case of activist judges changing laws - California judge rules
federal law against lying about Medal of Honor is unconstitutional, even
though SCOTUS rules lying is not protected by 1st Amendment

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Imam refuses offer for alternative (free) land for Cordoba mosque. So true reasons for location are surfacing. STOP THE MOSQUE.
Force Halloran (D-NH?) to resign for Palin death wish on FB
What irony, Bozo the spokesman attacked by Bozo the congressman.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

On last Sunday's news shows the WH had 3 different stories for spin on MO's vacation. Get your story straight before you start lying!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Strange, it seems that none of the 3 networks (LSM) mentioned Missouri's vote against 0bamacare.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Taking a break from politics, off to a Braves game in Atlanta

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

COiC asks for bi-partisanship to pass law for small businesses. What else is in the bill, Presidency for life?
More unbelievable news - Financial Reform Bill excludes SEC from FOIA requests? What happened to transparency? Another act to repeal!
OT Became a grand-dad just over an hour ago (so technically yesterday) - Hank Jan Bartelski welcome to the world

Monday, July 26, 2010

This is a post from my new Ping account, to see if it works

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The usurper Franken is spouting on about the progressives next attack issue: Net Neutrality

Thursday, July 15, 2010

0bamacare in action - WH!!! Issues rule that insurance companies must give certain tests for free. UNCONSTITUTIONAL ~ IMPEACH

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How vile of the wife of the COiC to join in spreading lies about the TP being racist, while the REAL RACISTS are the scum New Black Panthers
NAACP accuses TP of racism, are they trying to divert attention from the extreme racism exhibited by the New Black Panthers?

Sunday, July 11, 2010

private Galf time 0-0, come on Holland, put a couple in the net.
Total hypocrisy, Holder, after killing Black Panther case, is threatening to sue AZ for racial profiling! Unbelievable

Friday, July 9, 2010

Gibbs yet again dodges a valid question, this time about Berwick (Medicare chief) and redistribution. Why the h*** won't he just answer!!
The COiC is spouting on about being "business friendly". Doesn't it realize people see the words don't match the actions.
I see there was a TP rally in Oakland last night. Must be TP siince there was so much violence and left is NEVER violent.
Judge reaffirms states rights against Feds. Even if you disagree with gay marriage this is good news. Let the states decide

Thursday, July 8, 2010

0bama offers us the choice between moving "forward" to Socialism or "backward" to the constitution

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Disgusting, DOJ can't bother to prosecute hate spewing racist poll intimidation but goes after AZ for applying Fed law in state
Hannity just confirms what I said on show a couple of weeks ago, WH pressured court to allow BP deep water drilling

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

@talkmaster WH trying to nationalize BP by escrow?
Was this the WH strategy all along, drive BP into the ground so govt can take over assets, nationalization by escrow?
0bama's instructions to NASA chif, pandering to Muslims is more important than leading AMERICA's space efforts

Monday, July 5, 2010

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Honk & Wave California style. More enthusiastic patriots, what a great day, what a great country
Joining Mission Viejo Tea Party rally at entrance to their big firework show
Organizers of the rally found a slot for me so your host is now a national speaker ;-)
At the La Mirada Tea Party
Happy birthday, America?and happy biirthday to all Americans

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Message from Barbara Seidenberg regarding the faux Florida Tea Party

The below youtube contains video of billboards that you are going to start seeing around the area.

You know that I am involved with tea party. "Tea Party" is a loosely organized movement of millions across the nation. The people in this movement are ordinary citizens. Whatever we do and wherever we go is funded by the people in the movement, which means it comes from our own pockets. There is no political, Democrat, or Republican organization that gives us money EVER to do what we do. If we travel, we pay for it. If we make signs we pay for it. If we rent a venue for a rally or other kind of event, we pay for it. If the purchase of insurance is required when we have an event, we pay for it. From our own hard earned money.

There are people in our area who have been involved in Florida politics for years. They were kicked out of the Republican Party last year for unscrupulous activities. They are well connected to sources of money, and have money themselves. These people have established and registered an offiicial political party. This is known as a "third party", because it is neither Democrat or Republican and it is newly in existence.

A "third party" may be a good answer to the resentment folks have toward the establishment parties, Democrat or Republican. But it is not a good answer at this time because the sad set we have in government today does not leave any room for the risk of experiment as to whether or not a third party can win. Right now, we believe that righteous CONSERVATIVE candidates can only be found on the Republican ticket. Understanding that the Republican Party has lost its way over the last 70 years, there are still a handful of Republicans sitting in office right now who are Conservative, and there are newcomers running for office who are Conservative, and share our values and goal of limited government, lower taxes, free market economy, individual responsibility, adherence to the US Constitution, and robust national security.

The founders of this third party are Doug Guetzloe and his attorney Fred O'Neal. Doug Guetzloe is well known in the area and he is not respected or liked. Dont take my word for it. Search Guetzloe on the internet. This third party is running candidates for various local, state, AND national spots in government. They have named their party, "Florida TEA Party".

They have hijacked the good name and reputation of the tea party movement to elevate their own intent and popularity.

I am here to tell you that this third party IS NOT in connected to the tea party movement in any way and we do not support it; mainly because all it will do is FOOL the uninformed, at the ballot, into thinking that they are part of tea party movement. Those that are uninformed will vote for the third party candidates thinking they are part of the movement, those that ARE informed will vote for the Republican Conservative candidates -- the danger here is that this will split the CONSERVATIVE vote and hand the election over to socialist Democrat candidates -- the most glaring repulsive win would go to incumbent District 8 US Congressman Democrat Alan Grayson.

Aside from talking down this third party for the reasons I mentioned above, we had no relevant grounds to discredit them publicly and officially, until it was discoverd that Alan Grayson is donating money to this third party thru a dummy corporation connected to Doug Guetzloe. This is Graysons' contribution to helping along a split of the Conservative vote, thus ushering in his win in November.

Here is the original article from local journalist Tony Pipitone, which exposes this financial connection.

We, your local tea party movement, had a press conference on June 24th in which we called for the candidates of the Florida TEA Party to renounce the party in light of the dirty dealings described in the above article. The third party found out about our press conference and they infiltrated it. Below is the full video of our press conference. The speaker is Jason Hoyt, my friend and fellow tea party activist. The guy to his left holding the FEDEX envelope and heckling and interrupting our press conference is Doug Guetzloe.

Please view our press conference below which reiterates what I wrote above, and more.

Below is one video of the harassment, insults, and lies that we endured from these low lives prior to the press conference.
Notice the punk from Florida TEA Party attempting to block the reporter Tony Pipitone.

Here is a blog that contains more about what I wrote above, and the middle video in this page shows more of the harrassment, insults, and lies that we endured from these low lives prior to the press conference.

Thank you for taking the time, (and it will take a bit of your time) to review the contents of this message. I just spent over one hour putting it together. This is one of the ways we get the word out, since we havent got the kind of funding it takes to run ads and post billboards. Please let your friends know that 'Florida TEA Party" is not endorsed, part of, supported, or approved by the tea party movement

Unite or Die-
As some communities start their festivities today, happy 4th to all my friends. Remember 11/2, the 2nd day of independence is coming.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Glenn on fire 2nite; America you must choose, Constitution or Communist Manifesto. I know what I want!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

More Dem hypocrisy, DNC puts out ad claiming GOP is party of Biig Oil, yet Dem lawmakers are biggest recipients of oil money!
More Dem hypocrisy, DNC puts out ad claiming GOP is party of Biig Oil, yet Dem lawmakers are biggest recipients of oil money!
Dem hypocrisy part 3, don't forget 0bama making BP pay workers from oil rigs shut down by government.
Dem hypocrisy part 3, don't forget 0bama making BP pay workers from oil rigs shut down by government.
Dem's hypocrisy, Rahm Deadfish chides BP's Heyward for a day off on yacht, as COiC has his 7th golf round since spill

Saturday, June 19, 2010

If public is annoyed about BP's Heyward 1 boat race, how about at least 6 rounds of golf by, yes, the COiC!

Friday, June 18, 2010

How do you know when the COiC is lying? His lips are moving, Just ask Jan Brewer

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Actually the link for Patricia Sullivan's moneybomb is
Money bomb - Pls support a true Patriot by chaining Congress down, $20.10 @

Monday, June 14, 2010

So many US soldiers are imprisoned for battlefield "infractions", yet Taliban warriors are released on pledge not to fight.

Friday, June 11, 2010

What is the Mamma Grizzly up to? Interesting take on Sarah Palin's possible plans @
Now it appears the WH refused offers of help with oil spill from other (experienced) countries - because of union rules? Sick!
Andy Stern, ex-SEIU, is now on Nat. Commission of Fiscal Irresponsibility. Says "stop worshipping free market" - commie!!
Yet again the left shows its hypocrisy. Tea Partier gets punched by activist, but LSM and Pelosi are silent about the VIOLENCE of the LEFT

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Lack of contact with BP CEO show COiC's lack of exeutive experience. Send him to Wasilla to learn

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Note to COiC - WE are going to kick a$$, in November.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Friday, June 4, 2010

Sestak & Romanoff did not bite, who did? How many other offers? Corruption, corruption, corruption.
Restroom gender paritbate shws Congress practices 'Ostrich' politics. Ignore the real issues, they might go away!
Congress has important stuff to debate - public restroom gender parity. Lucky economy is strong and unemployement is low
I am currently tracking a flight using a cool Flight Tracker
and thought you would like to see it as well.

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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Things are getting worse for the COiC, now Jon Stewart raked him over the coals about the spill

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Holder 2 B forceful about oil spill, how about crackdown on illegal aliens, black Panthers and WH job offerrer!

Friday, May 28, 2010

If the COic really was a leader, he would have taken his vacation on the
Gulf Coast to set an example to everyone. Instead he skips Arlington and
goes to Chicago. Rush is right, he is no leader he is just a rabble rouser
The WH came up with a spin. Job for Sestak was unpaid, i.e. No value, i.e. No felony. Secr of Navy is unpaid? Lying again!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Is the Mex Pres, who can't keep his own cops under control going to lecture us again on our "racist" cops? DISGUSTING!
The COiC reacts to a law that mirrors federal law, as well as a DOJ memo, while jobless claims rise again. Is it 2012 yet?
So now the Mexican President sticks his nose in our internal affairs. Enough is enough, we don't need his sort here thank you

Friday, May 14, 2010

Just on GB - Head of Fannie Mae patented method to trade home owner carbon credits. This could funnel 10T$ to Crime, Inc.
Holder has not read the AZ bill but makes comments based on newspaper & TV reports; time the AG was fired!
Holder refuses to acknowledge radical Islam, time the AG was fired.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

NWO Alert - UN sees fit to comment on AZ law regarding ethnic studies classes in schools. What business is it of theirs?

Friday, May 7, 2010

Remember after Katrina? Does lack of action about Nashville mean Obama hates country music singing whites?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bloomberg catches Obamaitis, tries to blame anti-HC for TS bomb without evidence. Now defending Muslims. Impeachment time, Mr. Mayor

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Brkg news - FBI was NOT on top of Times Sq suspect. In fact Emirates flight was called back from runway for the arrest.

Monday, May 3, 2010

But I did hear a rumor that the Time Sq PoI did attend a Tea Party in Karachi before he returned.
2nd amendment alert
The WH is anxious to take over power in all facets of life; except when something is going wrong, then it is BP's problem.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

After months of warning about rightwing terrorism, did the WH get (or make?) its incident?
UK 2day, US 2morrow? Christian street preacher arrested on hate speech charge for saying homosexuality is a sin

Friday, April 30, 2010

It is time we put to bed this nonsense that ANY commerce is interstate commerce.
Where in the Constitution does it say that federal approval is required for a windfarm off Nantucket? Read the 10 Amendment folks!
Of course, big question was Dis-Grayson's First Class seat paid by us taxpayers, or was he upgraded as frequent flyer, like me?
What a nitemare, woke up on my late flight into Orlando to find Mr. SuperSmarm, Alan DisGrayson in the row in front of me.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Like a magician the WH disyracted us with CapJTax and financial reform, then conjured PR "democracy" out of the hat.
Crist, if it is "what is right for the people of Florida", why did you not just step aside. It is actually all about you.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

More LSM 2x std, leftwing podcaster inciting violence against Wall St, did LSM report that? Course not, not a Tea Partier!
2x standard of LSM, did you know about VIOLENT anarchist protests in DC at weekend; course not, not Tea Partiers!

Monday, April 26, 2010

The left accuses TPs of violence, but what happens when illegal immigrants protest - VIOLENCE!
New 0bama video, does not want white, Native American or Asian males to vote for him. I will be glad to oblige.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Looks like getting the govt hooks into fin services companies is pretty much a done deal. Watch the flight abroad.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

DC has been strangely. Were they really cowed by the continuing strength of the Tea Parties, or just hatching more nefarious plans?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

NY-23 in danger of being hijacked by RINO buying committee votes. Check Hoffman site 4 details, help if you can

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Now infiltrators have been publicized can the LSM get away with painting any bigots as representing Tea Parties?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ecuador's Chavez clone gets Exceptional Achievement award from U of Illinios. Something in the water makes them progressive.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

COiC lied about not having to change HC insurance, yet unions strike when empoployers try to change HC benefits. Why don't we go on strike?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Good news, as of today there is no more Islamic extremism, at least according to the WH

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Occidental College confirms that Barry Soetoro attended as FOREIGN Fulbright student on Indonesian passport!
Dingy Harry on Greta, "polls are OK", what is he smoking?
Keep the 18 families in WV in your thoughts and prayers today.

Monday, April 5, 2010

The COiC now has put strict limits on use of nukes. Reminds me of Chamberlin's "Peace in our time". Google it and learn
Just when he could not go lower, he finds a way. Now Dis-Grayson plays the race card regarding Dr. Cassell
Is the job loss slowdown truly due to the stimulus, or just the normal recovery inspite of govt policies

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Alan Dis-Grayson sinks to yet another new low, files federal complaint against Dr. Cassell (of "Obama voters don't call" fame)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Race baiting at Capitol definitely a setup. How could Huffpo know within 4 minutes?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

4 MI pro-lifers file federal law suit bcos HC makes them complicit in Grave Moral Disorder of Abortion
Rasmussen poll, 56% of voters believe Moabama is governing like a partisan Democrat. 70% angry at govt policies (CNS News)
Word on the street: Offshore drilling is just window dressing, more excluded than opened.
Word on the street: Offshore drilling is just window dressing, more excluded than opened.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Turns out the Govt takeover of Student Loans will add $52B to the deficit by 2020. So why did we do this? Punish the evil banks!
Anti-Beck Dry Run - Holy Quran placed at top of bag because "infidel" may not touch holy book, so bag will not be searched.
Glenn Beck fans, hear about the strange happening at the Orlando American Revival? Bud Hedinger Blog - Anti-Beck Dry Run - Scary
First he was against offshore drilling, then he was for it. Huh?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Gov Rendell (D) on FNC, ignore constitutionality bcuz of short term benefits! Is like allowing theft bcuz child is sick. He is nuts.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

FNC Crist v Rubio: Crist looked on the ropes with his personal attacks on Rubio. In spite of any negatives, Rubio was hands down winner.
FNC Crist v Rubio debate. Crist lost it when his opening statement was "I want to serve to make things better for people." Progressive talk!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Glenn Beck is in town, looking forward to the convention on Saturday
Baghdad Bob Gibbs still mum on whether WH offered Sestak a job, to stop him from running against Specter. Time for a special prosecutor!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

WOW! CBS! Poll: 85% disapprove current HC. 81% say start over. 83% say will go bad for Dems in 2010 elections

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dems look to give votes to convicted felons. Why not, voting Dem today should be classed a felony crime against the Constitution.
The term that Joe Biden whispered to the COiC yesterday is technically correct because they have raped the Constitution.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Retweet from the Talkmaster - is the tax on tanning saloons a tax on white people?
ACORN disbanding? Don't believe it, the progressives will bring back their army under a different name
A great rallying cry for today, GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH!
Do you really think it is a coincidence that Maobama signs HC on the anniversary Of Patrick Henry's "Give me liberty or give me death" speech?

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Another good Churchill quote: Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
The great unfinished business of our society is to get rid of Princess Pelosi and her brood of spawn Alinsky-ists
Remember Winston Churchill said: Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.
After hiding in the back rooms pelosi relly wants to rub it in our faces. Well wait until November. An Elephant never forgets
Unfortunately it looks like they have the votes. Why else would Princess Pelosi arrogantly walk thru the protests instead of taking the tunnel.
The Code Red adventure in DC is over for me. I have just arrived back in FL. Our thoughts and prayers should be with the patriots who cont
Keep the patriots still in DC in your thoughts and prayers. The crucial vote is this afternoon.
Home again, just time to pack and then head up to Chicago

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sorry that my tweets/FB postings dried up, ran out of battery on my phone. Left the capital and at dinner now.
Having the crowd right outside the committee room windows certainly helped
Steve King just tells us the rules committee is recessed, because they don't have to votes to take action. We ARE being heard!
Repub reps adressing the crowd confirm we CAN be heard inside, loud and clear!
Bunch of O'Kool-Ade drinkers trying to stir up trouble at the side of the crowd. Capitol police watching closely
GA Rep confirms Deem and Pass is dead. What a noise from the crowd. This is fun!
Rep Steve King now talking to the crowd. What a great American
Talk about discipline, someone asked the crowd fo a few moments of silent prayer and 20,000 voices fell silent. Amazing and inspiriational.
On the East side of the Capitol, Michele Bachman is waving to us from windows with "Vote No" and "Scrap The Bill". The crowd loves it.
And then bumped into Rep Mike Pence, just the same
Just met with Rep Steve King, what a friendly warm person. Such a difference from the cold aloof liberals
And the crowd goes wild - breaking news - just announced that Pelosi does NOT have the votes
Jon Voigt just finished an uplifting speech. Almost time to storm the congressional offices.
Unbelievable, almost as many people as for the Bachman House Call last year (MSNBC will probably count 200)
Arrived DC, now on the Metro to the Capitol
Floridians, I see that Suzanne Kosmas decided that she does not want to return to DC next year. Let us make sure she does not.
In Atlanta, about to leave for DC. Hopefully we can make a difference at the Capitol.
In the taxi on my way to DC (well airport actually). Hopefully our voices will help chane some yesses back to nos

Friday, March 19, 2010

Don't the blue dogs realize that once the Senate bill is law, the
reconcilation bill will be forgotten?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Home, home again (Hem, great music, google them)....almost
Trip to Asia cancelled, the COiC is betting the ranch on this. So you know it will pass, by hook or by crook

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pls tell me, is the Slaughter rule a true up and down vote, or did the COiC just lie AGAIN!!!!!! EOM
Good idea from Bishop R Taylor. Put a candle in your window tonight to show opposition to the HC bill. Please share this

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Patriot Come Lately Show starts in 20 minutes EOM
We HAVE to stop the abomination, so call, visit, email, fax, honk, do whatever you can to express your displeasure
God speed to those who are in, or on their way to DC today, bringing our voices to the Capitol. Safe return to all of you and our thanks
Yesterday, COiC used a cancer sob story to justify HC reform, but could not explain how ObamaCare would help her (bcause it won't).

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Lame Stream Media is really trying to portray the COiC as the Messiah.....
Time to drive the stake thru the heart of this monstrous HC bill. Remember, the bill is not about improving HC but about increasing govt power

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The COiC is so proud of extending jobless benefits. Would it not have been better to create more jobs?

Friday, March 12, 2010

WH possibly in trouble over job offer to Sestak, maybe add judgeship offer to that too. Bribery and corruption, really surprised?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

O'Keefe now has video implicating HUD employees in tax credit scam.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

47 this am in Chicago, top to mid 50s today. Spring has arrived, wonder if this will burn off the corruption here.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Another dumb move by WH, charge overseas visitors $10 per visit to fund dept to promote travel to US. EU is angry, will charge similar fee to us
Now the WH is buying HC votes with judgeships, Chicago style corruption in DC. Do they have no shame?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

So Dis-Grayson was quite tame on CNN, no calling Bachman names. He still parroted Dem talking points, still dumb in that respect
Sad, sad. Left my Bose h'phones on plane on Sunday. In spite of business card and stuffbak label nobody called. Honesty in public gone :-(

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Missed the HC summit, but heard about the "I'm the president" routines. That kind of thing DEgenerates respect for the office. Roll on 2012

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Do they think we are stupid?

Four years ago the Democrats took back control of the House of Representatives and the new Speaker of the House promised to "drain the swamp". Now four years later, we can look back and say, not only did the Democrats not drain the swamp, they added tons of their own slime. When nine of the top ten most corrupt politicians are Democrats, and of those nine half are from the Congress, it is obvious that Nancy Pelosi is either an utter failure, a pathological liar or both. When you see that she is one of those top ten, then I think you will agree that she is both a liar and a failure. The absurdity of any control on questionable practices is shown by the fact that one of the most egregious sinners, Rep. Charlie Rangel, openly paid money to the campaign coffers of the representatives who were investigating him on ethics complaints. Not only is he bribing people, he does so without shame, without hiding it.

Of course in 2009 DC was introduced to the Chicago style of politics, and things changed for the worse significantly. We have seen an almost 1 trillion dollar stimulus bill used to pay off cronies and Obama supporters. In the health care bill, closed door deals have resulted in so many exemptions for different groups that it is difficult to keep up with who gets what. Examples range from specific health insurers being granted tax exemptions, to the infamous Louisiana Purchase and the Cornhusker Kickback.
The icing on the cake is the most recent announcement of the $60 billion, yes that is right billion, dollar tax exemption for the union Cadillac health plans. This, together with all the other exemptions and special deals
will result in creating two classes of people in this great country, the have exemptions and the have nots. For the have nots, I wonder how the American public will react when they realize that they will be paying
roughly one thousand dollars per family more towards the mandated health care than union members.
We cannot change all this corruption and mis-use of power over-night, but we have to start and we have to start soon. The special elections which have been taking place show that there is a ground swell of support for fiscally responsible and honest candidates. November 2010 will give US the opportunity to "drain the swamp" and we should take the handle with both hands and start "pumping". Once we have elected more honorable legislators, we need to make sure that we hold them accountable for their campaign promises and call them out on any whiff of impropriety.

We have to remind Washington, that while they make closed door deals for their own benefit, our chance will come in November of this year when we will make our own closed door, actually closed curtain, deals at the ballot box.
Due to the host fighting a heavy bout of flu, this week's episode of the
Patriot Come Lately talk show has been cancelled.
Administration takes new tack, public is too stupid to understand. Echoed by lame stream media.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

So what surprises can we expect before, during or after the HC summit? Real bi-partisanship? I hope so but won't hold my breath.

Monday, February 15, 2010

After all the Left's fuss about warantless wiretapping, 0bama thinks warantless cellphone tracking is OK? Forked tongue again!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Brenner continues to equate terrorism with criminality, it really is time to get rid of him
Back in the Windy City for another cold week. Maybe all the political corruption here will give me ideas for the show

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Brenner has to go, is an idiot; and the COiC's spokesperson, after writing on his hand, must go too, for bringing the WH back to 6th grade!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

After the inauguration we heard that Gibbs would be the best press secretary ever. The hand writing shows he is a puerile, vindictive idiot.
After the inauguration we heard that Gibbs would be the best press secretary ever. The handwriting show he is a puerile, vindictive, usele
Billboard on I-35: Miss me yet?
Us: Hell yeah!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Getting ready for the show, tonight is principle#4. Join me at
At 11ET, 10CT, 9MT, 8 PT

Friday, February 5, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Thanks to everyone who listenened live to the show last night. Others can catch the archives @

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Just on FNC: Now 0bama bowed to the mayor of Tampa. He really does not know that he is President, or how to act like one.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The KSM trial is becoming a farce and just goes to show how little executive experience and skills our COiC has.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Glenn Beck from Bold Fresh re SOTU: "Chris Matthews listened to 0bama for 1 hr & forgot he is black. I listened and forgot he is American."

Saturday, January 30, 2010

In the Bold Fresh telecast. 1st half just finished. Great show! Need more like this to wake up America

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Just finished this weeks Patriot Come Lately show. If you missed it please listen to the recorded version.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

G.Washington: "99% of failures come from people who make excuses". Who keeps saying it is all GW Bush's fault?
Daily Kos founder labels anti-amnesty activists as "racist". No, any ILLEGAL has broken the law, so can't be rewarded with citizenship

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The COiC decides to be the 1st president to miss the Army Navy game. What lack of respect for our armed forces.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Jobless Americans eat meatloaf or mac 'n cheese, while Michelle drops over $400 on lobster and caviar snack at Waldorf Astoria.
Southers withdraws, Brown takes MA, and Pelosi does not have the votes; not a good week for the COiC :-D

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The rats are leaving the sinking ship. 3 Dem senators stand with GOP against 0bama's EPA CO2 power grab.
Princess Pelosi admits she does not have votes to push thru HC. Thank you Scott, you are the beginning of the end.
Air America collapses, is Soros running out of cash? Watch out, he might bring down the dollar, like he messed with UK and Malaysian currencies
Air America in Ch 7. Bummer, have to change the sign off jingle on my talk show -

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Interesting how a 201,000 mile pickup truck became a bill killing machne
Gov Rendell (D) on FNC, evading questions and more of the same old "Republicans don't have answers"; the Dems did not learn from last night.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The miracle happened, the "Scott that is heard around the world". Now how long until he is seated
Remember people of Mass, our pryers and hopes are on your shoulders. Please do not shrug.
Only a few more hours and we could be talking about "The Scott heard around the world"
What an arrogant remark Obama made about Scott Brown's truck. Well Scott is going to drive it right thru his health care bill. GO SCOTT!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I heard the the Anointed One was heckeled in Mass (gasp). What is the world coming to? Its senses perhaps! Wish I had been there.

Friday, January 15, 2010

The unions invested $60M in Obama's campaign. Now they get exemptions worth
$60B, That's a great ROI!
Did the administration respond quickly to the Haiti disaster because the
State Dept was in the driver's seat? Would Hillary have been a better
president? Probably yes to both!
Another unconstitutional move? Unions get exemption on cadillac plans, while
the middle class have to pay

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Turns out the secret meeting with the unions gave them an exception to the
cadillac plan tax. The new bill will create two levels of people, the haves
(exception) and have nots (pay thru the nose for other's benefits)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

COiC's offer to go thru HC bill line by line with any legislator is yet another lie, ask Rep Roe
Fed makes more windfall profits than Exxon-Mobil, where is the outrage and calls for windfall taxes?
COiC met in secret for 2 hrs with Unions about healthcare, but a couple of months ago could only spend 45 mins with McCrystal.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Great move by Sarah Palin, joing FNC
The current administartion, being so in love with Chavez, will they devalue
our dollar by 50% in sympathy?

Friday, January 8, 2010

Friends, pls drive your SUVs and what ever else we are not supposed to do,
we need to accelerate global warming cuz its too cold for me

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Leiter skis, America skids(into terrorist attacks)
Sen. Dodd moves from sweetheart mortgage deals to sweetheart job deal. The Chicago Mob looks after its own
8 videos promising C-SPAN, and Bhagdad Gibbs, Princess Pelosi and the others
act as if butter would not melt in their mouths. SCUM

Monday, January 4, 2010

Bernanke joins Rambo "never let a good crisis go to waste" Deadfish in calling for more government regulations "to prevent further problems"